Extension Descriptions

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Generated 25 October 2000 from Filex::Extensio database with 4548 items.

Filex::Extensio :  ! 
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.!!!- Usually README file

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.###- Compressed volume file (DoubleSpace)
- Temporary file (QTIC)
.#24- Printer data file for 24 pin matrix printer (LocoScript)
.#gf- Font file (MetaFont)
.#ib- Printer data file (LocoScript)
.#sc- Printer data file (LocoScript)
.#st- Standard mode printer definitions (LocoScript)

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.$$$- Temporary file
.$$f- Database (OS/2)
.$$p- Notes (OS/2)
.$$s- Spreadsheet (OS/2)
.$00- Pipe file (DOS)
.$1- ZX Spectrum file in HOBETA format
.$d$- Data (OS/2 Planner)
.$db- Temporary file (dBASE IV)
.$ed- Editor temporary file (Microsoft C)
.$ln- TLink response file (Borland C++)
.$o1- Pipe file (DOS)
.$vm- Virtual manager temporary file (Windows 3.x)

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.&&&- Temporary file

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.)2(- LHA archiver temporary file (LHA)

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.0- Compressed harddisk data (DoubleSpace)
.000- Common filename extension (Geoworks)
- Compressed harddisk data (DoubleSpace)
- HPGL Plot File
.001- Fax (Hayes JT FAX) (many)
.075- 75x75 dpi display font (Ventura Publisher)
.085- 85x85 dpi display font (Ventura Publisher)
.091- 91x91 dpi display font (Ventura Publisher)
.096- 96x96 dpi display font (Ventura Publisher)
.0b- Printer font with lineDraw extended character set (PageMaker)

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.1- Unformatted manual page (Roff/nroff/troff/groff)
.1-step- Backup file (Iomega Backup)
.10x- Bitmap graphics (Gemini 10x printer graphics file)
.113- Backup data file (Iomega Backup)
.123- Data (Lotus 1-2-3)
.12m- Smartmaster file (Lotus 1-2-3)
.12u- Printer font with PI font set (DOS PageMaker)
.15u- Printer font with PI font set (DOS PageMaker)
.1st- Usually README.1ST text

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.24b- Bitmap graphics (24bit data)
.286- Virtual device driver (Windows standard mode)
.2d- Two-dimensional drawing file (VersaCAD)
.2gr- VGA graphics driver (Windows Video grabber)

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.3- Man page (unix help system)
.301- Fax (Super FAX 2000 - Fax-Mail 96))
.386- Virtual device driver (Windows 386 enhanced mode)
.3d- Three-dimensional drawing file (VersaCAD)
.3d2- 3D data (Atari Stereo CAD-3D 2.0)
.3dm- 3D NURBS modeler (Rhino)
3DML (Three Dimensional Markup Language) data file
- QuickDraw 3D Metafile (QuickDraw)
.3dmf- QuickDraw 3D Metafile (QuickDraw)
.3dml3DML (Three Dimensional Markup Language) data file
.3ds- Graphics (Autodesk 3D Studio)
.3dt- Three-dimensional tecture (PhotoModeler)
.3fx- 3D effects (CorelChart)
.3gr- VGA graphics driver (Windows Video grabber)
.3t4- Binary file converter to ascii (Util3)

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.411- Data file (digital cameras)
.4c$- Datafile (4Cast/2)
.4ge- Compiled source code (Informix 4GL)
.4gl- Informix 4GL language source code file
.4md- Musical file
.4sw- Swap file (4DOS)
.4th- Forth language source code file (ForthCMP - LMI Forth)
.4v- Music file (Quartet)

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.668- Music (the mixing is always at 12048Hz)
.669- Music (8 channels MOD) (669 Composer)
.6cm- Music (6 Channel Module) (Triton FastTracker)

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.75- 75x75 dpi display font (Ventura Publisher)
.777- Compressed file archiver (777)

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.8- Assembly language source code file (A86)
.85- 85x85 dpi display font (Ventura Publisher)
.8cm- Music (8 Channel Module) (Triton FastTracker)
.8m- Math 8 extended character set printer font (PageMaker)
.8med- Music (Amiga OctaMed)
.8svx- Sound (Amiga 8-bit)
.8u- Roman 8 extended character set printer font (PageMaker)

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.906- Vector graphics (CalComp 906 Plot file)
.907- Vector graphics (CalComp 907 Plot file)
.91- 91x91 dpi display font (Ventura Publisher)
.96- 96x96 dpi display font (Ventura Publisher)

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.@@@- Screen files used in installation or instructions

Filex::Extensio :  S 
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.S- Assembly language source code file.S for cpp (Unix)

Filex::Extensio :  Z 
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.Z- Compressed file archive.Z (ascii) (Unix Compress)

Filex::Extensio :  _ 
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.___- Table (Adinf)

Filex::Extensio :  a 
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.a- Ada language source code file
- Alpha channel image data (Spaceward Graphics)
- Assembly source code (Macintosh)
- Object library (unix)
.a11- Graphics (AIIM)
.a3l- Authorware 3.x library
.a3m- Unpackaged file (Authorware for Macintosh)
.a3w- Unpackaged file (Authorware for Windows)
.a4l- Authorware 4.x library
.a4m- Unpackaged file (Authorware for Macintosh)
.a4p- Package without runtime (Authorware)
.a4w- Unpackaged file (Authorware for Windows)
.a5l- Authorware 5.x library
.a5w- Unpackaged file (Authorware for Windows)
.a8- Alpha channel image data (24bit RGB Cubicomp PictureMaker 3D animation)
.a86- Assembly language source code file (A86)
.aa- Audible audio file (downloadable audio books)
.aac- Homeboy reference (music)
.aam- Shocked file (Authorware)
.aas- Shocked packet (Authorware)
.ab- Applix Builder file
.ab6- Datafile (ABStat)
.ab8- Datafile (ABStat)
.abcMusical notation language file (folk melodies)
- Document (ABC FlowCharter 1.0)
- General filename extension (ABC programming language)
.abf- Adobe Binary Screen Font (Adobe Software)
.abk- Automatic backup (CorelDraw, PrintMaster Gold)
- Avigo Backup (Avigo)
.abm- Album (Image PALS, PhotoPlus)
- Music album (HitPlayer)
.abo- Applix Builder Turbo file
.abr- Adobe Brush file (Adobe PhotoShop)
.abs- Abstracts (info file)
- Compiler output file on PC platform (gcc)
- Data file (Abscissa)
- MPEG Audio Sound file
.abw- Document (AbiWord)
.ac$- Spooled plot file (AutoCAD AutoSpool)
.aca- Animation (Microsoft Agent)
- Project (Project Manager Workbench)
.acad- AutoCAD database file
.acb- Compressed file archive (ACB)
- Graphics (ACMB)
.acc- Program (DR-DOS - ViewMax) (GEM / resident)
.acd- Character definition file (Microsoft Agent)
.ace- Compressed file archive (ACE, WinACE)
.acf- Adobe Custom Filter (Adobe PhotoShop)
- HTTP character file (Microsoft Agent)
.acgi- ACGI Script (WWW)
.aci- ACI development appraisal (ACIWEB)
.acl- Keyboard accelerator (Corel Draw 6)
.acm- Audio Compression Module add-on (Windows)
- Compressed sound file (Fallout 1.2, Baulder's Gate)
- Graphics file (ACMB format)
- Windows system directory file
.acmb- Graphics file (ACMB format)
.aco- Adobe Color Palette (Adobe PhotoShop)
.acp- Assistant preview file (Microsoft Office)
- Compressed file archive (ACB)
.acr- Bitmap graphics (American Collage of Radiology medical image ACR-NEMA format)
.acs- Character structered storage file (Microsoft Agent)
.act- Actor file (Microsoft Office Assistant)
- Actor source code file (Graphics cell) (Animation Works)
- Color table (Adobe Photoshop)
- Foxdoc Action Diagrams (FoxPro)
- Presentation (Action!)
.acu- Machine independent COBOL object (ACUCOBOL-GT)
.acv- Compress and decompress audio data (OS/2 driver)
.ad- Screensaver (AfterDark)
.ad2- ADPCM 2-bit compressed voice file (ZFAX)
.ad3- ADPCM 3-bit compressed voice file (ZFAX)
.ada- Ada language source code file
.adb- Ada Package Body
- Appointment database (HP 100LX organizer)
.adc- Bitmap graphics (16 colors) (ScanStudio)
- Dictionary (Lingvo)
- Sound (TI/MIT ADC format)
.add- Adapter Device Driver (OS/2)
.ade- Audio file (ADC,TI/MIT)
.adex- Bitmap graphics (ADEX Corp. image file)
.adf- ARC/INFO coverage data file (ArcView)
- Administration configuration file
- Amiga Disk File
.adi- Graphics (AutoCAD Device-Independent binary plotter image)
.adl- Mca adapter description library (QEMM)
.adm- Administrator policy template (Windows NT)
- MultiModule screensaver (AfterDark)
.adn- Add-in (Lotus 1-2-3)
.adp- Dynamic Page file (AOLserver)
- Dynamite file (Astound)
- Setup file for fax modem interaction (FaxWorks)
.adpcm- Sound (Intel/DVI Adaptive Differential Pulse Code Modulation format)
.adr- Address book (Smart Address)
- Randomizer screensaver (AfterDark)
.ads- Ada Package Specification
.adt- Datafile for cardfile application (HP NewWave)
- Dictionary (Lingvo)
- Fax (AdTech)
.adv- GUS device driver (Gf166.com)
.adx- Database index (Approach)
- Document (Archetype Designer)
- Dynazip Active Delivery script
.adz- Packed ADF file (Extracts with WinZip)
.ae- Author/Editor file (SoftQuad)
.aep- Animation (AudioGraph plugin for Netscape)
- Project file (ArcExplorer)
.aex- Alpha linked executable file
- Armored extracted public key (Pretty Good Privacy)
.aexpk- PGP Armored extracted public key (Pretty Good Privacy)
.af2- Flowchart (ABC FlowCharter 2.0)
.af3- Flowchart (ABC FlowCharter 3.0)
.afc- Apple sound
.afi- Bitmap graphics (Truevision)
.afl- Font file (for Allways) (Lotus 1-2-3)
- RubberFlex animation (AnimaFlex)
.afm- Adobe Font Metrics (Type 1 font metrics for font installers)
- Datafile for cardfile application (HP NewWave)
.afp- Advanced Function Presentation data (MO:DCA Mixed Object Document Content Architecture)
- Shape palette (ABC FlowCharter)
.aft- Template (ABC FlowCharter 3.0)
.afw- Workspace (ABC FlowCharter 3.0)
.ag- Applix graphics
.agf- Atlas GIS native binary geodataset file (ArcView)
.agn- Agenda (Psion Series 3)
.ahf- Bitmap graphics (Ascii Header Format)
.ai- Vector graphics (Adobe Illustrator)
.aif- Application information file (EPOC)
- Setup information (ADW Knowledge Ware)
- Sound (AIFF Audio Interchange File Format)
.aifc- Sound (Audio Interchange File Format with Compression)
.aiff- Sound (AIFF Audio Interchange File Format)
.aih- attribute index file (ArcView)
.aim- AOL Instant Message Launch
- Asm Text Mode Image File (The Ultimate Draw)
.ain- Compressed file archive (Ain)
- attribute index file (ArcView)
.aio- APL file transfer format file
.aip- Audiosoft Parameter file
.air- Automatic image registration
.ais- Graphics (Array of Intensity Samples) (Xerox)
- Image sequence file (ACDSee)
- Velvet Studio Instruments
.aix- Datafile for cardfile application (HP NewWave)
.akw- A-Keywords (RoboHELP Help project Index Designer)
.al- Sound (Raw CCITT/ITU G.711 A-law format audio)
.alaw- Sound (Raw CCITT/ITU G.711 A-law format audio)
.alb- Graphics album (JASC Image Commander)
.alg- Activity Log (ARCSOLO)
- ER Mapper algorithm (ArcView)
.ali- Document file (SAP proprietary format)
.alias- Bitmap graphics (24bit RGB RLE) (Alias image file)
.all- Arts & Letters Library (Symbol and font files)
- Filelist of all files (FRQView)
- Format file for working pages (Always)
- General printer information (WordPerfect)
.alo- Almanac support file
.alpha- Bitmap graphics (raw alpha bytes)
.als- Bitmap graphics (24bit RLE) (Alias Research, Vivid ray-tracer)
.alt- Menu file (WordPerfect Library)
.am- Applix SHELF Macro
.amf- Music (Advanced Module Format)
.amg- Compressed file archive (AMGC)
- System image file (Actor)
.ami- Annotation file (Cocreate SolidDesigner)
.ams- Adobe Monitor Setup calibration file (Adobe PhotoShop)
- Music (Velvert Studio MOD)
.an- Text file (Sterling Software, Groundworks COOL Business Team Model)
.anc- List of pattern colors (Canon Computer Pattern Maker)
.ani- Animated cursor (Windows 95/NT)
- Animation (Presidio - many)
.anm- Animation (Deluxe Paint Animator)
.ann- Help annotations (Windows 3.x)
.ans- Animation (graphics or text)
- Ascii text with ANSI character set (NewWave Write)
.ant- Saved game data (SimAnt)
.aol- America On-Line related file
.aos- Installable program (Nokia Communicator add-on software)
.aot- Applicatio binary object template file (ZenWorks snAPPshot)
.ap- Applix Presents file
- Compressed Amiga file archive (Whap)
- Datafile (Datalex EntryPoint 90)
.apb- Apollo OLE Section file
.apc- Compiled application file (Centura Team Developer)
- Printer driver characters (Lotus 1-2-3)
.apd- Aldus Printer Description (Aldus PageMaker)
- Dynamic application library file (Centura Team Developer)
- Printer driver (Lotus 1-2-3)
.apf- Allaire Project File (WWW page development)
- Printer driver fonts (Lotus 1-2-3)
.api- Adobe Printer Ink file (Adobe PhotoShop)
- Application Program Interface file (Adobe Acrobat)
- Passed parameter file (1st Reader)
- Printer driver (Lotus 1-2-3)
.apk- Sound file (Quake2)
.apl- APL work space
- Application library file (Centura Team Developer)
- Support module (Manugraphics APL products)
.app- Add-in application file (Symphony)
- Application object file (dBASE Application Generator)
- Executable application file (DR-DOS - NeXTstep - Atari - EPOC)
- Generated application (FoxPro)
- Normal mode application file (Centura Team Developer)
.apr- ArcView Project File (ODB format) (ArcView)
- ArcView project file
- Data (Lotus Approach 97)
- Employee performance review (Employee Appraiser)
.aps- Advanced patching systems with error checking (similar to IPS)
- Data (Microsoft Visual C++)
.apt- Lotus Approach Data view file
- Text mode application file (Centura Team Developer)
.apx- Add-on tool (ArchiCAD)
- AppExpert database file (Borland C++)
- Lotus Approach Paradox-specific information
.aq- Applix data
.arc- Compressed file archive (ARC - PKARC - QUARK - SQUASH)
.arf- Automatic Response File
.arh- Archivers definitions file (DN)
.ari- Audio (Aristotle)
- Compressed file archive (ARI)
.arj- Compressed file archive (Robert Jung's ARJ)
.ark- ARC archive (CP/M port of ARC file archiver)
- Archive (Managing your Money)
- Compressed file archive (QUARK)
.arl- AOL 4.0 organizer file
.arp- Aperture file - for other artwork files
.arr- Arrangement (Atari Cubase)
- Bitmap graphics (Amber ARR image)
.art- Bitmap graphics (from AOL using Johnson-Grace compression)
- Bitmap graphics - black and white clip art (First Publisher Clip Art)
- Graphics (Another Ray Tracer - Vort)
.arx- Compressed file archive (ARX)
.as- Applix Spreadsheet
- Music (AudioSoft)
.asa- Data (Microsoft Visual InterDev)
.asc- Ascii text
- Bitmap graphics - black and white (HP-48sx GROB Graphic Object)
- PGP Armored Encrypted File (Pretty Good Privacy)
.ascii- Text graphics (ASCII text characters file)
.asd- Advanced Streaming format (ASF) Description file
- Autosave file (Word for Windows)
- Presentation (Astound)
- Screen driver (Lotus 1-2-3)
.ase- Sample (Velvet Studio)
.asf- Active Streaming Format file (video animation)
- Screen font (Lotus 1-2-3)
.ash- Assembly language header file (TASM 3.0)
.asi- Assembler include file (Turbo C - Borland C++)
.asic- ASIC language source code file (ASIC)
.asm- Assembly language source code file
.aso- Accounting data (Open Financial Exchange)
- Assembler object (object orientated) file (Turbo Assembler)
- Astound Dynamite Objects
.asp- Active Server Page (HTML file with Microsoft IIS script)
- Aspect language script file (Procomm Plus)
- Association of Shareware Professionals note
- Astound Presentation file
.ast- Adobe Color Separtion table (Adobe PhotoShop)
- Assistant file (Claris Works)
- Astound multimedia file
.asv- Autosave (DataCAD)
.asx- Advanced Streaming format Redirector file (video animation)
- Cheyenne Backup script
.at2- Auto template (Aldus Persuasion 2.0)
.atk- Bitmap graphics (Andrew Toolkit Raster Object file)
.atm- Adobe Type Manager related file
.att- Attachment (Lotus Notes)
- Bitmap graphics (AT&T Group 4)
.atw- Personal data (AnyTime Deluxe for Windows screensaver)
.au- Sound - basic 8bit ulaw compressed audio file (Sun Audio File format)
.aud- Audio file (Westwood Studios) (Kyrandia 3, C&C, RedAlert)
.aut- Automation (IPIX)
.aux- Auxiliary dictionary (ChiWriter)
- Auxillary references (TeX/LaTeX)
.ava- Publication (Avagio)
.avb- AntiViral Toolkit Pro Bases
- Character file (Microsoft Chat)
.ave- Avenue script (ArcView)
.avi- Movie (Audio Visual Interleave file)
.avl- Device library file
- legend template file (ODB format) (ArcView)
.avp- palette file (ODB format) (ArcView)
.avr- Sound (Audio Visual Research file format)
.avs- Application Visualization System (animation)
- Bitmap graphics (AVS X image file)
.avt- Avatar-coding files (A3E)
.avx- ArcView extension file (ODB format) (ArcView)
.aw- Document (Applix Words)
- Text document (HP AdvanceWrite)
.awa- Animation Works Accelerated movie (Animation Works)
.awd- Fax image (FaxView - Microsoft Fax At Work)
.awk- AWK language source code file
.awm- Animations Works Movie (Animation Works)
.awr- Digitally stored audio (Telsis)
.awx- Custom application wizard
.ax- Linker information for libraries (Modula-3)
.axg- AXUM GraphSheet file
- Microsoft AutoRoute Express GB Route file
.axl- ArcIMS XML project file
.axp- Preview (Anvil 5000)
.axt- ASCII application object template (ZenWorks snAPPshot)

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.b- BASIC language source code file
- Base program (Modula-3)
- Batch list (APPLAUSE)
- Blue channel image data (Spaceward Graphics)
.b&w- Bitmap graphics (Mono binary screen image) (1st Reader)
- Bitmap graphics (black and white) (atari - Macintosh)
.b1n- Bitmap graphics (both mono and color binary screen image) (1st Reader)
.b30- Printer font (JLaser - Cordata) (Ventura Publisher)
.b4- Nuts and Bolts file (Helix)
.b64- Encoded file archive (ascii) (base64 MIME)
.b8- Bitmap graphics (one byte per pixel) plane two (PicLab)
- Blue channel image data (24bit RGB Cubicomp PictureMaker 3D animation)
.b_w- Bitmap graphics (black and white) (atari - mac)
.bac- Backup
.bad- Bad file (Oracle)
.bak- Backup
.bal- Music score (Ballade)
.bar- Compressed file archive (Unix BAR archive)
- Horizontal bar menu object file (dBASE Application Generator)
.bas- BASIC language source code file (QuickBASIC - GW-BASIC)
.bat- Batch file (DOS)
.bb- Database backup (Papyrus)
.bbl- Bibliographic reference (TeX/BibTeX)
.bbm- Brush (Deluxe Paint)
.bbnng- Bitmap graphics (BBN BitGraph terminal Display Pixel Data (DPD) sequence)
.bbp- Bezier surface file
.bbs- Bulletin Board System announce or text info
- Hudson-style messagebase (FTN software)
.bch- Batch process object file (dBASE Application Generator)
- Datafile (Datalex EntryPoint 90)
.bck- Backup (VMS/VAX)
.bcm- Communication script backup (Microsoft Works)
.bco- Outline font description (Bitstream)
.bcp- Makefile (Borland C++)
.bcs- Browse information (Windows95)
.bct- Backup dictionary (Clarion)
.bcw- Workspace (Environment settings) (Borland C++)
.bdb- Database backup (Microsoft Works)
.bdc- Dictionary (Lingvo)
.bdf- Binary update file (BUpdate)
- Bitmap Distribution Format file (font - glyph) (Adobe - X11)
- Datafile (Egret)
- West Point Bridge Designer file
.bdr- Border (Microsoft Publisher)
.bdt- Dictionary (Lingvo)
.bex- Binary extracted public key (Pretty Good Privacy)
.bexpk- PGP Binary Extracted Public Key (Pretty Good Privacy)
.bez- Bezier surface file
- Outline font description (Bitstream)
.bf2- Bradford 2 font
.bfc- Briefcase (Windows)
.bfm- Font metrics (unix/Frame)
.bfx- Fax (BitFax)
.bg- Game (Backgammon for Windows)
.bga- Bitmap graphics (OS/2)
.bgi- Device driver (Borland Graphics Interface)
.bgl- Abacus scBuild file
- Compiled scenery file (Microsoft Flight Simulator)
- Document (FlashSite)
- Dynamic Object Library
.bh2- Presentation (OASYS Presentation)
.bhf- pcAnywhere Host file
.bhx- Compressed file ascii archive (BinHex)
.bi- BASIC source code include file (Visual Basic)
.bib- Bibliography (ascii)
- Database - not compatible with TeX format (Papyrus)
- Literature database (TeX/BibTeX)
.bif- Binary Information File (ASCII file describing image)
- Bitmap graphics (b&w Binary Image Format) (Image Capture board)
- Initialization file (GroupWise)
.biff- XLITE 3D file
.big- Chinese text (old version)
.big5- Chinese text (old version)
.bik- Bink video (RAD Video Tools)
.bil- Bitmap graphics - satellite image by SPOT Image Corporation
- image file (band interleaved by line) (ArcView)
.bin- Binary file
- SGI Powerflip
.bio- BIOS (OS/2)
.biorad- Graphics (Biorad confocal file)
.bip- image file (band interleaved by pixel) (ArcView)
.bit- Bitmap graphics (X11)
.bix- Compressed file archive (BIX)
.biz- BizTalk compatible schema
- Business card (Broderbund, ProVenture)
- Geometry file (dVise)
- PMW BizCard Type
.bk- Faxbook (JetFax)
.bk!- Document backup (WordPerfect)
.bk$- Backup file
.bk1- Timed backup file for document window 1 (WordPerfect)
.bk2- Timed backup file for document window 2 (WordPerfect)
.bk3- Timed backup file for document window 3 (WordPerfect)
.bk4- Timed backup file for document window 4 (WordPerfect)
.bk5- Timed backup file for document window 5 (WordPerfect)
.bk6- Timed backup file for document window 6 (WordPerfect)
.bk7- Timed backup file for document window 7 (WordPerfect)
.bk8- Timed backup file for document window 8 (WordPerfect)
.bk9- Timed backup file for document window 9 (WordPerfect)
.bki- Backup index (IBM BookManager)
.bkp- Backup file (Write - TurboVidion DialogDesigner)
.bkr- Bookshelf (BookManager)
- Document (Boardmkr)
- Genealogy file (Brother's Keeper)
.bks- Bookself (IBM BookManager)
- Worksheet backup (Microsoft Works)
.bkw- Mirror image of font set (FontEdit)
.blb- Resource archive (DreamWorks, Neverhood)
.bld- Bloadable picture (BASIC)
.blg- Backup Log (ARCSOLO)
- BibTex log
.blk- Graphics (Alias Wavefront)
- Temporary file (WordPerfect)
.blt- Configuration for AOL Instant Messenger
.blw- world file for bil image (ArcView)
.bm- Bitmap graphics (1bit text) (X Window BitMap)
.bm1- Game data (Apogee BioMenace)
.bmf- Graphics (Binary Material Format) (Corel)
.bmi- Vector graphics (CADAM Systems Company)
.bmk- Bookmark file (Windows)
.bmp- Bitmap graphics (Microsoft Windows BitMaP format)
- Bitmap graphics (Alpha Microsystems RLE RGB images)
- Bitmap graphics (OS/2 BMP file for IBM OS/2 2.0)
.bmp24- Microsoft Windows 24-bit bitmap image file
.bmr- Bitmap Reference Code file
- Boomerang Graphics File
.bmt- Ami Pro Button (Ami Pro)
.bmw- Music (BuzzPlay)
.bmz- Bitmap graphics (Compressed .bmp bitmap)
.bnk- Adlib instrument bank file
.bnr- Graphics Banner (Banner - Poster)
.bob- Bitmap graphics (BOB Image file)
.bol- Bolletta Telefonica File
- PTDATA Pointname File
.bom- Bill of materials file (Orcad Schematic Capture)
.boo- Book (IBM BookManager)
- Bootstrap (Kermit protocol binary file)
- Encoded file archive (ascii) (Boo)
.book- Book (Adobe FrameMaker)
.box- Mailbox (Lotus Notes)
- Preview (Preview Systems ZipLock/Vbox)
.boz- Compressed file archive (bzip over zip)
.bpc- Chart (Business Plan Toolkit)
.bpl- Batch Plot List (AutoCAD)
- Business plan (Smart Business Plan)
- Button Palette (marTerm)
- Packed library (Borland Delphi)
.bpp- Backup application (Clarion)
.bps- Text document backup (Microsoft Works)
.bpt- Bitmap master file (CorelDraw)
.bpw- world file for bip or bmp images (ArcView)
.bqw- world file for bsq image (ArcView)
.bqy- BrioQuery file
.br- Data (Omnis7)
- Script (Bridge)
.brd- Eagle Layout File
.bri- Basic rate interface file
.brk- Fax (Brooktrout Fax-Mail)
- Mailer REXX script (The Brake!)
.brl-cad- Ballistic Research Laboratory CAD
.brush- Bitmap graphics (Xerox Doodle Brush file)
.brx- A file for browsing an index of multimedia options
.brz- Very large Database backup or restore (DbBRZ)
.bs1- Game data (Apogee Blake Stone)
.bs2- Archive (BS2)
.bsa- Compressed file archive (BSArc)
.bsc- Browser information file (Microsoft Developer Studio)
- Compressed Apple II file archive (BINSCII)
- Database (Source Browser)
- Pwbrmake object file (Microsoft Fortran)
.bsp- Map (Quake)
.bsq- image file (band sequential) (ArcView)
.bst- BiblioTex Style (BibTeX)
.bsy- Busy flag (FTN soft)
.btf- Bank check image and text data (Nations Bank)
.btif- Bank check image and text data (Nations Bank)
.btl- Inmos bootable file
.btm- Batch file (Batch To Memory) (4DOS - NDOS)
.btn- Button file (Makeover)
.btr- Database (Btrieve 5.1)
.bub- Photobubble (IPIX)
.bud- Backup disk (Quicken)
.bufr- Binary Universal Form for the Representation
- Meteorological Data
.bug- Bugs and Problems
.bun- Audio (CakeWalk Audio Bundle file)
.bup- Backup
.but- Button definitions (Buttons!)
.bv1- Overflow file below insert point in Doc 1 (WordPerfect)
.bv2- Overflow file below insert point in Doc 2 (WordPerfect)
.bv3- Overflow file below insert point in Doc 3 (WordPerfect)
.bv4- Overflow file below insert point in Doc 4 (WordPerfect)
.bv5- Overflow file below insert point in Doc 5 (WordPerfect)
.bv6- Overflow file below insert point in Doc 6 (WordPerfect)
.bv7- Overflow file below insert point in Doc 7 (WordPerfect)
.bv8- Overflow file below insert point in Doc 8 (WordPerfect)
.bv9- Overflow file below insert point in Doc 9 (WordPerfect)
.bw- Bitmap graphics (SGI black and white image)
.bwb- Spreadsheet application (Visual Baler)
.bwr- Beware (buglist) (Kermit)
.bwv- Business Wave file
.byu- Bitmap graphics (Movie BYU format)
.bz- Compressed file archive (bzip)
.bz2- Compressed file archive (bzip2)

Filex::Extensio :  c 
! # $ & ) 0 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 @ S Z _ a b d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z ~ ü (top)

.c- C language source code file
- Compressed unix file archive (compact)
- Site configuration for Secure Remote (CheckPoint VPN)
.c++- C++ language source code file
.c--- C-- language source code file (Sphinx C--)
.c00- Print file (Ventura Publisher)
.c01- Typhoon wave files
.c4- Bitmap graphics (1bit black and white) (JEDMICS CCITT4 format)
.c64- Bitmap graphics (Commodore 64 image file)
.c86- C language source code file (Computer Innovation C86)
.ca- Initial cache data for root domain servers (Telnet)
.ca0- Packed and splitted file (Borland Installer)
.ca7- Job file (Beta 44)
.cab- Compressed Cabinet file (Microsoft)
.cacdBASE IV executable when caching on/off (see cachedb.bat)
.cache- Magick Persistent Cache image file format
.cad- Document (Drafix CAD)
.cag- Catalog file (Microsoft Clip Gallery)
.cal- Bitmap graphics (CALS Computer-aided Acquisition and Logistics Support CCITT Group IV, black and white image)
- Calendar file (Windows 3.x)
- Link (CyberAudioLibrary)
- Spreadsheet (SuperCalc)
.cals- Bitmap graphics (Computer Aided Acquisition and Logistics Support)
.cam- Bitmap graphics (Casio QV Digital Camera)
- Bitmap graphics (calibrated camera file) (PhotoModeler)
.can- Fax (Navigator Fax)
.cap- Caption (Ventura Publisher)
- Compressed music file
- Session capture file (ProComm - Telix)
.car- AtHome assistant file
.cas- C + ASM language source (Turbo C)
- Comma-delimited ASCII file
.cat- Backup catalog (CP Backup)
- Database catalog (dBASE etc.)
- IntelliCharge categorization file (Quicken)
- Logical package (Rational Rose)
- Risk catalogue (RiskMan)
.cb- Microsoft clean boot file
.cbc- Fuzzy logic system (CubiCalc)
.cbi- Column binary formatted file (IBM mainframe systems)
.cbl- Cobol language source code file
.cbm- Compiled bitmap graphics (XLib)
.cbs- Button bar configuration file (MasterWord)
.cbt- Computer Based Training (many)
.cc- C++ language source code file (gcc)
- CC language source code file (cc)
- Custom class (Visual dBASE)
.cca- Mail archive (cc:Mail)
.ccad- Data (ClarisCAD)
.ccb- Animated Button configuration (Visual Basic)
.ccc- Bitmap graphics (Curtain Call native format)
.ccf- Communications configuration file (Symphony)
- Configuration file (OS/2 Multimedia Viewer)
.cch- Chart (CorelChart)
- Image chip file (PhotoModeler)
.cci- CCITT Group 3 and Group 4 Encoding
.ccitt- CCITT Group 3 and Group 4 Encoding
.ccl- Communication Command Language file (Intalk)
.ccm- Mailbox (Lotus CC:Mail)
.cco- Data (CyberChat)
- Graphics (XBTX format)
.ccrf- Bitmap graphics (Calcomp Raster File) (B&W or 1bit CMYK for printers)
- Bitmap graphics (Calcomp Raster File) (black and white or 4bit CMYK)
.cct- Shockwave cast (Macromedia Director)
.ccx- Graphics (Corel Photo House)
.cd- CD description (DN)
.cda- CD audio track (music)
.cdb- Card database (CardScan)
- Clipboard file
- Conceptual model backup file (PowerDesigner)
- Main database (Turbo C Utilities)
.cdf- Channel Definition Format (Microsoft)
- Common Data Format (multi-dimensional data sets)
- Cyberspace Description Format
- Graphics (Unidata netCDF)
.cdfs- Compact Disk filing system (WindRiver)
.cdi- Compact Disk Interactive (Phillips CD-I IFF file)
.cdk- Document (Atari Calamus)
.cdkey- Access data (MediaRemote)
.cdl- CAD language file (CADKey)
.cdm- Conceptual data model file (PowerDesigner Data Architect) (Sybase)
- Custom Data Module (Visual dBASE)
- Disk Drivers NPA (Novell NetWare)
- Music format (compressed)
.cdr- Raw Audio-CD data
- Vector graphics (CorelDraw format)
.cdt- Template (CorelDraw)
.cdx- Chem3D file
- ChemDraw eXchange file
- Compound index (FoxPro)
- Compressed drawing (Corel Draw)
.ce- Computer Eyes (Digital Vision IFF bitmap)
.cef- Workbench application (CA Clipper)
.ceg- Bitmap graphics (Tempra Show - Edsun Continuous Edge Graphics)
.cel- Animation (Autodesk Animator, 3D Studio)
- Bitmap graphics (15 or 32bit Lumena CEL file by Time Arts)
- Bitmap graphics (15/24bit RGB Autodesk Animator PIC/CEL files)
- CIMFast Event Language file
.cer- Compilation error messages (Lahey Fortran)
- Security certificate
.cf- Configuration (imake)
.cfb- Comptons Multimedia file
- Inmos binary configuration file
.cfg- Configuration
.cfl- Chart (CorelFLOW)
.cfm- Corel FontMaster file
- Customer form (Visual dBASE)
- Template (ColdFusion)
.cfn- Font data (Atari Calamus)
.cfo- C Form Object file (Turbo C Utilities)
.cfp- Fax (The Complete Fax Portable)
.cfr- CFR Guidance (NRC Inspection Manual)
.cfs- Inmos configuration file
.cft- CFast graphics file (Disney Animation Studio)
.cga- CGA display font (Ventura Publisher)
.cgi- Common Gateway Interface script (WWW)
.cgl- Error log (CodeGuard)
.cgm- Vector graphics (Computer Graphics Metafile format)
.ch- Configuration file (OS/2)
- Header file (CA Clipper)
.ch3- Chart (Harvard Graphics 3.0)
.ch4- Presentation (Charisma 4.0)
.cha- Chat (IRC data)
.chat- Chat (IRC data)
.chd- Font descriptor (FontChameleon)
.chf- Remote control file (pcAnywhere)
.chi- Document (ChiWriter)
.chk- Recovered data (ChkDsk, ScanDisk)
- Temporary file (WordPerfect)
.chl- Configuration History Log
.chm- Compiled HTML Help file
.chn- Data (Ethnograph 3)
.chp- Chapter file (Ventura Publisher)
.chr- Character set (Turbo C - Turbo Pascal)
.cht- Chart (Harvard Graphics, SoftCraft Presenter, ChartViewer)
- Interface file for ChartMaster (dBASE)
.chy- Hyphenation (Claris)
.chz- Compressed file archive (CHARC)
.cif- CD Image File (Easy CD Creator)
- Caller information file (pcAnywhere)
- Chapter information (Ventura Publisher)
- Crystallographic Interchange Format
- Graphics (Caltech Intermediate Format)
- IUCr Crystallographic Information File
.cii- Launcher of ANSER-WEB Terminal Client
.cil- Clip gallery download package (Art Gallery)
.cim- C Text Mode Image File (The Ultimate Draw)
- Cimpack design drawing file (CIMEX)
- Game data (SimCity 2000)
.cin- INI file change control file (OS/2)
.cir- Save-file command (SuperMax E-CAD)
.cit- Bitmap graphics (Intergraph Raster)
.cix- Database index (Turbo C Utilities)
.ck1- Game data (iD/Apogee Commander Keen 1)
.ck2- Game data (iD/Apogee Commander Keen 2)
.ck3- Game data (iD/Apogee Commander Keen 3)
.ck4- Game data (iD/Apogee Commander Keen 4)
.ck5- Game data (iD/Apogee Commander Keen 5)
.ck6- Game data (iD/Apogee Commander Keen 6)
.ckb- Keyboard mapping (Borland C++)
.cl- Common LISP language source code file
.cl3- CD layout (Easy CD Creator 3.x)
.cl4- CD layout (Easy CD Creator 4.x)
.cla- Source (Clarion)
- URL link (Claymore)
.class- Java bytecode (compiled class - application)
.clb- Clipbook template (Super NoteTab)
.cld- Clipper debugger configuration file (CA Clipper)
.clg- Disk Catalog database
.cll- CrickSoftware Clicker File
.clo- Cloe Image
.clp- Bitmap graphics (Clip art) (PCPaint - Pictor - Quattro Pro)
- Clipboard file (Windows 3.x)
- Compiler responce file (CA Clipper)
.clr- Color binary screen image (1st Reader)
- Color definitions (Photostyler)
- Color scheme (Boxer/2)
- Data (Claris)
.cls- Class definition file (C++, Visual Basic)
- Class module (Visual Basic)
- geocoding classification file (ArcView)
.clw- MFC Class Wizard information (Microsoft VC++)
.cm- Bitmap graphics (8bit) (Unix Puzzle)
- Data (CraftMan)
.cma- Database file in plain text format (APPLIX TM1)
.cmb- Xtree for Windows Button Bar file
.cmc- Remote connection information (CosmoCaller)
.cmd- Batch file (REXX) (OS/2)
- Command (CP/M)
- Command file (dBASE - Waffle)
- Command file (Windows NT or OS/2 script)
- External command menu (1st Reader)
.cmdfCrystalMaker Data format
.cmf- Corel Metafile
- FM-music file (Creative Music File)
.cmg- Saved game (Chessmaster)
.cmi- Vector graphics (Hewlett Packard ME10)
.cmk- Card (Card Shop Plus)
.cml- CML document (Chemical Markup Language)
.cmm- Cmm script (CEnvi)
.cmp- Bitmap graphics (Lead CMP compression)
- Calibration map (Photofinish)
- Compressed data (PKWare compression library)
- Customized menu for Netscape or Microsoft Internet Explorer (CustomMenu plugin)
- Data (CraftMan)
- Header file for PostScript printer files (CorelDraw)
- Route 66 Address Document
- User dictionary (Microsoft Word for DOS)
.cmr- MediaPlayer Movie
.cmrt- Data (CraftMan)
.cmu- Bitmap graphics (Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) Window Manager bitmap format)
.cmuwm- Bitmap graphics (Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) Window Manager bitmap format)
.cmv- Animation (CorelMove - CorelDraw 4.0)
.cmx- Vector graphics (Corel Presentation Exchange format) (CorelDraw)
.cmyk- Bitmap graphics (Raw cyan, magenta, yellow and black bytes)
.cnc- CNC general program data
.cnf- Configuration (program - printer setup)
.cnm- Windows application menu options and setup file
.cnq- Shop file (Compuworks Design)
.cnt- Contents file (Windows Help)
- Contents tab file (Rational Rose 98)
.cnv- Data conversion support file (Word for Windows)
- Temporary file (WordPerfect)
.cob- Cobol language source code file
- Graphics (Calgari trueSpace2 file format)
.cod- Code definition table (UUPC)
- Datafile (Forecast Plus - Microsoft Multiplan - StatPac Gold)
- Printer code definition file (Boxer/2)
- Program compiled code (FORTRAN)
- Source code in assembler with original C code as comments (Microsoft C)
- Template source file (dBASE Application Generator)
- Videotext file
.col- Color palette (Autodesk Animator - many)
- Spreadsheet (Microsoft Multiplan)
.com- Command (memory image of executable program) (DOS)
.con- Configuration file (Simdir)
.conf- Configuration information (Unix)
.coo- Cookie file
.core- Bitmap graphics (Core Software Tech CORE IDC file)
.cp8- Bitmap graphics (CP8 256 Gray Scale image)
.cpc- Compressed image (Cartesian Perceptual Compression)
.cpd- Complaints Desk Script
- Drawing (Corel PrintOffice)
- Fax Cover document
- Script (Complaints Desk)
.cpe- Fax Cover document
.cpf- Fax (The Complete Fax)
.cph- Image file (Corel Print House)
.cpi- Bitmap graphics (Colorlab Processed Image)
- Code Page Information file (DOS)
.cpj- CeQuadrat CD ProJect file
.cpl- Colour palette (Corel)
- Control panel extension (Windows)
- Presentation (Compel)
.cpo- Graphics (Corel Print Office)
.cpp- C++ language source code file
- Presentation (CA-Cricket Presents)
.cpr- Presentation (Corel Presents)
.cps- Backup of startup files (QEMM)
- Central Point PC Tools Backup
- Color PostScript
.cpt- Bitmap graphics (Corel PhotoPaint)
- Compressed Macintosh file archive (Compact Pro)
- Encrypted memo file (dBASE)
- Template (CA-Cricket Presents)
.cpx- Compressed drawing (Corel Presentation Exchange)
.cpy- Data file (Copy Books)
.cpz- Music text file (COMPOZ)
.cra- Advanced crack file (usually text)
.crc- Check file (Win-SFV32) (Fantasia Software)
- Circular reference file (Pro/Engineer)
.crd- Cardfile (Windows 3.x - YourWay)
.crf- Bitmap graphics (Calcomp Raster File) (black and white or 4bit CMYK)
- Cross-reference (MASM - Zortech C++)
.crh- Image file (Microsoft Golf)
.crk- Crack file (usually text)
.crp- Custom Report file (Visual dBASE)
- Encrypted database (dBASE IV)
- Run-time presentation (Corel Presents)
.crs- Cursor image
- File Conversion Resource (WordPerfect 5.1)
.crt- Crontab file
- Internet security certificate
- Terminal settings information (Oracle)
.cru- Compressed file archive (CRUSH)
.csa- Comma deliminated text
.csc- Corel Script
.csg- Graph (Statistica/w)
.csh- Unix shell script (csh)
.cslm- Bitmap graphics (Zeiss CSLM file)
.csm- Chemical Style Markup Language
- Precompiled headers (Borland C++)
- Script file (Kodak Dc265 Camera)
.csml- Chemical Style Markup Language
.cso- Customer service data and outcome file
.csp- Document (CommonSpace)
- Screen Image (PC Emcee)
.css- Cascading Style Sheet (WWW)
- Datafile (CSS - Stats+ - Statistica)
.cst- Cast (resource) file (Macromedia Director)
- Template (CommonSpace)
.csv- Adjusted EGA/VGA palette (CompuShow)
- Data file (Comma Separated Values format)
.csy- Polymorphic DLL (EPOC)
.ct- Bitmap graphics (32bit CMYK) (Iris CT format) (Iris printers)
- Bitmap graphics (32bit CMYK) (Scitex CT Bitmap) (Scitex scanners)
.ctc- Control file (PC Installer)
.ctf- Character code translation file (Symphony)
.ctl- Control file (dBASE IV - Aldus Setup)
.ctr- Bitmap graphics (CalComp Thermal Raster file)
.cts- Permanent location contents (ABC programming language)
.ctx- Ciphertext file (Pretty Good Privacy)
- Course TeXt file (Microsoft online guides)
- User control binary file (Visual Basic)
.cub- Gaussian Cube (Wavefunction) format
.cube- Bitmap graphics (Cubicomp/Vertigo image file) (Cubicomp PictureMaker)
.cubi- Bitmap graphics (Cubicomp/Vertigo image file) (Cubicomp PictureMaker)
.cue- Microsoft Cue Cards data
.cuf- C Utilities Form definition (Turbo C Utilities)
.cul- Cursor library file (IconForge)
.cur- Cursor image resource (Resource Workshop - Watcom Resource Editor)
.curl- URL links (Curl)
.cursor- Cursor (Sun Cursor file)
.cut- Bitmap graphics (Media Cybernetic's Dr.Halo CUT graphics format)
.cv- Archive (Corel Versions)
- Information screen (Microsoft CodeView)
.cv4- Color file (CodeView)
.cvf- Compressed volume (SuperStor)
.cvg- Image
.cvp- Cover page (WinFax)
.cvs- Bitmap graphics (Canvas drawing)
.cvt- Backup file for CONVERTed database file (dBASE IV)
.cvw- Color file (CodeView)
.cweb- C Web
.cwk- Document (ClarisWorks)
.cwl- Library (ClarisWOrks)
.cws- Stationery (ClarisWorks)
.cx- Script (CodeMapper)
.cxt- Protected Cast (resource) file (Macromedia Director)
.cxx- C++ language source code file (Zortech C++, gcc)

Filex::Extensio :  d 
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.d2d- 2D/3D object file (3-D Fassade Plus)
.d64- Commodore 64 emulator disk file
.dac- Sound (TI/MIT DAC format) (byte reversed ADC file)
.daf- Document archive (Mobius)
.dao- Windows Registry Backup
.dap- Data access page (Microsoft Access 2000)
.dat- Data file (ASCII or binary) (very common)
- Error message in inbound internet email message (Microsoft Exchange Server)
- MPEG file
- Merge data (WordPerfect)
.db- Configuration (dBASE IV - dBFast - MultiEdit)
- Database (dbVista - Paradox - Smartware - XTreeGold)
- Object Database File (also ODB) (ArcView)
.db$- Temporary file (dBASE - Modula2)
.db2- Database (dBASE II)
.db3- Database (dBASE III)
.dba- Database (Turbo Prolog - DataEase)
.dbb- BatchList (DeBabelizer)
.dbc- Database container file (Visual FoxPro)
.dbd- Business data (Business Insight)
- Debug info (Clarion Modula-2)
.dbf- Database file (dBASE III/IV - FoxPro - dBFast - DataBoss)
- Shapefile attribute table file (ArcView)
.dbg- Debugger script (DOS debug - Watcom debuger)
- Symbolic debugging information (Microsoft Visual C++)
.dbk- Database backup (dBASE IV)
- Schematic backup file (Orcad Schematic Capture)
.dbm- Datafile (DataEase)
- Menu template (DataBoss)
.dbo- Compiled program (dBASE IV)
.dbq- Memo (Paradox)
.dbs- Datafile (Managing Your Money - ProDas - SQL Windows)
- Printer description file (Microsoft Word - Works)
- Script (DeBabelizer)
.dbt- Database text (Clipper)
- Foxbase+ style memo (FoxPro)
- Memo file for database w/same name (dBASE IV - dBFast)
.dbv- Memo field file (Flexfile 2)
.dbw- Windows file (DataBoss)
.dbx- Graphics (DataBeam image)
- Table file (Visual Foxpro)
.dc- CAD file (DesignCAD)
.dc2- CAD file (DesignCAD)
.dc5- Drawing (DataCAD)
.dca- Document Content Architecture text file (IBM DisplayWrite)
- Visual Basic Active designer cache
.dcd- Document Content Description file (XML)
.dcf- Data file (Dyadic)
- Disk image file
.dcim- Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine (image and data)
.dcl- Delphi Component Library (Borland Delphi)
.dcm- Bitmap graphics (Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine image file format)
.dcp- Data CodePage (OS/2)
- Device code page (OS/2)
- default codepage file (ArcView)
.dcr- Data (Shockwave - Macromedia Director)
.dcs- Bitmap graphics (Quark Desktop Color Separation EPS file) (QuarkXPress)+B798
- Datafile (ACT! Activity Files)
- Desktop Color Separation file
.dct- Database container (Microsoft Visual FoxPro)
- Database dictionary (Clarion Database Developer)
- Spell checking dictionary (Clarion - Harvard Graphics 3.0 - Symphony)
- geocoding dictionary file (ArcView)
.dcu- Delphi (compiled) unit (Borland Delphi)
.dcx- Bitmap graphics - Multipage PCX (ZSoft IBM PC Paintbrush file)
- Database container (Microsoft Visual FoxPro)
- Fax (ZSoft IBM PC Paintbrush file Multipage PCX, used by many faxes)
- Macro file
.dd- Compressed Macintosh file archive (DiskDoubler)
.ddb- Bitmap graphics
.ddd- 2D CAD data (Fuji Xerox)
.dde- Dynamic Data Exchange (binary)
.ddf- Data Definition File describing database (Btrieve, Xtrieve)
.ddi- Disk image (DiskDupe)
.ddif- Bitmap graphics (DEC DDIF file)
.ddp- Device Driver Profile file (OS/2)
.deb- Debug script (DOS Debug)
.dec- Decoded file
- UNIX hyperhelp supporting file (ArcView)
.def- Assembly header file (Geoworks Esp)
- Data (SmartWare II)
- Defaults - definitions
- Linker definition file (TLink - WLink...)
.defi- De-install script (Oracle 7)
.dei- Design Engineered Interface (GSI Gerber Systems Inc.)
.dem- A file with USGS standards for Digital Elevation Models (Vista Pro)
- Demo
- Digital Elevation Model file (ArcView)
- Graphics (VistaPro)
.dep- Dependency file (Visual Basic Setup Wizard)
.der- Internet security certificate
.des- Description
.desc- Description
.dev- Device driver
.dewf- Instrument (Macintosh SoundCap/SoundEdit)
.dez- Encrypted zip file (DES Encryption)
.df- Bitmap graphics (Hierarchical Data File) (NCSA)
.dfd- Data Flow Diagram graphic (Prosa)
- Dyadic functions (ABC programming language)
.dfi- Outline font description (Digifont)
.dfl- Default program settings (Signature)
.dfm- Data Flow Diagram model file (Prosa)
- Form file (Borland Delphi - Borland C++ Builder)
.dfs- Delight Sound File
.dfv- Printing form (Microsoft Word)
.dfx- Micrografx Effects DLL
.dg- Vector graphics (Auto-trol Vector)
.dgn- Vector graphics (CAD drawing) (Intergraph Design Drawing, MicroStation, ArcView)
.dgs- Diagnostics report
.dh- Dependency information for .ph (Geoworks)
.dhp- Bitmap graphics (Dr. Halo II-III PIC format)
.dht- Datafile (Gauss)
.dia- Diagraph graphics (Computer Support Corporation)
.dib- Bitmap graphics (Device Independent Bitmap)
.dic- Bitmap graphics (DICOM Digital Imaging and Communations in Medicine format)
- Dictionary (Lotus Notes, Lotus Domino)
.dicom- Bitmap graphics (DICOM Digital Imaging and Communations in Medicine format)
.dif- Bitmap graphics (Raytheon Raster)
- Database (Data Interchange Format)
- Difference data file (Patch script)
- Display Information File (OS/2)
- Video
.diff- Difference data file (Patch script)
.dig- Sound (Digilink format) (Sound Designer I)
.dip- Debug info processor (Watcom Debugger)
- Graphics file
.dir- Dialing directory file (Procomm Plus)
- Directory file (VAX - CPS Backup)
- INFO directory manager file (ArcView)
- Movie format (MacroMind Director 4.x)
.dis- Distribution database (Mobius)
- Distribution list (VAX Mail)
- Graphics (Raytracer file)
- Thesaurus (CorelDraw)
.dit- Active directory schema (Microsoft Windows 2000)
.diz- Description file (Description In Zip)
.djv- Bitmap graphics (DjVu)
.dkb- Raytraced graphics (DKBTrace)
.dl- Animation (Display - DL Viewer)
.dld- Data (Lotus 1-2-3)
.dlg- Dialog resource script file (Microsoft Windows SDK)
- Dialog resources (DN)
- Digital Line Graph
- Digital Line Graph file (ArcView)
.dll- Dynamic Link Library (Windows 3.x - OS/2)
- Export/Import Filter (CorelDraw)
.dlm- Data (FileMaker Pro)
.dls- Setup (Norton Disklock)
- Sound instruments (Downloadable sample file) (IMA Interactive Music Architecture)
.dmd- Data Module (Visual dBASE)
.dmf- Music format (Delusion Digital Music File) (Delusion)
- Packed Amiga disk image
.dmo- Demo (Derive)
.dmp- Dump file (eg. screen or memory)
.dms- Compressed Amiga file archive (DiskMasher)
.dna- Distributed Network Application info (NewMoon)
.dob- Visual Basic User document
.doc- Formatted text document (binary), very common (DisplayWrite, Interleaf, FrameMaker, FrameBuilder, Microsoft Word and Word2xWordPerfect, WordStar)
.dog- Screen file (Laughing Dog Screen Maker)
.doh- Dependency information for .poh (Geoworks)
.dos- DOS related file (Win95)
- External command file (1st Reader)
.dot- Document template (Microsoft Word)
- Line-type definition file (CorelDraw)
.dox- Text document (MultiMate 4.0 - Microsoft Word)
- User document binary form (Visual Basic)
.doz- Description Out of Zip (VENDINFO)
.dp- Calendar file (Daily Planner)
- Data file (DataPhile)
- Primary data file (THOR database)
.dpd- Dyadic predicates (ABC programming language)
.dpg- Mathematical graph (DPGraph)
.dpgraph- Mathematical graph (DPGraph)
.dpj- DeskProto project file (DeskProto CAM)
- Project (Borland Delphi)
.dpl- Packed library (Borland Delphi)
.dpr- Default project and state-related information (Borland C++ - Borland Delphi)
.dpt- Publication file (Publish-It!)
.dpx- Bitmap graphics (Digital Moving Picture Exchange) (Cineon DPX file)
.dr9- Directory file
.draw- Vector graphics (Acorn's object-based format)
.drc- Design rules check report file (Orcad Schematic Capture)
.drs- Display Resource (WordPerfect)
.drv- Device driver (for hardware)
.drw- Vector graphics (Micrografx Designer, Lotus Freelance, Pro/E)
.ds4- Vector graphics (Micrografx Designer 4.x)
.dsc- Description file
- Discard file (Oracle)
- Tag descriptor file (MIME Tag types)
.dsd- Database (DataShaper)
- Document structure definition file (Used in XML)
.dsf- Digital Sound File (Delusion)
- Document (Micrograpf Designer)
.dsg- Saved game (DOOM)
.dsk- Disk Drivers (Novell NetWare)
- Project desktop (Borland C++, Turbo Pascal)
.dsl- DSSSL Style Sheet
.dsm- Dynamic Studio music module (MOD)
- Macro (Microsoft Developer Studio)
- Music (Digital Sound Module) (DSI)
- Music module file (DSIK)
.dsn- Design (Object System Designer)
- ODBC data source
- Schematic file (Orcad Schematic Capture)
.dsp- Display parameters (Signature)
- Dynamic Studio Professional Module (Dynamic Studio)
- Graphics display driver (Dr.Halo)
- Project (Microsoft Developer Studio)
.dsq- Query file (Corel)
.dsr- Driver Resource (WordPerfect)
- Visual Basic Active designer file
.dss- Screensaver file (DCC)
- Sound (Digital Soup)
.dst- Distribution file (PC-RDist, by Pyzzo)
- Embroidery machines graphics data
- WAIN (Scanner spec) data source DLL (Win)
.dsw- Project workspace (Borland C++ - Microsoft Developer Studio)
.dsx- Visual Basic Active designer binary file
.dt_- Data fork of a Macintosh file (Mac-ette)
.dta- Data file (Turbo Pascal - PC-File - Stata)
- World Bank's STARS data
.dtd- SGML Document Type Definition (DTD)
.dted- Digital terrain elevation data (geographical data format)
.dtf- Data file (ICEM CAD)
- Database file (PFS, Symantec Q&A)
.dtm- DigiTrakker module
.dtp- Desktop layout file (SecurDesk!/SecurDesk! LV)
- Publication (PageMagic - Publish-It! - Publisher3)
- Template file (Pressworks)
.dun- Dial-up networking export file
.dup- Duplicate Backup
.dv- Digital Video
.dvc- Data (Lotus 1-2-3)
.dvf- Graphics file associated with camcorders (DV Studio)
.dvi- Text document (TeX Device Independent File Format) (TeX)
.dvp- Device parameter file (AutoCAD)
- Program information file (DESQview)
.dw2- Drawing (DesignCAD for windows)
.dwb- Workbench (Coryphaeus Software Designer)
.dwc- Compressed file archive (DWC)
.dwd- Sound (DiamondWare Digitized audio)
.dwf- Vector graphics (Drawing Web Format) (CAD programs)
.dwg- Vector graphics (AutoCAD - Drafix) (many CAD programs)
.dwp- Document file (DeScribe)
.dws- Workspace file (Dyadic)
.dwt- Template file, or prototype (AutoCAD)
.dx- Bitmap graphics (Auto-trol Raster)
- Cross-reference data (THOR database)
- Document (Data explorer)
- JCAMP Spectroscopic Data Exchange Format Kinetic (Protein
- Text file (Data eXchange) (DEC WPS/DX format - DEC WPS Plus)
.dxb- Drawing binary exchange format (vector) (AutoCAD)
.dxf- Vector graphics (Drawing Exchange Format) (AutoCAD) (CAD programs)
.dxn- Fax (Fujitsu dexNET)
.dxr- Protected (non-editable) movie (Macromedia Director)
.dy22- Sound (Dyaxis format) (sampling rate 22k)
.dy44- Sound (Dyaxis format) (sampling rate 44k)
.dyl- Dynamic link library (EPOC16)
.dyn- Data (Lotus 1-2-3)

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.e- Include file for Euphoria (DOS)
.e00- ARC/INFO export file (ArcView)
.eas- Extended file attributes (OS/2)
.ebj- Error-checking object file (Geoworks)
.ebs- Script source (Rational Rose 98)
.ebx- Compiled script (Rational Rose 98)
.ec- Preprosessed GOC source code file (error-checking version) (Geoworks)
.ecg- Preprosessed GOC source code file (error-checking version) (Geoworks)
.ecw- ER Mapper Enhanced Compressed Wavelet (ArcView)
.ed5- EDMICS image
.ed6- EDMICS image
.eda- Ensoniq ASR disk image
.edb- ROOTS3 Geneological data file
.edc- Bitmap graphics (EDCARS)
.edd- Element Definition Document (FrameMaker+SGML documents)
.ede- Ensoniq EPS disk image
.edk- Ensoniq KT disk image
.edm- Bitmap graphics (EDMICS)
.edq- Ensoniq SQ1/SQ2/KS32 disk image
.eds- Ensoniq SQ80 disk image
.edt- Default settings (VAX EDT editor)
- External editors definitions (DN)
.edv- Ensoniq VFX-SD disk image
.eeb- Equation editor button bar (WordPerfect)
.eer- Execution error messages (Lahey Fortran)
.efa- Ensoniq ASR file
.efe- Ensoniq EPS file
.efk- Ensoniq KT file
.efq- Ensoniq SQ1/SQ2/KS32 file
.efs- Ensoniq SQ80 file
- Flowchart (EasyFlow)
.eft- High resolution screen font (ChiWriter)
.efv- Ensoniq VFX-SD file
.efx- Fax (Everex EFax)
.ega- EGA display font (Ventura Publisher)
.eidi- Bitmap graphics (Electric Image EIDI file)
.eit- E-Icons 98 Theme file (Windows)
.eka- Internal data files (Borland's Eureka)
.ekm- Keyboard macro definitions (The Scientific Word Processor)
.el- Elisp language source code file (Emacs-Lisp)
.elc- Compiled ELISP code (Emacs-Lisp)
.eli- Compressed file archive (ELI)
.elm- Theme-Pack file (Microsoft FrontPage)
.elt- Event list (Prosa)
.emb- Embedded Bank (Everest)
.emd- Extended MoDule (ABT)
.emf- Vector graphics (Windows Enhanced Metafile)
.eml- Electronic Mail file (Microsoft Outlook, Novell Groupwise)
.ems- Enhanced Menu System Configuration file (PC Tools)
.emu- Terminal emulation data (BITCOM)
.enc- Encoded file - UUENCODEd file (Lotus 1-2-3 - uuencode)
- Encoded video clip (MPEG)
- Music (Encore)
.end- Arrow-head definition file (CorelDraw)
.enff- Extended Neutral File Format
.eng- Dictionary engine (Sprint)
- Engine routines (Matlab)
- English documentation
- Graphics (charting) (EnerGraphics)
.env- Data (Novell Envoy)
- Enveloper macro (WOPR)
- Environment file (WordPerfect)
.eobj- Object code (error-checking version) (Geoworks)
.epd- Publication (Express Publisher)
.epdf- Encapsulated Portable Document Format
.ephtml- Enhanced Perl-parsed HTML file
.epi- Adobe Encapsulated PostScript Interchange format (text and graphics)
.eps- Adobe Encapsulated PostScript (text and graphics)
- Printer font (Epson - Xerox...) (Ventura Publisher)
.eps2- Adobe Level II Encapsulated PostScript (text and graphics)
.epsf- Adobe Encapsulated PostScript file (text and graphics)
.epsi- Adobe Encapsulated PostScript Interchange format
.epson- Epson printer graphics file
.ept- Adobe Encapsulated PostScript Interchange format with TIFF preview
.eqf- Equalizer Settings file (WinAmp)
.eqn- Equation (WordPerfect)
.er1- Data (ERWin)
.erd- Entity Relationship Diagram graphic file (Prosa)
.eri- Data (ERWin)
.erm- Bitmap graphics
- Entity Relationship Diagram model file (Prosa)
.err- Error log
- Error messages for command line compilers
.ers- ER Mapper raster file format (ArcView)
- Satellite image header (ER Mapper satellite image analysis) (Earth Resource Mapping)
.erx- Data (ERWin)
.esf- Audio file (Emblaze)
.esh- Extended Shell batch file
.esl- Distributable support library (Microsoft Visual FoxPro)
.esps- Sound (ESPS audio file)
.ess- Style sheet (The Scientific Word Processor)
.es~- EPOC Synchronization file
.eth- Document (Ethnograph 3)
.etx- Structure Enhanced (setext) text
.eu- Include file for Euphoria (Linux)
.euc- Japanese text (Kanji)
.eui- Ensoniq ESP family compacted disk image
.evp- Sound envelope (general purpose data curves stored as doubles) (mxv)
.evt- Event descriptions
- Event log
.evy- Document (WordPerfect Envoy)
.ew- Include file for Euphoria (Windows)
.ewd- Document (Express Publisher for Windows)
.ewl- Document (Microsoft Encarta)
.exEuphoria source code file for DOS
.ex3- Device driver (Harvard Graphics 3.0)
.exc- Exclude file for Optimize (do not process) (QEMM)
- Exclusion Dictionary file (Microsoft Word)
- Rexx language source code file (VM/CMS)
- Text document
.exe- Directly executable program (MSDOS)
.exf- ABS Viewpoint file
- Alert System file
- Bitmap graphics (Fuji EXIF format)
- Execution Form file
- Express-G File
- FirstStep XG native file
- RUPUTER file
.exif- Bitmap graphics (Fuji EXIF format)
.exm- Msdos executable system-manager compliant (HP calculator)
.exp- Express schema (STEP)
- Protected mode executable program (PharLap)
- Saved chat (ICQ)
.ext- ASCII binary transfer file (WS_FTP Pro, IPSWITCH Software)
- Extension file (Norton Commander)
.ext2- Second extended file system (Linux)
.ext3- Third extended file system (Linux)
.exuEuphoria source code file for linux
.exwEuphoria source code file for Windows
.exx- Intermediate file by MsgPut (IBM LinkWay)
.ezf- Fax (Calculus EZ-Fax)
.ezp- Compressed file (Edify Electronic Workforce Backup Utility)

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.f- Compressed file archive (Freeze)
- Fortran language source code file (fixed form)
.f01- Fax (perfectfax)
.f06- Dos screen text font - height 6 pixels (fntcol13.zip)
.f07- Dos screen text font - height 7 pixels (fntcol13.zip)
.f08- Dos screen text font - height 8 pixels (fntcol13.zip)
.f09- Dos screen text font - height 9 pixels (fntcol13.zip)
.f10- Dos screen text font - height 10 pixels (fntcol13.zip)
.f11- Dos screen text font - height 11 pixels (fntcol13.zip)
.f12- Dos screen text font - height 12 pixels (fntcol13.zip)
.f13- Dos screen text font - height 13 pixels (fntcol13.zip)
.f14- Dos screen text font - height 14 pixels (fntcol13.zip)
.f16- Dos screen text font - height 16 pixels (fntcol13.zip)
.f2r- Music (Farandole Linear Module format)
.f32- Sound (Raw 32bit IEEE floating point values)
.f3r- Music (Farandole blocked linear module format)
.f64- Sound (Raw 64bit IEEE floating point values)
.f77- Fortran 77 language source code file
.f90- Fortran 90 language source code file (free form)
.f96- Fax (Frecom FAX96)
.fac- Bitmap graphics (Usenix FACE format)
.face- Bitmap graphics (Usenix FACE format)
.fal- Bitmap graphics (image header information) (Q0 format)
.faq- Frequently Asked Questions (text file)
.far- Music (Farandole Composer Module)
.fas- Basic module file (3-D Fassade Plus)
- Compiled program (Macsyma)
.fav- Favorites shortcut (Microsoft Outlook)
.fax- Generic Group 3 1bit encoded data (used by most Fax programs)
.fbk- Backup (Navison Financials)
.fbm- Bitmap graphics (Fuzzy Bitmap) (native format of Fuzzy pixmap manipulation package)
.fbn- spatial index file for read-only datasets (ArcView)
.fbx- spatial index file for read-only datasets (ArcView)
.fc- Spell checking dictionary (Harvard Graphics 2.0)
.fcc- FirstClass Dictionary file
.fcd- Output file (FastCAD/EasyCAD)
- Virtual CDROM file
.fcl- Link (CyberAudioLibrary)
.fcm- Binary file patch file (forward compression) (jlpak10.zip)
.fd- Declaration file (Microsoft Fortran)
- Field offsets for compiler (DataFlex)
- Resource file (Front Door)
.fdb- Database (Navison Ninancials)
.fdf- Forms document (Adobe Acrobat)
.fdw- Form (F3 Design and Mapping)
.feb- Figure editor button bar (WordPerfect)
.fei- Fatal Error Infotable (Geoworks)
.fem- CADRE Finite Elements Mesh file
.ff- Intelligont FIAS format
- Outline font description (Agfa Compugraphics)
.ffa- FastFind file (Windows)
.fff- Fax (defFax)
- GUS PnP bank file format
.ffi- Atech FastFont (AllType)
.ffivw- File Format for the Interchange of Virtual Worlds
.ffl- FastFind file (Windows)
- Image file (PrintMaster Gold)
.ffo- FastFind file (Windows)
.fft- Fast Fourier Transform analysis data
- Text file (DCA/FFT Final Form Text - DisplayWrite)
.ffx- FastFind file (Windows)
.fh3- Vector graphics (FreeHand)
.fh4- Vector graphics (FreeHand)
.fh5- Vector graphics (FreeHand)
.fh7- Vector graphics (FreeHand)
.fh8- Vector graphics (FreeHand)
.fi- File Interface (Microsoft Fortran)
.fif- Graphics (Fractal Image Format)
.fig- Graphics (TransFig image format, REND386/AVRIL)
- Linker options (Lahey Fortran)
.fil- File listing
- File template (Application Generator)
- Files list object file (dBASE Application Generator)
- Overlay (WordPerfect)
.fin- Print-formatted text file (Perfect Writer - Scribble - MINCE)
.fio- Graphics filter (Aldus PhotoStyler)
.fitFlexible Image Transport System (astronomical data)
- File Index Table (Windows NT)
.fitsFlexible Image Transport System (astronomical data)
.fix- Patch file
.fky- Macro file (FoxPro)
.fl- Sound (Floating format) (hardware dependant not transportable)
.fla- Movie (Macromedia Flash)
.flb- Format library (Papyrus)
- Label (FileMaker Pro)
.flc- Animation (AutoDesk FLIC format) (Autodesk Animator)
.fld- Field define module file (3-D Fassade Plus)
- Folder (Charisma)
.flf- Delivered form (Corel Paradox)
- Driver (OS/2)
- License file (Navison Financials)
.fli- Animation (AutoDesk FLIC format) (Autodesk Animator)
- Tex font library (EmTeX)
.flic- Animation (AutoDesk FLIC format) (Autodesk Animator)
.fll- Distributable dynamic link library (DLL) (Microsoft Visual FoxPro)
- Drawing (iGrafx Designer)
.flm- Film Roll (AutoCAD/AutoShade)
.flo- FlowCharter file (MicroGrafx)
.fls- Filelist document (Farrukh Imposition Publisher)
- Windows help supporting file (ArcView)
.flt- Data filter file (Alsud - Micrografx Picture Publisher - Microsoft Word)
- Flight file (MultiGen)
- Graphics filter (Asymetrix ToolBook - Corel)
- Music module (MOD) (StarTrekker)
- Sound filter (Miles Sound Studio)
.flx- Animation (AutoDesk FLIC format) (Autodesk Animator)
- Compiled binary (DataFlex)
- Database (Flexstor format)
.fm- Database (FileMaker Pro)
- FrameMaker Document (Adobe)
.fm1- Spreadsheet (Lotus 1-2-3 release 2.x)
.fm3- Device driver (Harvard Graphics 3.0)
- Spreadsheet (Lotus 1-2-3 release 3.x)
.fmb- Binary source code for form (Oracle 4.x)
- File Manager Button bar (WordPerfect)
.fmf- Font or icon file (IBM LinkWay)
.fmk- Makefile (Fortran PowerStation)
.fml- File Mirror List (GetRight)
- Mirror list (Oracle)
.fmo- Compiled format file (dBASE IV)
.fmp- Document file (FileMaker Pro)
.fmt- Fast loading format (TeX)
- Format file (dBASE IV - Clipper 5 - dBFast - Gate3)
- Print file (Microsoft Schedule+)
- Screen format file (Microsoft Visual FoxPro)
- Style sheet (Sprint)
- Text format for form (Oracle 4.x)
.fmv- Full Motion Video file
.fmx- Executable form (Oracle 4.x)
- Plug-in (FileMaker Pro)
.fn3- Font file (Harvard Graphics 3.0)
.fnd- Saved search (Windows 95)
.fng- Font group file (Font Navigator)
.fnk- Music (FunkTracker)
.fnt- Font file (many)
.fnx- Inactive font (Exact)
.fo1- Font file (Borland Turbo C)
.fo2- Font file (Borland Turbo C)
.fog- Fontographer Database File (Fontographer)
.fol- Saved message folder (1st Reader)
.fon- Bitmap font file (many - Windows 3.x font library)
- Call log (Procomm Plus)
- Phonebook (Terminate - Terminator - Telix)
.font- Font data (unix)
.fop- Raster graphics (Freedom of Press)
.for- Form (WindowBase)
- Fortran language source code file (fixed form)
.fot- Installed TrueType font styles
.fox- Foxbase executable (precompiled .prg) (FoxBase)
.fp- Configuration file (FoxPro)
- Data (FileMaker Pro)
.fp1- Game data (Flying Pigs for Windows)
.fp3- Database (FileMaker Pro)
.fp5- Database (FileMaker Pro)
.fpc- Catalog (FoxPro)
.fpd- TMT Pascal compiled unit (TMT Pascal)
.fpk- Form package file (FormFlow)
.fpt- Memo field tables (FoxPro)
.fpw- Floorplan drawing (FloorPLAN plus for Windows)
.fpx- Bitmap graphics (Kodak FlashPix image format)
.fr3- Renamed dBASE III+ form file (dBASE IV)
.frf- Font database (FontMonger)
.frg- Uncompiled report file (dBASE IV)
.frl- Library (GP-Forth)
.frm- Document (FrameMaker or FrameBuilder)
- Executable file (Oracle 3.0 and earlier)
- Form i.e. dialog layout (Visual Basic)
- Formula (Fractint)
- Merge form (WordPerfect)
- Order or registration form (text file)
- Report file (dBASE IV - Clipper 5 - dBFast)
- Symbol Report (DataCAD)
.fro- Compiled report file (dBASE IV)
.frp- Form (PerForm PRO Plus - FormFlow)
.frs- Screen Font Resource (WordPerfect)
.frt- Additional (FPT) report description file (FoxPro)
- GP-Forth language source code file (GP-Forth)
.frx- Form stash file (binary) (Visual Basic)
- Main (DBF) report description file (FoxPro)
.frz- Freeze file (EPOC)
.fs- Bitmap graphics (Usenix FaceServer file)
.fsf- fPrint Audit Tool
.fsl- Saved form (Corel Paradox)
.fsm- Music format (Farandole Composer WaveSample)
.fsp- fPrint Audit Tool file format
.fssd- Sound
.fst- Linkable program (dBFast)
.fsx- Data (Lotus 1-2-3)
.ft- Full Test index (Lotus Notes)
.ft8- Template (FreeHand)
.ftb- Index file (Roots3)
.ftf- Client access data specification file (AS/400) (Client to Server)
.ftg- Full text search group file (Microsoft Windows Help)
- UNIX help supporting file (ArcView)
.fth- Theme (FileMaker Pro)
.ftk- Bitmap graphics (Formtek Raster)
.ftm- Font file (Micrografx)
.ftn- Fortran language source code file (fixed form)
.ftp- Configuration (FTP Software PC/TCP)
- Document (FTP Voyager)
.ftsFlexible Image Transport System (astronomical data)
- Full text search index (Microsoft Windows Help)
- UNIX help supporting file (ArcView)
.ftw- Document file (Family Tree Maker)
.fw- Database (FrameWork)
.fw2- Database (Framework II)
.fw3- Database (Framework III)
.fw4- Database (Framework IV)
.fwb- Data file backup for file splitting configuration (FileWrangler)
.fweb- Fortran WEB
.fws- Data file for file splitting configuration (FileWrangler)
.fx- On-line guide (FastLynx)
.fxd- Phonebook (FAXit)
.fxm- FixSite Masthead File
- Multiple fax images (Deltrina Winfax PRO)
.fxp- Compiled source code (.prg) (FoxPro)
.fxs- Fax Transmit Format graphics (WinFax)
.fzb- Casio FZ-1 bank dump
.fzf- Casio FZ-1 Full dump
.fzp- Dye Sub printing support file (Fargo Primera colour printer)
.fzv- Casio FZ-1 Voice dump

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.g- Data chart (APPLAUSE)
- Green channel image data (Spaceward Graphics)
.g16- Compiled config (GoldED for DOS)
.g3- Bitmap graphics (Group 3 FAX format)
.g4- Bitmap graphics (GTX Group IV)
.g721- Sound (Raw CCITT/ITU G.721 4bit ADPCM format data)
.g723- Sound (Raw CCITT/ITU G.723 3 or 5bit ADPCM format data)
.g726- Sound (Raw CCITT/ITU G.726 2, 3, 4 or 5bit ADPCM format data)
.g8- Green channel image data (24bit RGB Cubicomp PictureMaker 3D animation)
- Raw graphics (one byte per pixel) plane three (PicLab)
.gal- Gallery (Corel Multimedia Manager)
.gam- Fax (GammaFax)
.gau- Gaussian Input format
.gb- Chinese text
- Emulator ROM image (Nintendo Gameboy)
.gbc- Color emulator ROM image file (Nintendo Gameboy)
.gbl- Global definitions (VAXTPU editor)
- Global module in Basic programs
.gc1- Lisp language source code file (Golden Common Lisp 1.1)
.gc3- Lisp language source code file (Golden Common Lisp 3.1)
.gcd- Generic CAD Drawing format (vector)
.gcp- Image processing file (Ground Control Point)
.gdb- Database file (InterBase)
.gdf- Dictionary file (Geoworks)
.gdl- Geometric Description Language data file (ArchiCAD)
.gdm- Bells, whistles, and sound boards module
.gds- McDonnell-Douglas Things
.ge- Config file (GEcho)
.ged- Compiled config file (GoldED for DOS)
- Genealogical data (GEDCOM)
- Graphics (Graphic Environment Document) (Arts & Letters)
- Graphics editor file (EnerGraphics)
.gef- Graphics Exchange Format
.gem- Vector graphics (Digital Research GEM metafile) (Ventura Publisher)
.gen- ARC/INFO UnGenerate format (ArcView)
- Compiled template (dBASE Application Generator)
- Generated text file (Ventura Publisher)
.geo- Compiled config file (GoldED for OS/2)
- Geode (GEOS executable) (Geoworks)
.getright- Unfinished download (GetRight)
.gex- Config file (GEcho)
.gf- Font file (MetaFont)
.gfb- Compressed GIF image (GIFBlast)
.gfc- Flowchart (Patton & Patton Flowcharting 4)
.gfi- Genigraphics Graphics Link presentation
.gfo- SGI Radiosity
.gft- Font file (GEM - NeoPaint)
.gfw- world file for gif image (ArcView)
.gfx- Genigraphics Graphics Link presentation
- Graphics Files (Print Artist)
.gib- Chart (Graph-in-the-Box)
.gid- General index (Windows 95 help)
.gif- 8-bit color bitmap graphics (CompuServe Graphics Interchange Format GIF87A/GIF89A)
.gif87- 8-bit color bitmap graphics (CompuServe Graphics Interchange Format GIF87A/GIF89A)
.giff- 8-bit color bitmap graphics (CompuServe Graphics Interchange Format GIF87A/GIF89A)
.gim- Genigraphics Graphics Link presentation
.gis- Bitmap graphics (Erdas gray-scale image)
.giw- Presentation (Graph-in-the-Box for Windows)
.gix- Genigraphics Graphics Link presentation
.gkh- Disk Image (VFX SD EPS ASR TS) (Ensoniq)
.gks- Graphics Kernel System
- GripKey document (Gravis)
.gl- Animation (GRASP - GRAphical System for Presentation format)
- Script (GALink)
.glb- Global module in Basic programs
.glf- Vector graphics (Graph Layout Format) (NestedVision 3D)
.glm- Datafile (Glim)
.glo- Auxiliary for for glossary (LaTeX)
- Global module in Basic programs
.gls- Datafile (Across)
.gly- Glossary (Microsoft Word)
.gm- Bitmap graphics (Autologic files)
.gm2- Bitmap graphics (mode 2 black/white) (Autologic files)
.gm4- Bitmap graphics (mode 4 gray-scale) (Autologic files)
.gmf- CGM graphics (APPLAUSE)
.gmp- Tile map (Geomorph) (SPX)
.gmr- Graphical monitor record (Schlafhorst Automation)
.gna- Genigraphics Graphics Link presentation
.gno- Genealogy document file (Genopro)
.gnt- Generated executable code (Micro Focus COBOL/2)
.gnx- Genigraphics Graphics Link presentation
.go- Bitmap graphics (GraphOn graphics file)
.gobj- Object code (non-error-checking version) (Geoworks)
.goc- GOC language source code file (Geoworks)
.goe- Bitmap graphics - satellite image data (GOES file) (McIDAS system)
.goes- Satellite image data (GOES file) (McIDAS system)
.goh- Goc language header file (Geoworks)
.gould- Bitmap graphics (Gould scanner file)
.gp- Geode parameter file (Geoworks)
- Gofer project (Haskell language dialect)
.gp4- Bitmap graphics (GTX Group IV format)
.gph- Graph (Lotus 1-2-3/G)
.gpk- Compressed Omnigo file archive (Geoworks package)
.gplt- Gnuplot plot file
.gpp- Graph paper application file (GraphPap) (Generates graph paper)
.gq- Epson's page description language (printer)
.gr2- Screen driver (Windows 3.x)
.gra- Chart (Microsoft Graph)
- Datafile (SigmaPlot)
- Graph (Microsoft Graph)
.grads- Metafile
.grasp- Animation (GRAphical System for Presentation format)
.grb- Bitmap graphics B&W binary (GROB Graphic Object) (HP-48sx calculator)
- Shell Monitor (MS-DOS 5)
.grd- Drivers for GRX (graphics library)
- Image processing grid (CHIPS)
.grdef- UI resource file (Geoworks)
.grf- Graph file (Graph Plus - Charisma)
- Grapher (Golden Software) graph
.grib- Gridded Binary (FM 92-VIII Ext. GRIdded Binary file) (WMO CBS)
.grn- Drivers for GRX (graphics library)
.grp- Group file (Papyrus)
- Pictures group (PixBase)
- Program Manager Group (Windows)
.grx- File list (GetRight)
.gry- Graphics (Raw GREY)
.gs- Gofer script (Haskell language dialect)
.gs1- Presentation (GraphShow)
.gsd- GSM internet realtime audio
- Vector graphics (Professional Draw)
.gsm- Library Part (ArchiCAD)
- Sound (Raw 'byte aligned' GSM 6.10 audio stream)
- Sound (Raw GSM 6.10 audio stream)
- Sound (US Robotics voice modems GSM with header - QuickLink)
- Sound (US Robotics voice modems GSM without header - VoiceGuide, RapidComm)
.gsp- Sketch (Geometer's Sketchpad)
- Zip file (Gnu zip) (Allows for output to html)
.gss- Script (Geometer's Sketchpad)
.gsw- Worksheet (GraphShow)
.gt2- Music module (Graoumftracker)
.gtar- Compressed file archive (GNU tar)
.gtk- Music module (Graoumftracker)
.gtp- Atari ST executable (GEM Takes Parameters)
- GTML Project file
- Get The Picture file
- Guitar Pro Tablature
- Photoplotter output file (Gerber Top Paste mask Layer)
.gtx- Raster graphics (GTX Group IV)
.gup- Data (PopMail)
.gv- GrandView outline file
.gwp- Greetings WorkShop file
.gwx- Genigraphics Graphics Link presentation
.gwz- Genigraphics Graphics Link presentation
.gxl- Graphics library (Genus)
.gym- Generic symbol file (Geoworks)
.gz- Compressed file archive (GNU Zip)
.gzip- Compressed file archive (GNU Zip)

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.h- Header file (C programming language)
.h!- Help database (Flambeaux Help - Perfect Database)
.h++- Header file (C++)
.h--- Header file (Sphinx C--)
.ha- Compressed file archive (HA)
.hal- Data file (Hyper Access Lite OS/2)
- Hal add-on file (Lotus 1-2-3)
.ham- Disk Driver file (Novell NetWare)
- Vector graphics saved file (Amiga)
.hap- Compressed file archive (HAP)
.hbk- Accounting data file (Humanic Software)
- Handbook (Mathcad)
.hbm- Hotline bookmark
.hby- ROM image localisable resources
.hc- Header file
.hcm- Configuration file (IBM HCM)
.hcom- Sound (Macintosh)
.hcr- Production configuration file (IBM HCD/HCM)
.hda- Document file (HotDocs)
.hdf- Bitmap graphics Hierarchical Data Format (NCSA)
- Help file (Help Development Kit)
.hdl- Alternate download file listing (Procomm Plus)
.hdml- Handheld Device Markup Language
.hdr- Database header (Pc-File+)
- Datafile (Egret)
- Header information
- Message header (Procomm Plus - 1st Reader)
.hds- Hierarchical Data System
.hdw- Vector graphics (Harvard Draw)
.hdx- Help index (AutoCAD - Zortech C++)
.hed- Document (HighEdit)
.hel- Saved game (Microsoft Hellbender)
.hep- Novell Help Librarian Data File (Novell NetWare)
.hex- Encoded file archive (ascii) (Macintosh BinHex)
- Hex dump
.hfi- HP Font Info file (GEM)
.hfx- Data file (US Robotics Rapid Comm Voice)
- Drawing (Harvard F/X)
.hgl- Highlight groups definitions (DN)
- Vector graphics for plotter (Hewlett-Packard Graphics Language)
.hh- C++ header file
- Help system map (Generic)
.hhc- Content (HTML Help Workshop)
.hhh- Precompiled header file (Power C)
.hhk- Index (HTML Help Workshop)
.hhp- Help information for remote users (Procomm Plus)
- Project (HTML Help Workshop)
.hi- High scores (games)
.hig- High scores (games)
.hin- Molecule (HyperChem)
.hips- Bitmap graphics (HIPS file)
.his- History of executing/viewing/editing (DN)
.hit- Audio file (HitPlayer)
.hkc- Auto complete short-cuts (HTML-KIT)
.hks- Hook Script
.hlb- Help library (VMS)
.hlp- Program online help information (Windows Help)
.hlx- Help file (MultiEdit)
.hlz- Packed help file (MultiEdit)
.hmi- Music (Human Machine Interface) (MIDI)
.hmm- Alternate Mail Read option menu (Procomm Plus)
.hmp- Database file (InfoMgr)
- Music (Human Machine Interface) (MIDI)
.hnc- CNC program files Heidenhain (?) dialog
.hof- Game data (best scores)
.hog- Mission file (Descent, Dark Forces)
.hot- Document file (HotSend)
.hp- Primary hash file (THOR database)
- Printout file for HP printers/plotters (HP/GL)
.hp8- Text in HP Roman8 character set (NewWave Write)
.hpc- Font language file (Hewlett-Packard)
.hpf- HP LaserJet fonts (PageMaker)
- Partial download file (HotLine)
.hpg- Vector graphics for plotter (Hewlett-Packard Graphics Language)
.hpgl- Vector graphics for plotter (Hewlett-Packard Graphics Language)
.hpi- Font information (GEM)
.hpj- Help project (Microsoft Help Compiler)
- Printed to file (HP LaserJet)
.hpk- Compressed file archive (HPack)
.hpl- Vector graphics (Hewlett-Packerd LasetJet)
.hplj- Vector graphics (Hewlett-Packerd LasetJet)
.hpm- Alternate Main menu for privileged users (Procomm Plus)
- Emm text (HP NewWave)
- High Performance Map (Quaestor 1.x)
.hpp- C++ header (Zortech C++ - Watcom C/C++)
- Database file (InfoMgr)
- Vector graphics (Hewlett-Packard Printer Control Language)
.hppcl- Vector graphics (Hewlett-Packard Printer Control Language)
.hqx- Encoded Macintosh archive (ascii) (BinHex)
.hrf- Bitmap graphics (black and white Hitachi Raster Format) (CADCore)
.hrh- Common header for resources and C++
.hrm- Alternate Main menu for limited/normal users (Procomm Plus)
.hrz- Graphics (SSTV)
.hs- HelpSet (JavaHelp)
- Literate Haskell source code file
.hs2- Monochrome image (Postering)
.hsc- FM synthesized music file (HSC tracker)
.hsi- Bitmap graphics (Handmade Software Inc) (Image Alchemy)
.hsp- WWW page project (HomeSite)
.hsq- SQL statements embedded in HTML (htmSQL)
.hsql- SQL statements embedded in HTML (htmSQL)
.hst- Graphics histogram (HSI raw file) (Handmade Software)
- History
.ht- Data (HyperTerminal)
.htm- HyperText Markup Language document (WWW)
.html- HyperText Markup Language document (WWW)
.htmls- HyperText Markup Language document with server-side include (WWW)
.htt- HyperText Template
.htw- HTML file
.htx- Extended HTML template (Microsoft FrontPage)
.hwd- Presentation (Hollywood)
.hwp- Korean word processor document format (HanGul)
.hx- Cross-reference hash file (THOR database)
.hxm- Alternate Protocol Selection menu for all users (Procomm Plus)
- HAM extension (Descent 2)
.hxx- C++ header
.hy1- Hyphenation algorithms (Ventura Publisher)
.hy2- Hyphenation algorithms (Ventura Publisher)
.hyc- Data (WordPerfect)
.hyd- Hyphenation dictionary (WordPerfect)
.hym- 3D Image binary file (Hymarc Scandata Scanner)
.hyp- Compressed file archive (Hyper)
.hz- Chinese text

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.i- Analysis data (Phase Vocorder)
- Preprocessor output file (Borland C++ Preprocessor)
.i16- Nokia Logo File
.i3- Interface source (Modula-3)
.ian- Text file (Sterling Software, Groundworks COOL Business Team Model)
.iax- Bitmap graphics (IBM Image Access eXecutive file)
.ibg- Bitmap graphics - planetary images by NASA (PDS format)
.ibm- Compressed file archive (Internal IBM only) (ARCHDOS)
.iby- ROM image component include file
.ic- M3CG intermediate language file (Modula-3)
.ic1- Bitmap graphics (Atari Image)
.ic2- Bitmap graphics (Atari Image)
.ic3- Bitmap graphics (Atari Image)
.ica- Bitmap graphics (Image Object Content Architecture)
- Citrix file
.icb- Bitmap graphics (Truevision Targa format)
.icc- Bitmap graphics (Kodak ICC printer format)
- Catalog file (IronClad)
- International Color Consortium color profile
.icd- Drawing file (IronClad)
.ice- Archive (Cracked LHA) (old Lha)
.icl- Icon Library (Windows)
.icm- ICC configuration
- Image Color Matching profile
.icn- Graphics (RIP icon)
- Icon language source code file
.ico- Icon image (Windows 3.x, OS/2, Unix)
.icon- Icon image (1bit black and white Sun icon file) (Unix)
.icp- Parameter file (IContact) (Unix)
.icr- Bitmap graphics (NCSA Telnet Interactive Color Raster graphic file)
.ics- Scene file (IronClad)
.id- Disk identification file
.idb- Database (IDA)
- Intermediate file (Microsoft Developer Studio)
.idc- Bitmap graphics (Core IDC file)
- Document (Internet Database Connector)
- IDA C language source code file (IDA)
.idd- MIDI Instrument Definition
.ide- Project (Borland C++)
.idf- MIDI Instrument Definition (Windows 95)
.idif- Identification file (Netscape saved address book)
.idl- Interface definition file (Visual C++)
.idq- Internet Data Query
.ids- 3D data file for Minos
- Data (WFO-A)
- Imported names format (IDA)
- Scene file (Infini-D)
.idw- Vector graphics (IntelliDraw)
.idx- Header information (CMYK image) (Stork format)
- Index file (very common)
.ief- Bitmap graphics (Image Exchange Format)
.ifd- Form (JetForm Design)
.iff- Bitmap graphics (Amiga IFF/8SVX Interchange File Format)
- Bitmap graphics (Sun TAAC Image File Format)
- Sound (Amiga IFF/8SVX Interchange File Format)
.ifo- Digital Video Disk (DVD) datafile
- Graphic object layer data (ImageForge Pro)
.ifp- Script (KnowledgeMan)
.ifs- Create executable library (ImageForge Pro)
- Fractal image compressed file (YuvPak)
- Installable file system (OS/2)
- Iterated function system fractal (Fractint)
.ig- Generic interface source (Modula-3)
.iges- Initial Graphics Exchange Specification format (2D or 3D CAD model)
.igf- Inset Systems metafile
.igr- Drawing design file (SmartSketch)
.igs- Initial Graphics Exchange Specification format (2D or 3D CAD model)
.ihp- Help file (Watcom)
.ihs- Inbound History (Bink/+)
.ii- Preprocessed C++ source code (gcc)
.iif- Interchange file (QuickBooks for Windows)
.iim- Music module
.il- Inline expansion file (Fortran 90)
- hDC Designer Icon Lin Dll format
.ilb- Data (Scream Tracker)
.ilbm- Bitmap graphics (Amiga Interleaved BitMap format)
.ilk- Outline of program's format (incremental linker) (Microsoft ILink)
.im- Bitmap graphics (Sun raster file)
.im1- Bitmap graphics (1bit Sun raster file)
.im24- Bitmap graphics (24bit Sun raster file)
.im32- Bitmap graphics (32bit Sun raster file)
.im8- Bitmap graphics (8bit Sun raster file)
.ima- Graphics (WinImage)
- Mirage vector graphics (EGO - Chart - Autumn)
.image- Disk Image (Disk Copy, ShrinkWrap)
.imf- MIDI music file
.img- Bitmap graphics (24bit RLE) (Alias Research, Vivid ray-tracer)
- Bitmap graphics (GEM VDI image format) (Ventura Publisher)
- Bitmap graphics - 4bit or 8bit ADEX file (ADEX Corporation ChromaGraph series of graphics cards)
- Disk Image (Disk Copy, ShrinkWrap)
- ERDAS Imagine image file (ArcView)
.imj- Bitmap graphics (Pegasus Image Corp format)
.imp- Compressed file archive (IMP)
- Import data filter (FileMaker Pro)
- Pascal implementation
- Spreadsheet (Lotus Improv)
.imq- Image presentation (ImageQ)
- Planetary images by NASA (PDS format)
.ims- Create executable library data (IconForge)
.imt- Graphics (IMNET Graphics format)
.in- Input
.in$- Installation file (HP NewWave)
.in3- Input device driver (Harvard Graphics 3.0)
.inb- Test script (Vermont HighTest)
.inc- Include file (several programming languages)
.ind- Database Index (dBASE IV)
.inf- Hypertext help system file (OS/2)
- Information (ascii file)
- Setup information, install script
.info- GNU info reader (output from texinfo) (unix)
- Icon Data (Amiga)
.ingr- Intergraph Raster File Format
.ini- Bank setup file (Gravis UltraSound)
- Initialization file
.ink- Pantone reference fills file (CorelDraw)
.inl- C++ inline function implementation
.inn- Overlay (Micro Focus COBOL/2)
.inp- Source code for form (Oracle 3.0 and earlier)
.inrs- Sound (INRS-Telecommunications audio)
.ins- Datafile (WordPerfect)
- Install script (InstallShield)
- Instrument File (Adlib - Ensoniq EPS Family)
- Internet communications settings (Microsoft IIS)
- Music sample (Cell/II MAC/PC instruments)
- Sign-up file (X-Internet)
.int- Interface module source (Borland)
- Intermediate code (semi-compiled) (Signature - Micro Focus COBOL/2)
.inx- Index (Foxbase)
.io- Compressed file archive (CPIO)
- Object file (Modula-3)
.iob- 3d graphics database in TDDD format
.ioc- Organizational chart (Instant ORGcharting!)
.ioca- Bitmap graphics (Image Object Content Architecture)
.iof- Findit document (Microsoft Findit)
.ion- File descriptions (4DOS descript.ion file)
- Plain text (ASCII Mascot data file)
.ip- Data (Interactive Physics)
- Inspection Procedures (NRC Inspection Manual)
.ipl- Pantone Spot reference palette file (CorelDraw)
.ips- IPScript (IPIX)
- International patching system binary patch file
.iptc- Newswire profile
.ipx- IPIX file (IPIX)
.iqy- Internet inquiry (Microsoft Excel)
.irc- Sound (IRCAM format)
.iris- Bitmap graphics (Irix RGB image format)
.irs- Resource (WordPerfect)
.irtp- Graphics (Graphicon-2000 Interactive Real-Time PHIGS)
.is- Intermediate assembly file (Modula-3)
.isd- Spelling Checker dictionary (RapidFile)
.ish- Compressed file archive (ISH)
.iso- Bitmap graphics (CALS ISO 8613)
- CD Image File (ISO 9660 CD-ROM file system standard)
- ISO-9660 table (International Standards Organization)
.isp- Internet Service Provider settings (Microsoft IIS)
.iss- Response file (InstallShield Silent)
.ist- Instrument file (DigitalTracker)
- IsoStar Library of intermolecular interactions
.istr- IsoStar Library of intermolecular interactions
.isu- Uninstall script (InstallShield)
.it- Music (Impulse Tracker)
- Settings (intalk)
.itf- Interface file (JPI TopSpeed Pascal)
.itg- Bitmap graphics (Intergraph Format)
.iti- Instrument file (Impulse Tracker)
.its- Internet Document Set
- Music sample (Impulse Tracker)
.iv- 3D object (Open Inventor format)
.iv-vrml- Inventor VRML Format document
.ivb- Bitmap graphics (Truevision Targa format)
.ivd- Microdata dimension or variable-level file (Beyond 20/20)
.ivp- User subset profile (Beyond 20/20)
.ivr- Virtual reality world (live picture)
.ivt- Information title (InfoViewer)
- Table or aggregate data (Beyond 20/20)
.ivx- Microdata directory (Beyond 20/20)
.iw- Presentation flowchart (IconAuthor - HSC InterActive)
- Screensaver (Idlewild)
.iwa- Text document (IBM Writing Assistant)
.iwc- Install Watch document
.iwm- Start file (IconAuthor)
.iwp- Text document (Wang)
.ix- Linker information (Modula-3)
.ixc- geocoding index for read-write coverages (ArcView)
.ixf- Fax document file (IFX for FAX)
.ixs- geocoding index for read-write shapefiles (ArcView)
.izt- Binary token file (IZL)

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.j- Compressed file archive (JAR)
.j1- EDIT Compiler JEDEC Boundary file
.j62- Ricoh camera file
.jad- Java Application Descriptor file
.jam- Jam messagebase (FTN software)
- Music (JamTracker module)
.jar- Java Archive (compressed file package for classes and data)
.jas- Bitmap graphics (JAS Compressed)
.jasc- Graphics (JAS Compressed)
.jav- Java language source code file
.java- Java language source code file
.jbd- Datafile (SigmaScan)
.jbf- Image browser file (Jasc Browser File) (Paint Shop Pro)
.jbg- Joint Bi-level Image experts Group file interchange format (1-bit raster image graphics)
.jbig- Joint Bi-level Image experts Group file interchange format (1-bit raster image graphics)
.jbx- Project file (Project Scheduler 4)
.jcm- Java commerce message
.jdx- JCAMP Spectroscopic Data Exchange Format
.jet- Fax (Hybrid JetFax)
.jff- Bitmap graphics (JPEG File Interchange Format)
.jfi- Bitmap graphics (JPEG File Interchange Format)
.jfif- Bitmap graphics (JPEG File Interchange Format)
.jif- Bitmap graphics (JPEG File Interchange Format)
.jis- Japanese Industry Standard (text)
.jmh- Bitmap graphics (JPEG File Interchange Format)
.jmp- Discovery chart-to-statistics (SAS JMP)
.jms- Graphical representation of Interactive Voice Response call flow (Voxtron TeleButler)
- Music format (JMusic file) (UltraForce)
.jn1- Game data (Epic MegaGames Jill of the Jungle)
.jnb- Jandel SigmaPlot graphics notebook page
- Workbook file (Sigma Plot 5)
.job- Job object (Scheduler)
- Vector graphics (QuestVision)
.joi- Join conferences file (XBoard)
.jor- Journal file (Gupta SQLWindows)
.jou- Journal file (VAX Edt editor)
.jpc- Bitmap graphics (Japan Picture format)
.jpe- Bitmap graphics (Joint Photographic Experts Group JFIF format)
.jpeg- Bitmap graphics (Joint Photographic Experts Group JFIF format)
.jpg- Bitmap graphics (Joint Photographic Experts Group JFIF format)
.jrc- Compressed file archive (JRchive)
.js- JavaScript language source code file (script)
- Script (JACOsub)
.jsd- Jet Suite document (eFAX)
.jse- Encoded script file (JScript)
.jsm- Jigsaw file (JugWin)
.jsp- A HTML page containing a reference to a Java servlet
.jss- Jigsaw file (JugWin)
.jtf- Bitmap graphics (JPEG Tagged Interchange Format)
- Fax (Hayes JT Fax)
- JPEG bitmap
.jtif- Bitmap graphics (JPEG Tagged Interchange Format)
.jtk- Java ToolKit file (Sun Microsystems)
.jut- Jutvision Scene (Jutvision)
.jw- Text document (JustWrite)
.jwl- CD disc case (Jewel Case Creator)
- Library (JustWrite)
.jzz- Spreadsheet (Jazz)

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.k25- Sample file (Kurzweil 2500)
.k3d- Description of macro language (3DS)
.kar- Karaoke (MIDI music with word track)
- Precompiled .prg for KARAT (Rus. FOX+ 2.0)
.kb- Keyboard script (Borland C++)
- Program source (Knowledge Pro)
.kbd- Keyboard mapping (LocoScript - Signature - Procomm Plus)
.kbm- Keyboard mapping (Reflection 4.0)
.kcl- Lisp language source code file (Kyoto Common Lisp)
.kdc- Bitmap graphics (Kodak Digital Camera) (PhotoEnhancer)
.kdk- Bitmap graphics (Kodak proprietary decimated TIFF format)
.kex- Macro (KEDIT)
.key- Archive .key-file (OS/2)
- Datafile (Forecast Pro)
- Icon toolbar (DataCAD)
- Keyboard macros
- Security file eg. Registration info
- geocoding matching keys (ODB format) (ArcView)
.kfx- Bitmap graphics (Kofax Group 4 format)
.kin- Kinetic (Protein Structure) Images
.kit- Power Chords drum kit file (Power Chord)
.kiz- Digital postcard (Kodak)
.kkw- K-keywords not associated with topics (RoboHELP Help project Index Designer)
.kml- Kedit Macro Library
.kmp- KeyMaP (Korg Trinity)
.knn- Database key file (Clarion)
.kpp- Toolpad (SmartPad)
.kps- Ibm KIPS bitmap graphics
.kqp- Bitmap graphics (Konica Quality Photos)
.kr1- Sample (multi-floppy) file (Kurzweil 2000)
.krz- Sample file (Kurzweil 2000)
.ksf- Sample File (Korg Trinity)
.ksh- Unix shell script (ksh)
.kyb- Keyboard mapping (FTP Software PC/TCP)
.kye- Game data (Kye)

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.l- L-System fractal (Fractint)
- Lex language source code file
- Linker directive file (WATCOM wlink)
- Lisp language source code file
.la- Netscape packetized audio (LiveAudio)
.lab- Datafile (NCSS - SOLO)
- Label file (Visual dBase)
- Mailing labels (Microsoft Excel)
.label- Text image format
.lam- Streaming audio metafile (Netscape Media Player)
.lan- Bitmap graphics (Erdas true colour image)
- LAN Drivers (Novell NetWare)
.landsat- Bitmap graphics (EOSAT's Landsat Thematic Mapper data)
.latex- Text document (LaTeX)
.lay- Clipart file (Printmaster Gold)
- Word chart layout (APPLAUSE)
.lbg- Label generator data (dBASE IV)
.lbl- Label (dBASE IV - Clipper 5 - dBFast)
.lbm- Bitmap graphics (Amiga Interleaved BitMap format) (Deluxe Paint)
- Linear bitmap graphics (XLib)
.lbo- Compiled label (dBASE IV)
.lbr- Compressed file archive (LU)
- Display driver (Lotus 1-2-3)
.lbt- Additional (FPT) label description file (FoxPro)
.lbx- Main (DBF) label description file (FoxPro)
.lcf- License Collection File (Folio Infobase)
- Linker Control File (Norton Guides compiler)
.lch- Chart (IBM Works for OS/2)
- Latch time (monitoring network's response time)
.lck- Lock file (especially for database access control)
.lcl- Data (FTP Software PC/TCP)
.lcn- Lection (WordPerfect)
.lcs- Datafile (ACT! History Files)
.lcw- Spreadsheet (Lucid 3-D)
.ld- Long Distance area codes file (Telix)
.ld1- Overlay file (dBASE)
.ldb- Data filer database (IBM Works for OS/2)
- Record-locking information (Microsoft Access)
.ldf- Bitmap graphics (LuraDocument)
- Data filer form (IBM Works for OS/2)
- Library definition file (Geoworks)
.ldif- Email exchange file (Microsoft, Netscape)
.ldl- Library (Corel Paradox)
.le- Executable image (DOS/4GW PM 32X DOS Extender)
.leg- Document (Legacy)
.les- Lesson (check *.cbt)
- System game profiles (Logitec Entertainment)
.lev- Level file (eg. NetHack 3.x)
.lex- Lexicon (dictionary) (many)
.lfd- LucasArts resource file (LucasArts games)
.lfp- LaserForms Plus file (Evergreen)
.lft- Laser printer font (ChiWriter)
- Loft file (3-D Studios) (DOS)
.lg- Compressed file archive (Arhangel)
- Logo procedure definitions (LSRHS Logo)
.lgc- Application log file
- Corel Layout Designer SGML Logic file
.lgd- Application log file
.lgo- Logo file (PaintBrush)
- Logo for header and footer (SuperFax)
- Startup logo code (Windows 3.x)
.lha- Compressed file archive (LHA - LHARC)
.lhs- Literate Haskell source code file
.lhw- Compressed Amiga file archive (LHWarp)
.lhz- Compressed file archive (LHA)
.lib- Library file (several programming languages)
.lic- License file
.lif- Compressed file archive (CA Clipper installer)
- Logical Interchange Format data file (Hewlett-Packard)
.lim- Compressed file archive (Limit)
.lin- ARC/INFO lineset symbol file (ArcView)
- Interactive music sequencing data file (Electronic Arts)
- Line types (AutoCAD)
- Vector data (ARC format)
.lis- Listing (VAX)
- Structured Query Reporting (SQR) program output
.lispm- Bitmap graphics (Lisp Machine file)
.liv- Document (Adobe LiveMotion)
.lix- Logos library system file
.lj- Bitmap graphics (HP LaserJet graphics file)
.lk- Database file (OpenSight-16 bit)
.lko- Linked object (Microsoft Outlook Express Junkmail file)
.lku- T9000 linkable unit
.ll3- Laplink III related file (document) (LapLink III)
.llx- Exchange agent (Laplink)
.lma- Netscape packetized audio (LiveAudio)
.lmp- Demo for Doom (3D computer game) (Doom - Doom2)
.ln03- Bitmap graphics (DEC LN03+ Sixel file)
.lng- Language definition file
- Language extensions (Lahey Fortran)
.lnk- Data file (Revelation)
- Link (shortcut) (Windows 95)
- Linker script (.RTLink)
.loc- Localisation string resource header file
.lod- Load file
.lof- Auxiliary file for List Of Figures (LaTeX)
.log- Log file
.lok- Compressed file (FileWrangler)
.lot- Auxiliary file for List Of Tables (LaTeX)
.lp- Mortgage closing information (DesertDocs)
.lpc- Printer driver (TEKO)
- Sound (Linear Predictive Coding)
.lpd- Nuts and Bolts file (Helix)
.lpi- Laser Printer Information (common with scanning sofware)
.lqt- Music (Liquid Audio)
.lrc- Intel Video Phone file
.lrf- Linker response file (Microsoft C/C++)
.lrg- Bitmap graphics (xRes LRG Image)
.lrp- Report (IBM Works for OS/2)
.lrs- Language Resource File (WordPerfect)
.lrt- Log file (Yacc)
.lsa- Ascii data (LightScape Technologies)
.lsb- Binary data (LightScape Technologies)
.lsf- Logos library system file
.lsl- Saved library (Corel Paradox)
- Script library (Lotus)
.lsp- Lisp language source code file (AutoLISP - Xlisp)
.lss- Spreadsheet (Legato - IBM Works for OS/2)
.lst- Keyboard macro (1st Reader)
- List file (archive index - compiler listfile)
- Listing (e.g. source code)
- Spool file (Oracle)
.ltm- Bitmap graphics (EOSAT's Landsat Thematic Mapper data)
- Form (Lotus Forms)
.ltx- Mathematical text document (LaTeX)
.lu- Library unit file (ThoughtWing)
.lut- NIH image Look-up table
.lv- Graphics (Laser Data Exchange)
.lvl- Miner Descent/D2 Level extension (Parallax Software)
.lwd- Text document (LotusWorks)
.lwf- Bitmap graphics (LuraWave)
.lwlo- Layered Object file (Lightwave)
.lwob- Lightwave Object Format
.lwp- Document (Lotus Word Pro)
- Word processor (IBM Works for OS/2)
.lwsc- Scene file (Lightwave)
.lwz- Linguistically enhanced sound file (Microsoft)
.lyr- Layer file (DataCAD)
- Song lyrics (ascii)
.lzd- Difference file for binaries (Ldiff 1.20)
.lzh- Compressed file archive (LHA - LHARC)
.lzs- Compressed file archive (LARC)
.lzw- Compressed Amiga file archive (LHWarp)
.lzx- Compressed archive (Generic)

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.m- Common binary file name extension (Maple)
- Function and commands (Matlab M-file - Mathematica)
- Macro module (Brief)
- Objective-C language source code file (gcc)
- Script file (Miranda programming language)
- Standard package (Mathematica)
.m11- Sound (Farallon's MacRecorder format) (sampling rate 11k)
- Text file (MASS11)
.m1aMPEG-1 audiostream
.m1sMPEG-1 systemstream
.m1vMPEG-1 IPB videostream
.m2- Modula 2 language source code file
.m22- Sound (Farallon's MacRecorder format) (sampling rate 22k)
.m2a- Sound (MPEG-2 audio)
.m2vMotion Picture Experts Group file interchange format, version 2 (MPEG-2 IPB videostream)
.m3- Modula3 language source code file
.m3a- Sound (MPEG-3 audio)
.m3d- 3d animation macro (Corel Motion)
- Sound provider support (Miles 3D Audio)
.m3u- Music playlist (MP3 file URLs) (WinAmp)
.m4- M4 preprocessor file (unix)
.m7- Sound (Farallon's MacRecorder format) (sampling rate 7k)
.m_u- Backup of boot sector FAT and boot dir (MazeGold)
.ma- Ascii file (notebook) (Mathematica)
- hDC products for MicroApp executable files (MicroApp)
.ma3- Macro (Harvard Graphics 3.0)
.mac- Bitmap graphics (black and white Apple MacPaint file)
- Macro
.macp- Bitmap graphics B&W (Apple Macintosh MacPaint file)
.mad- Module shortcut (Microsoft Access)
.maf- Form shortcut (Microsoft Access)
.mag- Woody Lynn's MAG graphics format (MPS Magro Paint System)
.magic- Configuration file (Magic Mail Monitor)
.mah- Settings (Mahjongg Solitaire)
.mai- Mail message (VAX)
.mak- Project makefile
.mam- Macro shortcut (Microsoft Access)
.man- Formatted manual or reference page
.map- Color palette (colormap intensities and indices)
- Format data (Micrografx Picture Publisher)
- Geographical map (Atlas MapMaker)
- Linker map file
- Network map (AccView)
.maq- Query shortcut (Microsoft Access)
.mar- Archive (Microstation)
- Assembly program (VAX Macro)
- Report shortcut (Microsoft Access)
.marm- Makefile for MARM platform (EPOC)
.mas- Smartmaster set (Freelance Graphics)
.mat- Matrix data file (Matlab)
- Table shortcut (Microsoft Access)
- geocoding matching parameters file (ArcView)
.maud- Sample format (Maud)
.max- Document (Paperport)
- Layout file (OrCad)
- Max language source code file
- Scene (3D Studio Max)
.maz- Data (dVS/dVISE)
- Game data (Hover maze)
.mb- Binary file (bitmaps etc.) (Mathematica)
- Memo field values for database (Paradox)
.mb1- Game data (Apogee Monster Bash)
.mbfavs- Bitmap graphics (24bit) (AVS X image file)
.mbfx- Bitmap graphics (24bit) (AVS X image file)
.mbk- Multiple index file backup (dBASE IV)
.mbm- Multi-bitmap file (EPOC)
.mbox- Mailbox file (Berkeley Unix)
.mbx- Mailbox (Eudora, Zerberus, Microsoft Outlook)
.mc- M3CG intermediate language file (Modula-3)
- Manual Chapter (NRC Inspection Manual)
.mc$- Magic Xchange package (Magic Cap file archive)
.mcc- Calling Card (Dialer10)
- Configuration file (Mathcad)
- Shortcut to MSN (Windows 95)
.mcd- Document (Mathcad)
.mcf- Font file (Mathcad)
- Graphics (Hotsauce)
- Magic control file
.mci- Command script (Media Control Interface)
.mcl- Macro library (MultiEdit)
.mcm- MacMolecule File Format
.mcp- Application script (Capsule)
- Composed Media multimedia file (NetMC Player)
- Printer driver (Mathcad)
- Project file (Metrowerks CodeWarrior)
.mcr- Keyboard macro file (DataCad)
.mcs- Image (MathCAD)
.mcw- Text document (MacWrite II - Microsoft Word for Macintosh)
.md- Compressed file archive (MDCD)
.mda- Add-in (Microsoft Access)
- Media Server plugin library (EPOC)
.mdb- Database (Microsoft Access)
.mde- MDE database (Microsoft Access)
.mdf- MLINK Definition File
- Master Data File
- Menu Definition File
.mdl- Geometrical model (3D Design Plus)
- Music module (MOD) (Digital Trakker)
- Object design model (Rational Rose 98)
- Spreadsheet (CA-Compete!)
.mdm- Modem definition (TELIX)
.mdn- Blank database template (Microsoft Access)
.mdp- Project workspace (Microsoft Developer Studio)
.mdr- Microdrive file (ZX Spectrum emulator)
.mdt- Add-in data (Microsoft Access)
- Data table (Microsoft ILink incremental linker)
.mdw- Workgroup information (Microsoft Access)
.mdx- Multiple index file (dBASE IV)
.mdz- Database wizard (Microsoft Access)
- Description of music module (Cubic Player - Cross-View)
.me- Ascii text (READ.ME)
- Configuration (MultiEdit)
- Formatted manual page with me macros
.meb- Macro Editor bottom overflow file (WordPerfect Library)
.mec- MECCA source (Maximus)
.med- Macro Editor delete save (WordPerfect Library)
- Music download (RealJukebox)
- Music format (Amiga MED/OctaMED)
.mem- Macro Editor macro (WordPerfect Library)
- Memory variable save file (Clipper - dBASE IV - FoxPro)
- Memos datafile (Clarion)
.meq- Macro Editor print queue file (WordPerfect Library)
.mer- Macro Editor resident area (WordPerfect Library)
- Spreadsheet interchange format (Filemaker, Excel)
.mes- Macro Editor work space file (WordPerfect Library)
- Message
- Music (RealJukebox)
.met- Document (Omnipage Pro)
- Macro Editor top overflow file (WordPerfect Library)
- Metafile (OS/2)
.meu- Menu group (DOS Shell)
.mex- Dynamically linked subroutines (Macintosh) (Matlab)
- Macro Editor expound file (WordPerfect Library)
.mex4- Dynamically linked subroutines (Sun-4/SPARC) (Matlab)
.mexds- Dynamically linked subroutines (DECStation) (Matlab)
.mexhp3- Dynamically linked subroutines (HP9000/series 300) (Matlab)
.mexhp7- Dynamically linked subroutines (HP9000/series 700) (Matlab)
.mexn- Dynamically linked subroutines (NeXT) (Matlab)
.mexrs6- Dynamically linked subroutines (IBM RS/6000) (Matlab)
.mexsg- Dynamically linked subroutines (SGI) (Matlab)
.mf- Metafont text file (TeX)
.mfd- Monadic functions (ABC programming language)
.mff- Music (Midi)
.mfg- Manufacturing file (Pro/ENGINEER)
.mfj- MetaFont job (batch input)
.mfm- Music format (DMP)
.mft- Style file (MetaFont source formatter)
.mg- Generic module source (Modula-3)
.mgf- Font (Micrografx)
- Materials and Geometry Format
.mgr- Bitmap graphics (MGR bitmap file)
.mgx- Drawing (Designer 4.1)
.mhp- Internet mail document (Mailshift)
.mht- Message HTML document
.mhtml- Message HTML document
.mi- Data file (Cocreate ME10)
- Miscellaneous
- Vector graphics (Hewlett Parcard ME10)
.mib- SNMP MIB file
.mic- Data (Microsoft Image Composer)
.mid- MapInfo interchange format (always paired with mif) (ArcView)
- Music (MIDI Musical Instrument Digital Interface)
.midi- Music (MIDI Musical Instrument Digital Interface)
.mif- Bitmap graphics (Magick Image File Format)
- Data (FrameMaker)
- MapInfo interchange format (always paired with mid) (ArcView)
- PC system component DMI attributes (Management Information Format)
.miff- Bitmap graphics (Magick Image File Format)
.mii- Datafile (MicroStat-II)
.mil- Bitmap graphics (CALS CCITT Group IV Type 1&2)
.mim- Message in MIME format (RFC822)
.mime- Message in MIME format (RFC822)
.mis- Mission file (many games)
.mitsu- Bitmap graphics (Mitsubishi S340-10 color sublimation printer file)
.mix- Object file (Power C)
- Package file (Command & Conquer)
- Picture file (Microsoft PhotoDraw, Microsoft Picture-It!)
- Resource archive (Westwood Studios)
.mjf- Secure music file (Mjuice)
.mk- Makefile
.mke- Makefile (Microsoft Windows SDK)
.mkg- Makefile
.mki- Japanese graphics MAKIchan format (MagView 0.5)
.mks- Data (TACT)
.ml- ML language source code file
.ml3- Project (Milestones 3.x)
.ml5- Project (Milestones 5.x)
.mlb- Macro library file (Symphony)
.mli- Materials libraries (3D Studio)
.mlid- Multiple link interface driver file (Generic)
.mlm- Saved email (Novell GroupWise using WP5.1 format)
.mm- Text document (MultiMate Advantage II)
- Virtual reality world (Meme)
.mmc- Catalog file (Microsoft Clip Gallery 5.x)
.mmd- MacroModel Molecular Mechanics
.mme- Message in MIME format (RFC822)
.mmf- Mail message file (Microsoft Mail)
- Recipe catalog (Meal Master Format)
.mmg- Table or aggregate data file (Beyond 20/20)
.mml- Bulk mail file (MyMailList)
.mmm- Multimedia movie format (RIFF RMMP) (MacroMind Director 3.x)
.mmo- Memo writer file (RapidFile)
.mmod- MacroModel Molecular Mechanics
.mmp- Document (Microsoft Music Producer)
- Graphics (MindMan)
- List (MM Player)
- Map (MindManager)
- Movie clip (Multimedia Player)
- Output video format from Bravado board
- Project file (EPOC)
.mn2- Mission file (Descent2)
.mn3- Mission file (Descent3)
.mnd- Mandelbrot for Windows
- Menu source (AutoCAD Menu Compiler)
.mng- Bitmap graphics (Multiple-image Network Graphics)
- Map (DeLorme Map'n'Go)
.mni- Mandelbrot for Windows
.mnt- Additional (FPT) menu description file (FoxPro)
.mnu- Advanced macro (HP NewWave)
- Menu (many)
.mnx- Compiled menu (AutoCAD)
- Main (DBF) menu description file (FoxPro)
.mny- Account book (Microsoft Money)
.mo- Object file (Modula-3)
.mob- Device definition (PEN Windows)
.mod- Kernel module (Windows 3.x)
- Model definitions (EPOC)
- Modula-2 language source code file (Clarion Modula-2)
- Music (Amiga MODule format) (DMP - FastTracker - MDP - ST)
- Spreadsheet (Microsoft Multiplan)
.moi- lisez.moi (read.me in French)
.mol- MDL Molfile
.mon- Monitor description (ReadMail)
.moo- MoonRock language source code file (MoonRock)
.mop- MOPAC Input format
.mov- Movie (AutoCAD AutoFlix)
- Timebased multimedia file (Apple QuickTime)
.moz- Temporary cache file (Netscape Navigator)
- Zipped (Compressed) MOD file
.mp- Movie (MPEG compressed)
.mp1- Sound (MPEG audio stream, layer I)
.mp2- Sound (MPEG-1 Layer II Audio Stream)
.mp3- Sound (MPEG-1 Layer III Audio Stream)
.mpa- Sound (MPEG-1 audio stream, layer I, II or III)
.mpc- Calendar file (Microsoft Project)
.mpd- Monadic predicates (ABC programming language)
- Project database (Microsoft Project)
.mpe- Sound or movie (Motion Picture Experts Group file interchange format)
.mpeg- Sound or movie (Motion Picture Experts Group file interchange format)
.mpg- Sound or movie (Motion Picture Experts Group file interchange format)
.mpm- Mail file (Microsoft Project)
- Mathplan macro (WordPerfect Library)
.mpnt- Bitmap graphics (Apple Macintosh MacPaint file)
.mpp- Drawing (CAD)
- Project file (Microsoft Project)
.mpq- Game archive (Blizzard, Diablo, StarCraft)
.mpr- Generated executable menu file (FoxPro)
- Main dictionary (Claris)
.mps- Microsoft Expedia Pocket Streets Map
.mpt- Bitmap graphics (Multipage TIFF)
- Project template (Microsoft Project)
.mpv- View file (Microsoft Project)
.mpv2- MPEG video
.mpw- Workspace (Microsoft Project)
.mpx- Compiled executable menu file (FoxPro)
- Exchange file (Microsoft Project)
.mrb- Multiple Resolution Bitmap graphics (Microsoft C/C++)
.mrc- Bibliographic data (Machine-Readable Cataloging records)
.mri- MRI Scan
.mrk- ARC/INFO markerset symbol file (not compatible w/ArcView) (ArcView)
- CSI markup file (CAD format)
- Vector graphics (Informative Graphics Markup)
- Windows User Benchmark (Windows 95)
.mrl- Bitmap graphics (4bit CMYK Mimaki MRL-1 file for plotter)
.mrs- Macro Resource file (WordPerfect)
.ms- Formatted manual page with ms macros
- Intermediate assembly file (Modula-3)
- Microsoft antivirus report (MSAV)
- Worksheet (Maple)
.msa- Archive (Magic Shadow)
.msc- Common console document (Microsoft Windows 2000)
- Microsoft C makefile
.msd- Diagnostics report file (Microsoft MSD)
.msdl- Manchester Scene Description Language
.msg- Digitized voice file (ZVoice)
- Message(s)
.msi- Package file (Microsoft Windows Installer)
.msn- MicroSoft Network (MSN) document
- Mission (Descent)
.mso- Document (Microsoft Office)
.msp- Bitmap graphics (Microsoft Paint format)
- Patch file (Windows Installer)
.mss- Manuscript text file (Perfect Writer - Scribble - MINCE - Jove)
- Music (Miles xMidi Sequence)
.mst- Document (Microsoft Test)
- Minispecification file (Prosa)
- Setup script (Microsoft Windows SDK)
- Windows Installer Transform
.msv- Dynamic saved view (MyStars)
.msw- Text document (Microsoft Word)
.msx- Compressed CP/M file archive (MSX)
.mth- Math file (Derive)
- Thesaurus (Claris)
.mtl- Wavefront
.mtm- Mail file (Microsoft Project)
- Music (MultiTracker Module)
.mtv- Bitmap graphics - 24bit true color MTV Ray Tracer image format
.mtw- Data file (Minitab)
.mtx- Twain device driver (32bit) (UMax)
.mu- Menu (Quattro Pro)
.mul- Data (Ultima online)
.mus- Interactive music audio data file (Electronic Arts)
- Sound file (MusicTime - Doom)
.mus10- Audio (Mus10)
.mv- Server-side script file (Miva)
.mva- Video accelerator file (Matrox)
.mvb- Data (Microsoft Multimedia Viewer)
.mvc- Bitmap graphics (Sony Digital Mavica)
.mve- Interplay video file (Descent2, Fallout2)
.mvf- Stop frame file (AutoCAD AutoFlix)
.mvg- Magick Vector Graphics 1
.mvi- Movie command file (AutoCAD AutoFlix)
.mvp- Project (MediaView)
.mvr- MAVROS mavcod input file
- VR Object Image file
.mvw- Log file (Saber LAN)
.mw- Text document (MacWrite II)
.mwf- Animation (ProMotion)
.mwii- Text document (MacWrite II)
.mwp- SmartMaster (Lotus Word Pro)
.mx- Common matrix routines (Matlab)
- Linker information (Modula-3)
.mx3- Dynamically linked subroutines (80386/486 MS-Windows) (Matlab)
.mxc- geocoding index for read-write coverages (ODB format) (ArcView)
.mxd- Map file (ArcInfo)
.mxl- Support file (PackRat 5.0)
.mxm- Mail file (Microsoft Project)
- MathConnex Module
.mxs- geocoding index for read-write shapefiles (ODB format) (ArcView)
.mxt- Data (Microsoft C)
.myp- Presentation (MM Make Your Point)

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.naa- News alert advertising data (MSNBC)
.nab- Address Book (Netscape Navigator)
- Address Book (Novell GroupWare)
- News alert branding data (MSNBC)
.nac- News alert channel data (MSNBC)
.nal- News alert log file (MSNBC)
.nam- Name Space Modules (Novell NetWare)
.nan- Nanoscope files (Raw Grayscale)
.nap- Vector graphics (Naplps format)
- Video file (EnerGraphics)
.naplps- Vector graphics (North American Presentation Layer Protocol Syntax)
.nas- News alert settings (MSNBC)
.nb- Text document (Nota Bene)
.nc- Graphics (Unidata netCDF)
- Instructions for NC (Numerical Control) machine (CAMS)
- Preprosessed GOC source code file (non-error-checking version) (Geoworks)
.ncb- Class browsing information (Microsoft Developer Studio)
.ncc- CNC (Computer Numeric Control) control file (CamView 3D)
.ncd- Directory tree data (Norton Change Directory)
.ncf- Command File (Netware)
- Internal clipboard (Lotus Notes)
.nch- Newsgroup (Internet Explorer, Microsoft Outlook)
.ncm- Configuration message (Nokia Communicator)
.ncs- Netscape Conference Call file (Netscape)
.ncsa- Bitmap graphics (Hierarchical Data File) (NCSA)
.ndb- Network database (Intellicom - Compex)
.ndl- Data (Lotus Notes)
- Inmos hardware network description file
- Nodelist file
.ndo- 3D low-polygon modeler (Nendo)
.ndx- Index file (dBASE II - III - IV - dBFast)
.neo- Bitmap graphics (Atari NeoChrome image file)
.nes- Emulator ROM for game console (Nintendo)
.net- Netlist output file (Orcad Schematic Capture)
- Network configuration/info file
- Networking module (FileMaker Pro)
.netcdf- Scientific data (Network Common Data Format)
.new- New info
.news- Bitmap graphics (NeWS image file)
.nez- Emulator file used for game consoles (NES)
.nff- Haines Neutral File Format (WorldToolKit)
.nfgNewsbin configuration file
.nfo- Database (Folio Infobase)
- Help format (Netware Folio)
- Info file
.nft- Template file (Netobject Fusion)
.ng- Online documentation database (Norton Guide)
.ngb- Nonogram puzzle
.ngg- Nokia Group Graphic
.ngo- NG linker object file (NGML)
.ngs- NG compiler source file (NGC)
.nif- Binary hardware network initialisation file
- Bitmap graphics (Navy Interchange File Format)
.niff- Bitmap graphics (Navy Interchange File Format)
.nil- Icon Library (EasyIcons-compatible) (Norton)
.nist- Sound (NIST Sphere audio)
.nit- INFO table definitions file (ArcView)
.nitf- Graphics (National Image Transmission Format)
.nl- Norton Desktop Icon Library
.nlb- Data (Oracle 7)
.nlm- Netware loadable module (Novell Netware)
- Nokia Logo File
.nls- Codepage language files (ArcView)
- NASP32 file
- National Language Support file for data localization (Uniscape)
- Natural Languages Services driver
- NetLert file
.nlu- E-Mail Trigger file (Norton LiveUpdate)
.nlx- Form (FormWorx 3.0)
.nod- File (Netobject Fusion)
.nol- Nokia Operator Logo
.non- Nonogram puzzle
.not- Notation or note
.note- Help document (WordPerfect for Mac)
.now- Usually README file
.np- Project schedule (Nokia Planner) (Visual Planner 3.x)
.npi- Source for DGEN.EXE interpreter (dBASE Application Generator)
.nrf- Bitmap graphics (Neutral Raster File)
- Data file (NICOLET)
.nrg- Image file (Nero)
.ns2- Data (Lotus Notes)
.ns3- Data (Lotus Notes)
.ns4- Database (Lotus Notes version 4)
.nsf- Database (Lotus Notes)
.nsg- Data (Lotus Notes)
.nsh- Data (Lotus Notes)
.nsl- Nokia Logo File
.nso- Document file (NetObject Fusion)
.nss- Norton screensaver module (NC - NDW Screen Saver)
.nst- Music module (NoiseTracker)
.nsx- Compound index file (SuccessWare SIX 3.00)
.nt- Startup files (Windows NT)
.ntf- Database template (Lotus Notes)
.ntr- Executable ascii text file (strip header and rename) (NetRun)
.nts- Executable ascii text file (strip header and rename) (NetSend)
- Tutorial (Norton)
.ntx- Database index (Clipper 5)
.nu4- Norton Utilities 4.x file
.nuf- Message for new users on their 1st call (Procomm Plus)
.null- NULL Image
.nwc- Song file (Noteworthy Composer)
.nws- Info text file (latest news) (ascii)
- News message (Microsoft Outlook Express)
.nxt- Sound (NeXT format)

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.o- Object file (Unix - Atari - GCC)
.o$$- Outfile (Sprint)
.oas- Word processor document (Fujitsu OAS)(Japanese)
.oaz- Fax (NetFax Manager)
.ob- Object cut/paste file (IBM LinkWay)
.obd- Binder (Microsoft Office Binder)
.obj- Compiled machine language code (Intel Relocatable Object Module)
- Object (Wavefront)
.obr- Object browser data file (Borland C++)
.obs- Script (ObjectScript)
.obt- Template (Microsoft Binder)
.obv- Visual interface (ObjectScript)
.oby- ROM image (EPOC)
.obz- Binder Wizard (Microsoft Office)
.ocf- Object Craft File (Object Craft)
.ocr- Incoming fax transcribed to text (FAXGrapper)
.oct- Musical file (Octalizer)
.ocx- OLE custom control (Object Linking and Embedding)
.oda- ODA document
- Raster graphics (CALS Group IV Type 2)
.odb- Object Database ASCII file (ODB format) (ArcView)
.ode- Object data embedding file (Microsoft Office)
.odif- Open Document Interchange Format
.odl- Object Definition Language file (Microsoft Developer Studio)
.ods- Mailbox file (Microsoft Outlook Express)
.ofd- Form definition (ObjectView)
.off- Vector graphics (Object File Format)
.ofm- PostScript font description file
.ofn- Document (Microsoft Office)
.oft- Item template (Microsoft Outlook)
.ohs- Outbound History (Bink/+)
.oid- Object interaction diagram (Prosa/OM)
.okr- Feldeinteilung module file (3-D Fassade Plus)
.okt- Music format (8 channels) (Oktalyzer)
.olb- Object Library (OLE) (Windows)
- Object library (VAX)
.old- Backup file
.ole- Object Linking and Embedding (OLE) custom control (Windows)
.oli- Text file (Olivetti)
.olk- Address book (Microsoft Outlook)
.omd- Class model (Prosa/OM)
.omf- OMF Interchange file
.ond- Graphics (Notis Multipage TIFF File)
.oo1- Voice file (Typhoon)
.oogl- Object Oriented Graphics Library
.oom- Swap file (Shroom)
.opa- Object file (Psion OPL)
.opj- Project file (Orcad Schematic Capture)
.opl- OPL (Organizer Programming Language) language source code file (Psion)
.opn- Active options (Exact)
.opo- Object file (Psion compiled OPL)
.opt- Developer Studio file (Microsoft)
- Optimize support file (QEMM)
- Options
.opw- Organization chart (Org Plus for Windows)
.opx- Chart (Microsoft Organization)
- Extension DLL (OPL)
- Inactive options (Exact)
.or2- Calendar file (Lotus Organizer 2)
.or3- Lotus Organizer 97 file
.or8- Oracle 8 database model report (Rational Rose Oracle8)
.ora- Parameter file (Oracle)
.orc- Script (Oracle 7)
.org- Calendar file (Lotus Organizer)
- Origin plot (Microcal Origin)
.oss- Search result (Microsoft Office)
.ost- Offline file (Microsoft Exchange/Outlook)
.otl- Outline font description (Z-Soft Type Foundry)
- Ventura Publisher's Type Foundry Outline Editor format
.otx- Text file (Olivetti Olitext Plus)
.out- Output
.ov- Database file (Revelation-DOS)
.ov1- Overlay file (part of program to be loaded when needed)
.ov2- Overlay file (part of program to be loaded when needed)
.ovd- Datafile (ObjectVision)
.ovg- Converted graphic file (ObjectVision)
.ovl- Overlay file (part of program to be loaded when needed)
.ovr- Overlay file (part of program to be loaded when needed)

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.p- Database source code (Progress)
- Graphics (Applause picture file)
- Pascal language source code file
- Rea-C-Time application parameter file (ReaGeniX code generator)
.p10- Digital identification file (S/MIME)
- Tektronix Plot 10 drawing
.p12- Digital identification file (S/MIME)
.p16- Music (16 channels) (ProTracker Studio 16)
.p22- Patch file (Patch22)
.p3- Project Planner file (Primavera)
.p65- Document (PageMaker 6.5)
.p7- Bitmap graphics (Xv's visual schnauzer format)
.p7c- Digital identification file (S/MIME)
.p7m- Digital identification file (S/MIME)
.p7s- Digital identification file (S/MIME)
.pa- Print Artist project
.pa1- Worktable (PageAhead)
.pab- Personal address book
.pac- Bitmap graphics (Atari STAD Image)
- Package file (Sound Blaster Studio II)
.pad- Keypad definition (Telemate)
.paint- Bitmap graphics B&W (Apple Macintosh MacPaint file)
.pak- Compressed file archive (PAK)
.pal- Color palette
.pan- Printer-specific file (copy to coreldrw.ink) (CorelDraw)
.paq- Password encrypted zip file (Hewlett-Packard)
.par- Parameter file (Fractint)
- Parts application (Digitalk PARTS)
- Permanent output file (Windows 3.x)
.pas- Pascal language source code file (Pascal - Borland Delphi)
.pat- Bitmap graphics (1bit black and white patent data) (US Patent and Trademark Office)
- Hatch patterns (AutoCAD - Photostyler)
- Patch (exePatch)
- Polygon Attribute Table (link geographic locations to databases)
- Sound patch (Gravis Ultrasound)
- Vector pattern fill file (CorelDraw)
- geocoding pattern recognition file (ArcView)
.pb- Fax (FAXability Plus)
- Phonebook (WinFax Pro)
- Proboard configuration files (Proboard)
- Setup file (PixBase)
.pb1- Document (First Publisher for Windows)
.pba- Powerbasic BASIC language source code file (Genus)
.pbd- Dynamic link library (PowerBuilder)
- Phone book (FaxNOW! - Faxit)
.pbf- Turtle Beach Pinnacle Bank File
.pbi- Powerbasic include file (Genus)
- Profiler Binary Input (Microsoft Source Profiler)
.pbk- Phonebook
.pbl- Library (PowerBuilder)
- Powerbasic library (Genus)
.pbm- Planar bitmap graphics (XLib)
- Portable BitMap format (black and white)
.pbo- Profiler Binary Output (Microsoft Source Profiler)
.pbr- Resource file (PowerBuilder)
.pbt- Profiler Binary Table (Microsoft Source Profiler)
.pc- Text file containing IBM PC specific info
.pc1- Bitmap graphics (Atari Degas Image)
.pc2- Bitmap graphics (Atari Degas Image)
.pc3- Bitmap graphics (Atari Degas Image)
- Custom palette (Harvard Graphics 3.0)
.pc8- Ascii text IBM8 character set (NewWave Write)
.pcb- P-CAD database (P-CAD)
- Printed Circuit Board file (ACCEL, Protel)
- Project (PrintShop)
- Settings (Microsoft PowerPoint)
.pcc- Cutout picture vector graphics (ZSoft PC Paintbrush)
.pcd- Bitmap graphics - Kodak Photo-CD format (multi-resolution)
- P-Code compiled test scripts (Microsoft Visual Test)
.pcds- Bitmap graphics - Kodak Photo-CD format (multi-resolution)
.pce- Mapping mailbox names to DOS filenames (Eudora)
.pcf- Profiler Command File (Microsoft Source Profiler)
.pch- Patch file
- Precompiled header (Microsoft C/C++)
.pci- PCI Miniport file (Microsoft Windows System file)
.pcj- Multimedia authoring tool graphics (IBM's Linkaway-Live)
.pck- Pickfile (Turbo Pascal)
.pcl- HP-PCL graphics data (HP Printer Control Language)
.pcm- Audio file (OKI MSM6376 Sythesizer Chip)
.pcp- Bitmap graphics (PCP file)
- Live Update Pro file (Symantec)
.pcs- Animation (Apple Macintosh PICT files)
- Picture storage file (Microsoft Powerpoint - Microsoft ClipArt Gallery)
.pct- Bitmap graphics (Macintosh b&w PICT1 - color PICT2)
.pcw- Text document (PC Write)
.pcx- Bitmap graphics (ZSoft IBM PC Paintbrush file graphics format)
.pda- Bitmap graphics
.pdb- Data (TACT - Packrat 5.0)
- Database (3Com Palm)
- Physical model backup (PowerDesigner)
- Pilot Image Format
- Protein DataBank
.pdd- Bitmap graphics (Paint Shop Pro, Adobe PhotoDeluxe)
.pdfPortable Document Format (Adobe Acrobat)
- Database Interchange Format (PCAD)
- Graphics file (ED-SCAN 24bit format)
- Package definition file (download info) (Microsoft SMS)
- Printer Definition File (Netware)
- preferences definition file (ArcView)
.pdg- Data (Print Shop Deluxe)
.pdl- Project Description Language file (Borland C++)
.pdm- Physical model file (PowerDesigner)
.pdp- Document (Print Shop Deluxe)
.pdq- Flowchart (Flowcharting PDQ Lite)
.pds- Graphics (VICAR - Video Image Communication and Retrieval)
- Pldasm language source code file (hardware assembly)
- Space mission data (Planetary Data System Format) (NASA)
.pdt- Database (ProCite)
.pdv- Printer driver (Paintbrush)
.pdw- Document (Professional Draw)
.pdx- Database index (ProCite)
- Printer description (PageMaker)
.pe3- Image archive file (Ulead PhotoImpact)
.pe4- Image archive file (Ulead PhotoImpact)
.peb- Program Editor bottom overflow file (WordPerfect Library)
.ped- Program Editor delete save (WordPerfect Library)
.pem- Program Editor macro (WordPerfect Library)
.peq- Program Editor print queue file (WordPerfect Library)
.per- Program Editor resident area (WordPerfect Library) (vakioalue)
.pes- Program Editor work space file (WordPerfect Library)
.pet- Program Editor top overflow file (WordPerfect Library)
.pex- Proboard EXecutable program file (Proboard)
.pf- Private File (Aladdin Systems security software)
.pfa- Type 3 font file (unhinted PostScript font)
.pfb- Type 1 PostScript font (Adobe Type Manager)
.pfc- PF Component
- Personal Filing Cabinet (AOL)
- Text file (First Choice)
.pff- Paraform file for 3D modeling (Scandata)
.pfk- Programmable function keys (XTreePro)
.pfl- Portfolio (Lotus Freelance)
.pfm- Printer Font Metrics (Windows Type 1 font metric file)
.pfs- Database (PFS:FILE) - text file (PFS:Write)
.pft- Printer font (ChiWriter)
.pg- Page cut/paste file (IBM LinkWay)
.pgd- PGPdisk volume (Pretty Good Privacy)
.pgi- Printer Graphics File device driver (PGRAPH library)
.pgl- Vector graphics (HP Plotter)
.pgm- Portable graymap format (PBM gray scale bitmap graphics)
- Program (Signature)
.pgn- Portable game notation file (ChessMaster and others)
.pgp- Encrypted file (Pretty Good Privacy)
.pgr- PGP Groups (Pretty Good Privacy)
.pgs- Manual page (man4dos)
.phPerl header file
- Optimized .goh include file (Geoworks)
- Phrase-table (Microsoft C/C++)
- Temporary file generated by Microsoft Help Compiler
.phd- PolyHedra Database
.phm- Phone book (DN - Lync)
.phn- Phone list (UltraFax - QmodemPro)
.pho- Phone database (Metz Phone for Windows)
.php- HTML page that includes a PHP script
.php3- HTML page that includes a PHP script
.phr- Phrases (LocoScript)
.phtml- HTML page that includes a PHP script
.pi1- Bitmap graphics (low resolution Atari Degas Image)
.pi2- Bitmap graphics (medium resolution Atari Degas Image)
.pi3- Bitmap graphics (high resolution Atari Degas Image)
.pic- 3D Image file (SoftImage)
- Bitmap graphics (15/24bit RGB Autodesk Animator PIC/CEL files)
- Bitmap graphics (Radiance image file)
- Bitmap graphics (Macintosh) (black and white PICT1 or color PICT2)
- Bitmap graphics (PC Paint Pictor page format) (most common)
- Bitmap graphics (Pixar PIC file)
- Picture file (Lotus)
.picio- Bitmap graphics (PIXAR picture file)
.pics- Animated PICT files (Macintosh)
.pict- Apple Macintosh QuickDraw/PICT bitmap graphics format (PICT1 black and white, PICT2 color)
.pict2- Apple Macintosh QuickDraw/PICT bitmap graphics format (PICT1 black and white, PICT2 color)
.pid- Process ID file (Unix)
.pif- Compressed file archive (Macintosh)
- Graphics metafile (OS/2)
- Program Information File (Windows 3.x)
- Vector graphics GDF format (IBM mainframe computers)
.pig- WAD file (Lucas Arts Dark Forces)
.pim- Pascal text mode image file (Ultimate Draw)
.pin- Game data (Epic Pinball)
.pit- Compressed Macintosh file archive (PackIt)
.pix- Alias/Wavefront RLE image format (24-bit RGB RLE graphics)
- Bitmap graphics (Inset Systems format)
.pixar- Bitmap graphics (PIXAR picture file)
.pj- Bitmap graphics (HP PaintJet PCL graphics file)
- Project (CA-SuperProject)
- Source Integrity file (MKS)
.pjt- Additional (FPT) project description file (FoxPro)
- Project (Rational Rose - Visual C++)
.pjx- Main (DBF) project description file (FoxPro)
.pjxl- Bitmap graphics (HP PaintJet XL PCL graphics file)
.pk- Packed bitmap font file (TeX DVI drivers)
.pk3- Game data (Quake3)
.pka- Compressed file archive (PKArc)
.pkg- Installer script (Next)
- Package (AppleLink - Microsoft Developer Studio)
- database (P-CAD)
.pkr- Public Keyring (Pretty Good Privacy)
.pkt- Fidonet message packet
- Readable contents of .pk (TeX font)
.plPerl script language source code file
- Palette (Harvard Graphics)
- Prolog language source code file
- Property List font metric file (TeX)
.pl1- Room plan (3D Home Architect)
.pl3- Chart palette (Harvard Graphics 3.0)
.plasma- Plasma fractal image
.plb- Library (FoxPro - P-CAD)
.plc- Add-in file (functions - macros - applications) (Lotus 1-2-3)
- Database (P-CAD)
.plg- Build log (Microsoft Developer Studio)
.pli- Data description file (Oracle 7)
.pll- Prelinked library (CA Clipper)
.plm- Module (DisorderTracker2)
.pln- Spreadsheet (WordPerfect)
.plot- Vector graphics (Unix Plot(5) format)
.plr- Pilot file (Descent 1-3)
.pls- Music playlist (WinAmp)
- Sample file (DisorderTracker2)
.plt- Palette
- Paper format (Page Magic 2.0)
- Pre-linked transfer file (Clipper 5)
- Software platform file (Geoworks Glue, EPOC)
- Table for .pll (CA Clipper)
- Vector graphics (HPGL plotter) (AutoCAD Plot)
.ply- Data (PopMail)
- Presentation screen (Harvard Spotlight)
- ZipPack
.pmPerl module
- Bitmap graphics (8bit text) (X Window PixelMap)
- Bitmap graphics (Presentation Manager)
.pm3- Document (PageMaker 3)
.pm4- Document (PageMaker 4)
.pm5- Document (PageMaker 5)
.pm6- Document (PageMaker 6)
.pma- Data (Performance Monitor)
.pmc- Data (Performance Monitor)
- Graphics (A4TECH Scanner)
.pmi- Program manager information (OS/2)
.pml- Data (Performance Monitor)
.pmm- Program file (Amaris BTX/2)
.pmp- Color palette (PowerMedia)
- Graphics (ThumbsPlus)
- Pegasus Mail notepad file
- Plotter Model Parameters file (AutoCAD)
- Project (Photomorph)
- Project (VideoCraft GIF Animator)
- Schedule (Project Manager Pro)
.pmr- Data (Performance Monitor)
- Project (PhotoModeler)
.pmw- Data (Performance Monitor)
.pn3- Printer device driver (Harvard Graphics 3.0)
.pnf- Bitmap graphics (Portable Network graphics Frame) (standalone stream)
- Precompiled setup information (Windows)
.png- Bitmap graphics (Portable Network Graphics)
.pnm- Bitmap graphics (PBM Portable aNyMap)
.pnt- Bitmap graphics (Apple MacPaint format)
- Pen Table plotting file (Pro/Engineer)
- Pointlist segment (FTN software)
- Qwk reader pointer file (MarkMail 2.x)
- Vector point data (ARC format)
.pntg- Bitmap graphics B&W (Apple Macintosh MacPaint file)
.pog- PIG file extension (Descent2)
.poh- Optimized .goh include file (Geoworks)
.pol- 3D Polygon Models Format (InnovMetric Software)
- Windows NT Policy file
.poo- String pool (INITeX)
.pop- Messages index (PopMail)
- Pop-up menu object (dBASE Application Generator)
.pot- Continuous potential image (Fractint)
- Template (Microsoft Powerpoint)
.pov- Raytraced graphics image (Persistance Of Vision)
.pow- Instrument or song file (PowerChords)
.pp- Compressed Amiga file archive (PowerPacker)
.pp4- Bitmap graphics (Picture Publisher 4)
.ppa- Add-in (Microsoft Powerpoint)
.ppb- Button bar for Print Preview (WordPerfect)
.ppd- PostScript printer description file (PageMaker)
.ppf- Pinnacle Program File (Turtle Beach)
.ppi- Graphics file (Microsoft PowerPoint)
.ppk- Archive (using for many distributives) (PPK)
.ppl- Polaroidpaletteplus ColorKey device driver (Harvard Graphics 3.0)
.ppm- Bitmap graphics (PBM Portable Pixel Map)
.ppo- Preprocessor output (CA Clipper 5.x)
.ppp- Document or finished project (Parson Power Publisher)
- Publication (PagePlus)
.pps- Slide show (Microsoft Powerpoint)
- Storyboard (Personal Producer)
- processing set codes (ArcView)
.ppt- Presentation (Microsoft Powerpoint)
.ppz- Pack and Go presentation (PowerPoint)
.pqb- Master boot backup file (PowerQuest BootMagic)
.pqi- Drive image file (PowerQuest)
.pr- Bitmap graphics (Sun raster file)
.pr1- Data file (Packrat 4.0)
.pr2- Data file (Packrat 4.x)
- Presentation (Aldus Persuasion 2.x)
- Printer driver (dBASE IV)
.pr3- Postscript printer driver (dBASE IV)
- Presentation (Aldus Persuasion 3.x)
.prc- Processes (Rational Rose)
- Resource (text or program) file (3com Palm)
.prd- Printer driver (many)
.pre- Bitmap graphics (CMYK image) (Stork format)
- Presentation (Lotus Freelance)
- Settings (Programmer's WorkBench - Microsoft C/C++)
.prf- Bitmap graphics (Pixel Run Format) (Improces - Fastgraph)
- Data file (CheckIt Pro 1.0)
- Printer driver (dBASE IV)
- Profiler output
- Settings file (Macromedia Director)
- System file (Microsoft Windows)
.prg- Program (Atari)
- Program file (WAVmaker)
- Program source (dBASE IV - FoxPro - CA Clipper - dBFast)
.pri- Printer definitions (LocoScript)
.prj- Project
- projections definition file (ArcView)
.prm- Parameters
.prn- Bitmap graphics (Calcomp Raster File) (black and white or 4bit CMYK)
- Print Table (space delimited text)
- Printer driver (Signature)
- Printer output file (most common)
- Text file (Lotus 1-2-3 - Symphony)
.pro- Graphics file (Pagis Pro 3.0)
- Graphics profile file (DOS)
- Profile (configuration data)
- Profile file (Euphoria, Terramodel)
- Prolog language source code file
.proj- Project File (Interface Builder) (NeXT)
.prp- Data conversion saved project file (Oberon Prospero)
- Model properties (Rational Rose)
.prr- The Perfect Resume data file (Perfect Resume)
.prs- Presentation (Harvard Graphics Win)
- Printer Resource eg. fonts (WordPerfect)
- Procedure (dBASE IV)
.prt- A print-formatted file
- Component (P-CAD)
- Part file (PTC Pro/Engineer, CADkey, SolidWorks)
- Printer driver (Dr.Halo)
.prv- Internet provider template file (psiMail)
.prvkr- Private keyring (Pretty Good Privacy)
.prx- Compiled program (FoxPro)
.prz- Graphics file (Lotus Freelance 97)
.ps- Adobe PostScript document (text/graphics)
.ps2- Adobe Level II PostScript document (text/graphics)
.ps3- Adobe Level III PostScript document (text/graphics)
.psa- Archive (Pretty Simple Archive) (GNU PSA.OUT)
.psb- Sound Bank file (Pinnacle)
.psd- Bitmap graphics (Adobe Photoshop file)
- Definition file (Periscope Debugger)
.pse- Bitmap graphics (IBM printer Page SEgment)
.pseg- Bitmap graphics (IBM printer Page SEgment)
.psf- Outline PostScript printer font (ChiWriter)
.psi- A-law audio file (Psion)
.psid- Postscript image data (text/graphics) (ascii file)
.psion- Sound (Psion a-law audio)
.psm- Music format (Protracker Studio Module) (Protracker - MASI)
- Symbol table of IDE (Turbo Pascal)
.psn- Presentation file (Sound Script)
.psp- Bitmap graphics (Paint Shop Pro)
- Postscript prepped imposed print file (Scenicsoft Preps)
- Procedure (Prodea Synergy)
.psr- Report file (PowerSoft)
.pst- Paste buffer (Lahey Fortran)
- Personal Folder File (Microsoft Outlook)
- Postbox file (BMail)
.pt- Game crack (Player Tools)
- Kodak Precition Color Management System
- Sound (Pitch Track)
.pt3- Device driver (Harvard Graphics 3.0)
- Template (PageMaker 3)
.pt4- Template (PageMaker 4)
.pt5- Template (PageMaker 5)
.ptb- Script (PubTech BatchWorks)
- Table file (Pro/Engineer)
.ptd- Table file (Pro/ENGINEER)
.pti- Graphics (PTI-Plugin)
.ptif- Bitmap graphics (Pyramid encoded TIFF)
.ptl- Petal (Rational Rose 98)
- Petal file (ASCII version of Microsoft Visual Modeler)
.ptm- Macro (PubTech BatchWorks)
- Music format (Polytracker)
- Template (Page Magic 2.0)
.ptr- Cursor image file (OS/2 PTR file)
- Qwk reader pointer file (QMail)
.ptu- Performer Terrain Utilities
.ptx- Bitmap graphics (Printronix graphics file)
.pty- Properties (Rational Rose 98)
.pub- Page template (Microsoft Publisher)
- Public keyring (Pretty Good Privacy)
- Publication (PageMaker - Ventura Publisher - 1st Publisher)
.pubkr- Public key ring (Pretty Good Privacy)
.pud- Map file (WarCraft II)
.put- Compressed file archive (PUT)
- Graphics (WScan)
.puz- Crossword
- Puzzle file (BrainsBreaker Puzzle)
.puzz- Bitmap graphics (8bit) (X11 Puzzle)
.puzzle- Bitmap graphics (8bit) (X11 Puzzle)
.pv- Analysis data (Phase Vocorder)
.pvd- Script (Instalit)
.pvl- Library (Instalit)
.pvt- Local Fidonet pointlist (FTN software)
.pvu- Paleoenvironmental data (PaleoVu)
.pw- Text document (Professional Write)
.pwd- Text document (Microsoft Pocket Word)
.pwl- Password List
.pwp- Multi-image file (Seattle File Works)
- Text document (Professional WritePlus)
.pwz- Wizard (Microsoft Powerpoint)
.px- Primary database index (Paradox)
.pxl- Pixel data (TeX driver)
- Script (PiXCLscript)
- Spreadsheet (Microsoft Pocket Excel)
.pxm- Bitmap graphics (Pixel Magician native format)
.pxp- Process file (3D Studio)
.pxr- Bitmap graphics (Pixar image) (Photoshop)
.pyPython script language source code file
- Saved emessages (YAHOO)
.pycPython script (compiled source code)
.pzd- Default settings (Pizazz Plus)
.pzi- Graphics (Pizazz Plus)
.pzl- Bitmap graphics (8bit) (Unix Puzzle)
.pzo- Overlay (Pizazz Plus)
.pzp- Palette (Pizazz Plus)
.pzs- Settings (Pizazz Plus)
.pzt- Transfer file (Pizazz Plus)
.pzx- Swap file (Pizazz Plus)

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.q- Win95 fax queue
.q0- Bitmap graphics (24bit) (Japanese Q0 image format)
.qad- Document (PF QuickArt)
.qag- Quick Access Group (Norton Desktop)
.qap- Application (Omnis Quartz)
.qbe- Saved query (Query By Example) (dBASE IV - Quattro Pro)
.qbo- Compiled query (dBASE IV)
.qbs- Program file (Microsoft QuickBasic)
.qbw- Spreadsheet (QuickBooks for Windows)
.qcp- Digitally encoded voice (Qualcomm Pure Voice)
.qd0- Data file - segment 10 (Omnis Quartz)
.qd1- Data file - segment 1 (Omnis Quartz)
.qd2- Data file - segment 2 (Omnis Quartz)
.qd3- Data file - segment 3 (Omnis Quartz)
- QuickDraw 3D Metafile (QuickDraw)
.qd3d- QuickDraw 3D Metafile (QuickDraw)
.qd4- Data file - segment 4 (Omnis Quartz)
.qd5- Data file - segment 5 (Omnis Quartz)
.qd6- Data file - segment 6 (Omnis Quartz)
.qd7- Data file - segment 7 (Omnis Quartz)
.qd8- Data file - segment 8 (Omnis Quartz)
.qd9- Data file - segment 9 (Omnis Quartz)
.qdf- Data file (Quicken)
.qdk- Backup of startup files created by Optimize (QEMM)
.qdt- Data file (Quicken QuickBooks)
.qdv- Bitmap graphics (8bit random dot file)
.qef- Query file (Q+E for Microsoft Excel)
.qel- Electronic library file (Quicken)
.qfc- Compressed file archive
.qfl- Document (Family Lawyer)
.qfx- Fax (QuickLink)
.qic- Backup set (Microsoft Backup)
.qif- Bitmap graphics (QuickTime Image File)
- Import file (Quicken)
.qlb- Quick library (BASIC PDS - Microsoft C/C++)
.qlc- ATM Type 1 fonts script (Adobe Type Manager)
.qlp- Printer driver (QuickLink)
.qm- Motion file (Quality)
.qm4- Options or services file (QMail 4.x Mail Door)
.qpr- Generated query program (FoxPro)
- Print queue device driver (OS/2)
.qpw- Project file (Quattro Pro)
.qpx- Compiled Query By Example (QBE) file (FoxPro)
.qqt- Qardware definition file (Quick Qard Technology)
.qrp- Report builder file (Centura)
- Report file (Liberty for Windows 2.0)
.qrs- Equation Editor support file (WordPerfect)
.qrt- Bitmap graphics (24bit) (QRT Raytracer)
.qry- Query (dBASE IV)
.qsd- Datafile (Quicken)
.qsn- QuickScan data (TapCIS)
.qst- Tab file (Quake Spy)
.qt- Movie (QuickTime)
.qtc- Conferencing file (QuickTime)
.qti- Image (QuickTime)
.qtif- Image (QuickTime)
.qtk- Bitmap graphics (QuickTake digital camera)
.qtm- Movie file (QuickTime)
.qtp- Preferencies (QuickTime)
.qts- Image file (QuickTime)
.qtv- Movie (QuickTime Virtual Reality)
.qtvr- Movie (QuickTime Virtual Reality)
.qtx- Extension (QuickTime)
.qu2- Document (QuoVadis 2.0)
- Queue file (WWPlus32)
.que- Queue object (Scheduler)
.qw- Write program file (Symantec Q&A)
.qwk- Message file (QWK Reader)
.qxd- Document (QuarkXPress)
.qxl- Element library (QuarkXPress)
.qxt- Template (QuarkXPress)

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.r- Ratfor file (FORTRAN preprosessor)
- Red channel image data (Spaceward Graphics)
- Resource file (Pegasus Mail)
.r0c- Fax cover
.r0f- Fax document
.r0h- Fax header
.r2d- Data file (Reflex 2)
.r8- Raw graphics (one byte per pixel) plane one (PicLab)
- Red channel image data (24bit RGB Cubicomp PictureMaker 3D animation)
.r8p- Pcl 4 bitmap font file (Intellifont)
.ra- Audio file (RealAudio)
- Data file (Remote Access)
.rad- 2-op FM music (Reality AdLib Tracker)
- Radar data file (Radar ViewPoint)
- Radiance image file (graphics)
.ram- RealAudio Metafile (RealAudio)
.rao- Read All Over (YOUniverse)
.rar- Compressed file archive (RAR)
.ras- Bitmap graphics (Sun raster image)
.rast- Bitmap graphics (Sun raster image)
.rat- Datafile (RATS)
.raw- Bitmap graphics (Raw 24-bit RGB)
- Sound (Raw signed PCM data)
.ray- Rayshade
.rb- Rocket Librarian file
- Ruby Script file
.rbf- Datafile (Rbase)
.rbh- RoboHELP data
.rc- Configuration record (Emacs)
- Resource script (Microsoft C/C++ - Borland C++ - Resource WorkShop)
.rc2- Not editable resources (Microsoft Developer Studio)
.rcg- Netscape newsgroup file (netsc.rcg)
.rct- Resource template (Microsoft Developer Studio)
.rd1- Registered level file (Descent1)
.rd3- Graphics (Ray Dream Designer 3)
.rdef- UI resource file (old) (Geoworks)
.rdf- Compiled UIC source code (Geoworks UI Compiler)
- Research document information format
- Resource Description Framework file (XML)
.rdi- Device-independent bitmap file (RIFF RDIB format)
.rdl- Registered Level file (Descent)
.rdx- Datafile (Reflex)
.rec- Archivation protocol (ARCSERVE)
- Datafile (EpiInfo)
- Macro (Windows Recorder)
- Record (Sprint)
- Voice file (RapidComm)
.red- Module diagram (Rational Rose)
- Path info (Clarion Modula-2)
.ref- Cross-reference
.reg- Registration information or key
.rem- Remarks
.rep- Reply file (Qwk reader)
- Report file
.req- Request
.res- Compiled resource (Microsoft C/C++ - Borland C++)
- Resign conferences file (XBoard)
- Resource
.rev- Revision file (Geoworks)
.rex- Add-on (ArchiCAD)
- Executable file (old format) (PharLab)
- Report definition (Oracle)
- Rexx language source code file (Rexx)
.rexx- Rexx language source code file (Rexx)
.rez- Resource file
.rf- Bitmap graphics (Raster file)
- Flash Clip (RealPlayer)
.rfm- Rich music format
.rft- DCA/RFT Revisable Format Text file (IBM DisplayWrite 4.0-5.1)
.rg- Bitmap graphics (1bit black and white or 4bit CMYK) (Raster Graphics format)
.rgb- Bitmap graphics (Irix RGB image format)
- Bitmap graphics (Raw red, green and blue bytes)
.rgba- Bitmap graphics (Raw red, green, blue and matte bytes)
.rgx- Symbol tables etc. info (ReaGeniX code generator)
.rh- Resource header (Borland C++, Visual C++)
.ri- Data (Lotus 1-2-3)
.rib- Graphics (Renderman Interface Bytestream) (3D Reality)
.ric- Fax (Ricoh)
.rif- Bitmap graphics (Resource Interchange File Format)
.riff- Bitmap graphics (Resource Interchange File Format)
.rip- Graphics (Remote Access)
- Program crash report (Quincy)
- Telegrafx Remote Imaging Protocol (Maximus 3.0)
.rix- Bitmap graphics (RIX Softworks Paint Tool ColoRIX file)
.rkv- Compressed file archive (RKIVE)
.rl1- Regestered level file (Descent1)
.rl2- Registered level file (Descent2)
.rl4- Bitmap graphics
.rl8- Bitmap graphics
.rla- Bitmap graphics (24bit true color Wavefront raster image file)
.rlb- Bitmap graphics (24bit true color Wavefront raster image file)
- Data (Harvard Graphics Win)
.rlc- Bitmap graphics (Run Length Coded RLC file)
.rld- Temporary file (Norton Commander 5.0)
.rle- Bitmap graphics (Utah Run-Length Encoded image file)
- Bitmap graphics - 4bit or 8bit ADEX file (ADEX Corporation ChromaGraph series of graphics cards)
.rlz- Realizer source code file (CA-Realizer)
.rm- Audio file (RealAudio)
.rmd- Document (Microsoft RegMaid)
.rmf- Rich Map Format (map by 3-D game editors)
- Rich Music Format (Beatnik)
.rmi- Midi music (RIFF RMID format)
.rmj- Media clip (RealJukebox)
.rmk- Makefile (CA Clipper RMake)
.rmm- Audio (RealPlayer)
.rmp- Audio file (RealAudio)
.rn- Xpl program (Nota Bene)
.rnd- PGP random seed (Pretty Good Privacy)
- Rendering Slide (AutoCAD AutoShade)
.rng- Ringing tone (Nokia Communicator)
.rnk- Diap-up shortcut
.rnl- Bitmap graphics (GTX Runlength)
.rno- Runoff file (VAX)
.rnx- Audio (RealPlayer)
.roff- Unformatted manual page (Roff/nroff/troff/groff)
.rol- Roland FM music file (Adlib)
.rom- Read Only Memory image (emulators - AONs)
.rot- 3D image (Rotater)
.rov- Game data (Rescure Rover)
.rp- Image (RealPix)
.rpb- Data report file (CP Backup)
.rpd- Database (RapidFile)
.rpf- Pattern (AutoCAD)
.rpl- Reply message
- Text document (Replica)
- Video file (Tomb Raider)
.rpm- Package Manager (RedHat Linux)
- Plugin (RealAudio)
.rpt- Report
- Report (Crystal Reports, Microsoft Visual Basic)
.rrs- Saved game file (Ace Road Rash)
.rs- Data file (Amiga Resource - Reassembler)
- image file (raster snapshot | Sun rasterfile) (ArcView)
.rs_- Resource fork of a Macintosh file (Mac-ette)
.rsb- Bitmap graphics (Red Storm image format)
.rsc- Compiled resource(s)
.rsg- Compiled resource header (EPOC)
.rsk- Risk project (RiskMan)
.rsl- Paradox 7 reports (Broderland)
- Resource Library (PC Tools Win)
.rsm- Resume file (WinWay Resume Writer)
.rsp- Response file
.rsrc- Resource
.rss- Resource source file (EPOC)
.rt- Rich text
.rtf- Text document (Rich Text Format) (many)
.rtfd- RTF-Packet (NeXT)
.rtk- RoboHELP search file
.rtl- Bitmap graphics (HP Raster Transfer Language) (HP colour printers and plotters)
- Run-Time library (Norton Utilities)
- Text file
.rtm- Music module (Real Tracker)
.rtp- Software update package data file (.RTPatch)
.rts- RTSL document (RealAudio)
- RoboHELP to speed complex operations
- Runtime library (CA-Realizer)
.rtx- Text document (MIME Richtext format)
.rul- Extension used in InstallShield
- Rules (Echo-conference)
.run- Batch file (PC Tools)
- Compiled output p-code file (Softworks basic compiler)
.rus- Russian text
.rv- Video (RealVideo)
.rvp- Scan Configuration file (MIME) (Microsoft)
.rvw- Review
.rws- Resource Workshop Symbol file (Borland C++)
.rwx- MEME Shape File
- Script (Criterion RenderWare)
.rxd- Datafile (Reflex 1)
.rxn- MDL Reaction format

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.s- Assembly language source code file.s (Unix)
- Foreign assembly source file (Modula-3)
- Macro source file (MultiEdit)
- Scheme language source code file
.s$$- Temporary sort file (Sprint)
.s1k- S1000 Simnet Format
.s3i- Sample file (Digiplayer - ST3)
.s3m- Music (16 channels) (Scream Tracker III)
.saf- Spatial Archive Interchange Format
.sai- Encrypted video file (Integrated Sensors)
.saif- Spatial Archive Interchange Format
.sal- Datafile (SORITEC)
.sam- Sound (Signed 8bit Sample data)
- Text document (Ami Word Processor)
.sar- Compressed file archive (SAR)
.sas- SAS source code file (VMS)
.sat- Vector graphics (ACIS 2D/3D)
.sav- Saved backup or configuration data
- Saved game situation (eg. NetHack)
.sb- Sound (Raw Signed PCM Byte (8bit) data)
.sb!- Locking file (Superbase)
.sbd- Data definition file (Superbase)
- Data file (Storyboard Editor)
.sbf- File data (Superbase)
.sbi- Bitmap graphics (Santa Barbara Instruments Astronomical Image)
- Sound Blaster Instrument (Creative Labs)
.sbig- Bitmap graphics (Santa Barbara Instruments Astronomical Image)
.sbk- Emu SoundFont Bank (AWE32 Bank) (Convert (c) Villena)
- Toolbook (Asymetrix ToolBook)
.sbl- Flash object (ShockWave)
- Library (Stonu Brook Pascal)
.sbn- spatial index for read-write shapefiles (ArcView)
.sbp- Dml program (Superbase 4)
- Program file (Superbase)
.sbq- Query definition file (Superbase)
.sbr- Support file (Source Browser)
.sbt- Notes related to record data (Suberbase 4 Windows)
.sbv- Form definition file (Superbase)
.sbx- spatial index for read-write shapefiles (ArcView)
.sc- Display driver (Framework II)
- PAL script (Paradox)
.sc2- Document (Microsoft Schedule+ 7.x)
- SAS catalog
.sc3- Renamed dBASE III screen mask file (dBASE IV)
- Saved game (SimCity 3000)
- Screen device driver (Harvard Graphics 3.x)
.sc4- Level file (Roller Coaster Tycoon)
.sca- Datafile (SCA)
.scan- Bitmap graphics (Thunderscan image file)
.scc- Bitmap graphics (MSX picture)
- Source Safe file (Microsoft)
.scd- Bitmap graphics (SCODL Scan Conversion Object Description Language)
- Contacts (Microsoft Schedule+ 7.x)
.scf- Multimedia show (ScoreMaker)
- Shell Command File (Windows Explorer)
- Spelling checker configuration (Symphony)
.scg- Bitmap graphics (ColoRIX)
.sch- Project schedule (Schedule Publisher - Microsoft Schedule+ 7.x)
- Scheme (P CAD - Orcad)
.sci- Bitmap graphics (Scitex Continuous Tone (CT2T) image file)
- Fax (SciFax)
- System Configuration Information
.scm- Movie (Lotus ScreenCam)
- Scheme language source code file
- StarCraft Map file
.scn- SCeNe RTrace
- Scene data file (TrueSpace2)
- Screen dump or file (Kermit)
.sco- Score (best results)
.scodl- Bitmap graphics (Agfa slide file)
.scp- Bitmap graphics (ColoRIX)
- Dial-Up Networking Script
- Script (BITCOM)
.scr- Bitmap graphics (ColoRIX or Sun rasterfile)
- Debug source code file (DOS Debug)
- Fax image
- Screen (source) file (Forth)
- Screen font (LocoScript)
- Screen saver (Windows 3.x)
- Screen snapshop (Microsoft Screen Capture format)
- Script (1st Reader - Kermit - TeleMate - AutoCAD)
.sct- Additional (FPT) screen description file (FoxPro)
- Bitmap graphics (Scitex Continuous Tone Picture image file)
- SAS catalog (Dos)
- Scriptlet file (Windows Script Component)
.sct01- SAS catalog (Unix)
.scu- Bitmap graphics (ColoRIX)
.scv- CASmate Native format (ScanVec)
.scx- Bitmap graphics (RIX Softworks Paint Tool ColoRIX file)
- Chart (Stanford Chart)
- Main (DBF) screen description file (FoxPro)
.scy- Security file (ReaGeniX)
.scz- Data (Wingz)
.sd- Sound (Entropic Sound Data format)
- Sound (Sound Designer I audio file)
.sd2- SAS database
- Sound (Sound Designer II data fork)
.sda- Software Distribution Network file archive description
.sdc- Spreadsheet (StarOffice StarCalc)
.sdd- Presentation file (StarOffice StarImpress)
.sdf- Source definition file (Sourcer)
- System Data Format file (legacy Unisys (Sperry) fixed length ASCII text format)
.sdi- Software Distribution Network Info file
.sdk- Disk Image (Roland S-550/S-50/W-30)
.sdl- Library (SmartDraw)
- Parsys hardware network description file
- Scene Description Language (Alias Wavefront)
.sdml- Spacial Data Modeling Language
.sdn- Software Distribution Network compressd file archive (pak251.exe)
.sdp- Datafile (Cocreate SolidDesigner)
- Scalable Multicast (RealAudio)
.sdpc- Datafile (Cocreate SolidDesigner)
.sdr- Drawing (SmartDraw)
- Music (Sounder)
.sds- MIDI Sample DUMP Standard File
.sdt- Template (SmartDraw)
.sdts- Spatial Data Transfer Standard
.sdv- Semicolon Divided Values file
.sdw- Datafile (Scenery data for Windows)
- Sound (Raw Signed DWord (32bit) data)
- Vector graphics (Ami Draw)
.sdx- Sample DUMP Exchange File
.sea- Self-extracting compressed Macintosh file archive (Compact Pro)
.sec- Diskreet encrypted file (Diskreet)
- Secret key ring file (Pretty Good Privacy)
- Secured animation file (Disney Animation Studio)
.sed- Screen editor script files (SED)
.sel- Data file (Copy Books)
.sep- Printer separator page
.seq- Animation file (Atari)
- Sequential Instruction File (Bubble Chamber)
.ses- Session file (Cool Edit)
- Session info (Clarion Modula-2)
.session- Internet Security Scanner file (ISS)
.set- Configuration (1st Reader)
- Install driver sets (Symphony)
- Setup data or info
- Voice set files (Quartet)
.sew- Sewing program file (Generic)
.sf- Sound (IRCAM SoundFile format)
- WPS attribute storage (OS/2 WorkPlace Shell)
.sf2- Creative Labs SoundFont (SoundBlaster)
.sfb- HP Soft font
.sfd- Sound File Data (SoundStage)
.sff- ITK/RVS Fax document
- Scene File Format
- Speckle filter file (SAR Toolbox)
- SuperForm Filler File
.sfi- Graphics (SIS Framegrabber)
- Printer font (HP LaserJet landscape) (Ventura Publisher)
- Sound File Info (SoundStage)
.sfk- Sound file (Sonic Foundry)
.sfl- PCL 4 bitmap font (landscape) (Intellifont - Ventura Publisher)
.sfn- Font (SPX)
.sfo- Bitstream font file - fontware format
.sfp- Pcl 4 bitmap font (portrait) (Intellifont) (Ventura Publisher)
.sfr- Sound (Sonic Foundry Sample Resource)
.sfs- Pcl 5 scalable font file (Intellifont)
.sft- Screen font (ChiWriter)
.sfv- Checksum File List
.sfw- Bitmap graphics (Seattle Film Works)
.sfx- Self-extracting file archive script (RAR)
.sg- Image file (SnapGraphix)
.sg1- Graphics (Stanford Graphics)
.sgd- Help file (Lahey Blackbeard)
.sgf- Document with graphics (Starwriter)
- Graphics file (Sonique)
.sgi- Bitmap graphics (Irix RGB image format)
.sgm- IETF SGML document (Standard Generalized Markup Language)
.sgml- IETF SGML document (Standard Generalized Markup Language)
.sgp- Statistics (STATGRAPHICS Plus)
.sgt- Save/get keyboard macro (Signature)
- Segment (DirectMusic)
.sgx- Help file index (Lahey Fortran)
.sh- Shell script (unix sh or bash) (ascii)
.sh3- Presentation (Harvard Graphics 3.0)
.shar- Shell Archive (Unix) (script)
.shb- Background (CorelShow)
- Presentation (Corel Show)
- Shortcut into a document (Windows 95)
.shd- ARC/INFO shadeset symbol file (ArcView)
- Spool file (Windows95)
.shf- PGP Share
.shg- Bitmap graphics (Segmented HyperGraph)
.shk- Compressed Apple II file archive (ShrinkIt)
- Compressed archive (Arthurian Shrink Archiver)
.shm- Shell macro (WordPerfect Library)
.shn- Audio compression file (Shorten)
.shp- Icon library (Printmaster)
- Shape file and source file for text fonts (AutoCAD)
- Shapefile (stores feature geometry) (ArcView)
- Shapefile spatial data format (used by many GIS programs)
.shr- Unix Shell ARchive (ascii) (SHAR)
.shs- Shell scrap object (Windows 95)
.sht- HTML file containing Server Side Includes (SSI)
.shtml- HTML file containing Server Side Includes (SSI)
.shw- Presentation (Harvard Graphics - CorelShow)
- Slide Show (WordPerfect)
.shx- Shape entities (AutoCAD)
- Shapefile (stores file lookup index) (ArcView)
- Shapefile spatial index file (ArcView)
.si- Graphics (SoftImage)
.sid- C64 tunes and sound effects file (PlaySID)
- Graphics (MrSID image format, GIS data for ArcInfo)
.sif- Setup Installation File
- Vector data (ISIF format)
.sig- Current program settings (Signature)
- Detached signature file (Pretty Good Privacy)
- Signature file (ThunderByte AntiVirus - PopMail)
.sik- Backup file (Sicherungskopie) (Microsoft Word)
.sim- SIMPLE script source (Telix)
.sir- Bitmap graphics (Solitaire file)
.sis- Software installation file (EPOC Install)
.sit- Compressed Macintosh file archive (Stuffit)
.six- Bitmap graphics (DEC LN03+ Sixel file)
.sixel- Bitmap graphics (DEC LN03+ Sixel file)
.siz- Configuration file (Oracle 7)
.ska- Secret Keyring file (Pretty Good Privacy)
.skcard- Datafile (Starfish SideKick)
.skf- Drawing file (AutoSketch)
.skl- Resource file (Macromedia Director)
.skr- Private (secret) keyring (Pretty Good Privacy)
.sky- SYLK Spreadsheet file (Multiplan)
.sl- S-Lang language source code file
- Save Layout extension (PACT)
.slb- Slide library (AutoCAD)
- Symbols library (P-CAD)
.slc- Compiled SALT script (Telix)
.sld- Slide (AutoCAD)
.sli- Slide (MAGICorp Slide Service)
.slk- Data format (Sylk Symbolic Link format)(Excel - MultiPlan)
.sll- Sound file
.slt- Salt Script Application Language script source (Telix)
.sm- Maillist (SoftSpoken Mailer)
- Script (ScriptMaker)
- Smalltalk language source code file
- Text document (Samna Word)
.sm3- Symbol file (DataCAD)
.smd- Video game console ROM emulator file
.smf- Fax (SMARTFAX)
.smi- Daylight SMILES
- Self-mounting Disk Copy compressed image (Macintosh)
.smk- Smacker video (RAD Video Tools)
.smm- Macro (Ami Pro)
.smn- Font (ParaGraph's WorkScript format)
.smp- Sound (Samplevision format)
.sms- Emulator ROM image file (8-bit Sega Master System)
.smt- SmartObject file (IconAuthor)
- Text file (Smart Ware II)
.sn- Compressed song file (Sound Club editor)
.snd- Sound (AKAI MPC-series sample)
- Sound (Raw unsigned PCM data)
- Sound file (Sun/NeXT/Tandy/Apple Macintosh Sound file formats)
.sndr- Sound (Sounder sound file)
.sndt- Sound (Sndtool sound file)
.sng- Song (midi sound) (Midisoft Studio - Prism)
.snm- News file (Netscape Communicator)
.sno- Snobol4 language source code file
.snp- Book-shelf for .BOO (READIBM)
- Database file (Microsoft Access)
- Output video format from Computer Eyes equipment
.so- Dynamic Shared Object (Unix library)
.sol- MATRA prelude solids
- Solution eg. game walkthroughs
.som- Network serial numbers (Quattro Pro)
- Sort information (Paradox)
.son- Song file (Creative Labs SoundBlaster Studio II)
.sou- Sound file (Creative Labs SoundBlaster Studio)
.sox- Schema for object oriented XML
.sp- Compressed file archive (Splint)
.sp4- Saved game (Roller Coaster Tycoon)
.spc- Bitmap graphics (Atari compressed Spectrum file)
- Program (Microsoft Multiplan)
- SNES Audio (music)
- SPC format for spectral and chromatographic data
- Temporary file (WordPerfect)
- Text to speech
.spd- Scalable font (Speedo) (Harvard Graphics 3.0)
- Sound (Speach Data file)
.spe- Bitmap graphics (Princeton Instruments CCD camera)
.spf- Slide presentation file (EnerGraphics)
.spg- Glossary (Sprint)
.sph- Sphere
.spi- Graphics file (many scanners)
.spiff- Graphics (Still Picture Interchange File Format)
.spk- Compressed file archive (Spark) (Acorn)
.spl- Compressed file archive (Splint)
- Customized printer driver (Sprint)
- Movie (Macromedia Future Splash Animator)
- Personal spell dictionary (Signature)
- Sample
- Spool file (Windows 3.x printing)
.spm- Data (WordPerfect)
.spot- Bitmap graphics (SPOT satellite image file)
.spp- Printer file (Sprint)
.sppack- Sound (SPPack sound sample)
.spr- Animation (Sizzler)
- Document letter (Sprint)
- Generated executable screen file (FoxPro)
- Spreadsheet (Psion Series 3)
- Sprite (graphics image) (many - Story Board)
.sprite- Animation (Sizzler)
- Bitmap file (Acorn)
.sps- SPSS language source code file (VAX/VMS)
- Screen driver (Sprint)
.spt- Data support file (MITAC disk/system management utility pack)
- Spitbol language source code file
- Split (one part of multi-part file)
- Support file (MITAC disk/system management utility pack)
.spu- Bitmap graphics (Atari compressed Spectrum 512 file)
.spw- Worksheet (SigmaPlot)
.spx- Compiled executable screen file (FoxPro)
- Screensaver (Screen Peace) (Windows)
.sqc- Structured Query Language (SQL) common code file
.sqd- Squish message base (Squish)
.sqi- Squish message base index (Squish)
.sql- SQL report or query
- Squish message base last read pointers (Squish)
.sqp- Query result of audio search (Sonique)
.sqr- Structured Query Language (SQL) program file
.sqz- Compressed file archive (Squeeze)
.sr- Bitmap graphics (Sun Rasterfile)
.src- Source (DataFlex, Multi-Edit)
.sre- Undefined file (Motorola)
.srf- Bitmap graphics (Sun Raster File)
.srg- Self-registration file (Microsoft PowerPoint)
.srm- Video game console ROM emulator file
.srp- Script (QuickLink)
.srz- Source file (DataFlex)
.ss- Bitmap graphics (Splash)
- Screen saver (DN)
.ssa- Video file (Sub Station Alpha)
.ssd- Database (SAS/PC)
.ssd01- SAS data sets (Unix)
.ssf- Spreadsheet file (Enable)
.ssh- Secure Shell document (DataFellows)
.ssi- HTML with server side includes
.ssm- Standard Streaming Metafile (RealAudio)
.ssp- Datafile (SAS Transport)
.ssq- ODBC script
.sst- Bitmap graphics - Satellite image data (AVHRR file) (IDIDAS, SSTMAP, IMGMAP)
- Certificate store file
.st- Disk Image file (Atari)
- Instrument library (Scream Tracker)
- Smalltalk language source code file (Little Smalltalk)
- Stamp (NeoPaint)
.st4- Bitmap graphics (Santa Barbara Instruments Astronomical Image)
.st5- Bitmap graphics (Santa Barbara Instruments Astronomical Image)
.st6- Bitmap graphics (Santa Barbara Instruments Astronomical Image)
.st7- Bitmap graphics (Santa Barbara Instruments Astronomical Image)
.st8- Bitmap graphics (Santa Barbara Instruments Astronomical Image)
.sta- Data file (Statistica)
- Saved state (Reflection 4.0)
- Stack (Spinmaker Plus)
.stb- Stub library (Genus GX Kernel)
.std- Standard (something..) (LocoScript)
- State Transition Diagram graphics file (Prosa)
.stegano- Steganographic image
.step- ISO-10303 STEP product data
.stf- Compressed file archive (ShrinkToFit)
.stl- Stereolithography Interface Format
.stm- HTML file containing Server Side Includes (SSI)
- Music (4 channels) (Scream Tracker II)
- State Transition Diagram model file (Prosa)
.stn- geocoding standardization file (ArcView)
.sto- Pascal stub OBJ file (Genus GX Kernel)
.stp- ISO-10303 STEP product data
.stq- Text file (Statistica) (StatSoft Software)
.str- Gate3 table structure file
- Screensaver file
- Structure list object file (dBASE Application Generator)
.sts- Project status info (Microsoft C/C++)
- Song format (Scream Tracker)
.stw- Data file (SmartTerm for Windows)
.stx- Bitmap graphics (Santa Barbara Instruments Astronomical Image)
- Electronic book (SmarText)
- Music format
- Statistics file (SPOT Image)
- Tax form (CA-Simply Tax)
.sty- Style library or sheet (many text and graphics programs)
.sub- Component package (Rational Rose)
.sui- Suit library (Simple User Interface Toolkit)
.sum- Summary
.sun- Bitmap graphics (Sun Rasterfile)
.suniff- Bitmap graphics (Sun TAAC Image File Format)
.sup- Bitmap graphics (Startup screen)
- Supplementary dictionary (WordPerfect)
.svd- Document autosave file (Microsoft Word)
.svf- Vector graphics (Simple Vector Format) (CAD programs)
.svgScalable Vector Graphics
- Glossary autosave file (Microsoft Word)
.svp- Graphics file (Sonique)
.svq- Music file
.svr- Virtual world (compressed) (WWW)
.svs- Style sheet autosave file (Microsoft Word)
.svx- Sound (Amiga Interchange file format 8SVX/16SV)
.svy- Database file (SAVVY/PC)
.sw- Sound (Raw Signed PCM Word (16bit) data)
.swa- Music (MPEG-1 Layer III with special header) (Macromedia Shockwave)
.swf- Movie (Macromedia Flash Player)
.swg- SWAG Pascal Snippets file (SWAG Reader)
.swp- Document backup (Sprint)
- Swap file
.sxp- Process file (3D Studio)
.sy1- Smartpix symbol library (Ami Pro)
.sy3- Symbol file (Harvard Graphics 3.x)
.syd- Backup (QEMM - Sysedit)
.syk- SYLK spreadsheet format (Excel)
.sylk- SYLK spreadsheet format (Excel)
.sym- Component symbols (P-CAD)
- Graphics symbols (Harvard Graphics 2.0 - Microsoft Windows SDK)
- Precompiled headers (Borland C++)
- Program symbol table (many compilers and linkers)
.syn- Bitmap graphics (SDSC Synu image file)
- Synonym file (Microsoft Word 5)
.synu- Bitmap graphics (SDSC Synu image file)
.sys- Datafile (SYGRAPH - SYSTAT - SPSS/PC)
- System file - device driver or hardware configuration info (DOS)
.syw- Graphics symbols (Harvard Graphics Win)
- Wave File (Yamaha SY-85/SY-99)

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.t- Tads source
- Tape Archive without compression (tar)
- Tester symbol table (ReaGeniX code generator)
- Unformatted manual page (Roff/nroff/troff/groff)
.t2t- Modeling software file (Sonata CAD)
.t44- Temporary file for Sort or Index (dBASE IV)
.t64- Commodore 64 emulator tape file (C64S emulator)
.t65- Template (PageMaker)
.taac- Bitmap graphics (Sun TAAC Image File Format)
.tab- Colour lookup table (CMYK image) (Stork format)
- Guitar Tablature file
- Table file (MapInfo GIS)
- lookup file (ArcView)
.tag- Query tag name (DataFlex)
- Tag stream (MIME Tag types)
.tah- Help file (Turbo Assembler)
.tal- Text illustration (TypeAlign)
.talk- Text to speech
.tap- Tape file (ZX Spectrum emulator by g.a.lunter)
.tar- Compressed file archive (tar)
.targa- Bitmap graphics (Truevision Targa format)
.tax- Data file (Turbo Tax)
.taz- Compressed file.tar.Z archive (ascii) (tar and compress)
.tb1- Font file (Borland Turbo C)
.tb2- Font file (Borland Turbo C)
.tbf- Fax (Imavox TurboFax)
.tbk- Memo backup (dBASE IV - FoxPro)
- Toolbook (Asymetrix ToolBook)
.tbl- Dynamic Link library
- Graphics (Native format) (Pagemaker TableEditor)
- Table
- geocoding support table (ArcView)
.tbr- Custom toolbar (Norton Desktop)
.tbs- Text elements (Textbausteine) (German Microsoft Word)
.tbx- Table (Project Scheduler 4)
.tc- Configuration (Turbo C - Borland C++)
- Termcap
.tch- Help file (Turbo C - Borland C++)
.tcl- Tcl/Tk (Tool Command Language) script source code
.tco- T9000 object modules
.tcsh- Unix shell script (tcsh)
.tcw- Drawing (TurboCAD for Windows)
.td- Configuration file (Turbo Debugger for DOS)
.td0- Disk image (compressed diskette in a file) (Teledisk)
.td2- Configuration file (Turbo Debugger for Win32)
.td4- Saved track design (Roller Coaster Tycoon)
.tdb- Database (TACT)
- Database file (Thumbs Plus)
.tddd- Imagine Object File Format (ray-tracer)
.tdf- Font (TheDraw)
- Typeface definition file (Speedo)
.tdh- Help file (Turbo Debugger)
.tdi- Bitmap graphics (animation) (24bit truecolor Explore TDI image by Alias/Wavefront Explore)
.tdk- Keystroke recording file (Turbo Debugger)
.tdr- Contens of Arvid tape
.tds- Symbol table (Turbo Debugger)
.tdw- Configuration file (Turbo Debugger for Windows)
- Debugger symbol table (Borland C++ Builder)
.tef- Fax (Relisys TEFAX)
.tel- Host file (Telnet)
.tem- Input template (IconAuthor)
- Turbo Editor Macro Language script (Borland C++)
.tet- Tetris results (DN)
.tex- Datasheet (Idealist)
- Text document (TeX Device Independent File Format) (Scientific Word)
- Texture file (possible graphics)
.text- Text file
.tf- Configuration (Turbo Profiler)
- MUD client macro (TinyFugue)
.tfa- Area file (Turbo Profiler)
.tfc- Catalogue file (Tobi's Floppy Cataloguer)
.tfh- Help file (Turbo Profiler)
.tfm- Form file (Form Tool Gold)
- Tagged font metric file (Intellifont - TeX)
.tfmx- Audio file (Final Musicsystem eXtended) (Amiga)
.tfs- Statistical information (Turbo Profiler)
.tfw- Spatial location file used to create coordinates in TIFF image files (Image mapping programs)
- world file for tif image (ArcView)
.tg- Technical Guidance (NRC Inspection Manual)
.tg1- Project file (On Target)
.tga- Bitmap graphics (Truevision Targa format)
- Winpoint Loan file (Microsoft Excel)
.tgf- MDL Transportable Graphics Format
.tgq- Movie (Dungeon Keeper 2) (Bullfrog Software)
.tgv- Video file (Need for Speed, NBA) (Electronic Arts)
.tgz- Compressed file archive.tar.gz (tar and GNUzip)
.theme- Desktop theme (Windows 95)
.thm- Bitmap graphics (Picture Publisher, PhotoMagic Thumbnail, Microsoft Clip Gallery)
.thn- Thumbnail (Graphics Workshop for Windows)
.thor- Database description (THOR database)
.ths- Thesaurus dictionary (WordPerfect)
.thx- Music (Amiga THX Tracker)
.ti- Temporary Instruction (NRC Inspection Manual)
.tic- FTN special file with assotiated file description (ALLFIX)
.tif- Bitmap graphics (Tagged Image File Format)
.tiff- Bitmap graphics (Tagged Image File Format)
.tig- Tiger file (US government distributed maps)
.til- Fuzzy logic knowledge base (Togai InfraLogic Fuzzy-C Compiler)
.tim- Texture/Image file (Playstation)
.tis- Tile set (MahJongg 3.0)
.tjl- Backup file (VAXTPU editor)
.tk2- Take Two view file
.tlb- OLE Type library (Windows)
- Reference table (Bubble Chamber)
- Text library (VAX)
- Type library (Visual C++)
.tlc- Compiled Tool Command Language source code (Geoworks Swat)
.tld- Disk Image (Teledisk)
.tle- Two-Line element set (NASA)
.tlp- Project (TimeLine)
.tlxStarOffice OS/2 Bookmark
- Data file (Trellix)
- Document (DocView)
.tm- Bitmap graphics (EOSAT's Landsat Thematic Mapper data)
.tmb- Connection document (Timbuktu)
- Thumbnail (Picture Disk)
.tmf- Tagged Font Metric file (WordPerfect)
.tmo- Ztg global optimizer default output file (Zortech C++)
.tmp- Temporary file
.tms- Script (Telemate)
- TeleMate compiled script (TeleMate)
.tnv- Data file (BitWare)
.tny- Bitmap graphics (Atari TINY Bitmap)
.toc- Table Of Contents (index file)
.tok- External tokens (Borland C++)
.tol- Image file (Kodak Photo Enhancer)
.tos- Self-extracting file archive (Atari ST)
.tp- Configuration (Turbo Pascal)
- Session-state file (Turbo Profiler)
.tp3- Template (Harvard Graphics 3.0)
.tp4- Saved picture file (Roller Coaster Tycoon)
.tpb- Downloadable PCL Soft font file backup (HiJaak)
.tpf- Downloadable PCL Soft font file (HiJaak)
.tph- Help file (Turbo Pascal)
.tpl- Encrypted lesson file (TutorPro)
- Resident units library (Turbo Pascal)
- Template (Harvard Graphics, GoldEd, Itrack, DataCAD, Cakewalk Audio)
.tpp- Project (Teleport Pro)
- Protected Mode Units (Borland Pascal 7.0)
.tps- Database (TopSpeed)
.tpu- Command file (VAXTPU editor)
- Pascal Unit (DOS library) (Borland Pascal)
.tpv- Packed graphics file (TutorPro)
.tpw- Packed wave files (TutorPro)
- Pascal Unit (Windows library) (Borland Pascal)
- Session-state file (Turbo Profiler for Windows)
.tpx- Image file (ULead Photo Express)
.tpz- Compressed file archive.tar.gz (tar and GNUzip)
.tr- Database (TomeRaider)
- Session-state settings (Turbo Debugger for DOS)
- Unformatted manual page (Roff/nroff/troff/groff)
.tr2- Session-state settings (Turbo Debugger for Win32)
.tra- Saved game file (Coaster)
.trc- Debug support file (Power CTrace)
.trd- TreeDesigner Document
.tre- Directory tree file (PC-Tools)
.trif- Bitmap graphics (Tiled Raster Interchange Format)
.trk- Script file (Kermit)
- Track (i.e. video sequence) used by many games
.trm- Terminal settings (Windows 3.x)
.trn- Project usage log (MKS Source Integrity)
- Translation support file (Quattro - Clarion)
.trs- Executable file (Micrografx)
.tru- True Basic language source code file
.trw- Session-state settings (Turbo Debugger for Windows)
.tsm- Manual (Turbo Assembler for OS/2)
.tsq- ODBC script
.tst- Printer test file (WordPerfect)
.tsv- Tab Separated Values
.ttfTrueType font file
.ttk- Translation tool kit file (Corel Catalyst)
.tto- Client access data specification file (AS/400) (Server to Client)
.ttp- Application (Atari Falcon)
.tud- Document (The Ultimate Draw)
.tut- Tutorial
.tuv- Tutorial file (Generic)
.tv- Table view settings (Paradox)
.tv1- Overflow file above insert point in Doc 1 (WordPerfect)
.tv2- Overflow file above insert point in Doc 2 (WordPerfect)
.tv3- Overflow file above insert point in Doc 3 (WordPerfect)
.tv4- Overflow file above insert point in Doc 4 (WordPerfect)
.tv5- Overflow file above insert point in Doc 5 (WordPerfect)
.tv6- Overflow file above insert point in Doc 6 (WordPerfect)
.tv7- Overflow file above insert point in Doc 7 (WordPerfect)
.tv8- Overflow file above insert point in Doc 8 (WordPerfect)
.tv9- Overflow file above insert point in Doc 9 (WordPerfect)
.tvf- Table view settings (dBASE)
.twf- Data (TabWorks)
.tww- Tagwrite Template
.tx8- 8-bit ASCII text
.txb- Encoded briefing file (Descent/D2)
.txf- Compressed file archive.tar.f (tar and Freeze)
- Tax exchange format (Quicken)
.txi- Support file (TeX)
.txt- Plain text, usually human readable (ASCII or ISO Latin 1 format)
- Sound (Ascii Text formatted audio data)
.txw- Yamaha TX-16W Wave File (Convert (c) Villena)
.tym- Time Stamp (PageMaker 4)
.tz- Compressed file archive.tar.Z (tar and compress)
.tzb- Compressed file archive.tar.Z.btoa (tar - compress - btoa)

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.u- Bitmap graphics (subsampled raw YUV file)
.u4a- UnInstaller archive
.u8- Sample
.uap- User Agent Profile (used by WAP applications)
.ub- Sound (Raw Unsigned PCM Byte (8bit) data)
.uc2- Compressed file archive (UltraCompressor II)
.ucd- Use case diagram (Prosa/OM)
.ucn- New compressed file archive (UltraCompressor II)
.udf- Image filter (Photostyler)
- Uniqueness Database File (Windows NT)
.udw- Sound (Raw Unsigned DWord (32bit) data)
.ue2- Encrypted file archive (UltraCompressor II)
.ufa- Compressed file archive (UFA)
.ufo- Ulead File for Objects (Ulead PhotoImpact)
.ug- Drawing file (AutoCAD and others)
.uhs- Universal Hint System (binary file)
.ui- Espire language source code file (Geoworks UI Compiler)
- User interface (Sprint)
.uif- Long prompts for windows (WordPerfect)
.uih- Espire header file (Geoworks UI Compiler)
.uil- Bitmap graphics (Motif UIL icon file)
.ul- Sound (Raw CCITT/ITU G.711 mu-law format data)
.ulaw- Sound (Raw CCITT/ITU G.711 mu-law format data)
.uld- Uploaded file information (Procomm Plus)
.ult- Music (UltraTracker)
.umb- Backup file (MemMaker)
.und- Undefined symbols (A86)
.uni- Datafile (Forecast Pro)
- Music (UniMOD - MikMOD)
.unq- Email message attachment (ACT! 3.0)
.unv- SDRC I-DEAS file
.unx- Text file containing UNIX specific info
.upd- Universal print driver (cross-platform print driver)
- Update info
.upf- Bitmap graphics (Universal Picture Format)
.upi- Program file (ULead Photo Impact)
.upo- Compiled update data (dBASE)
.upr- User dictionary (Claris)
.upx- Saved Image file (ULead Photo Express)
.urf- Universal radar format (Radar ViewPoint)
.uri- List of Uniform Resource Identifiers (WWW)
.uris- List of Uniform Resource Identifiers (WWW)
.url- Internet shortcut (Universal Resource Locator)
.urls- List of Internet shortcuts (Universal Resource Locator)
.urt- Bitmap graphics (Utah Run-Length Encoded image file)
.use- Log file
- Source Integrity file (MKS)
.usp- Printer font with US Ascii extended character set (PageMaker)
.usr- Audit trail file (Pro/Engineer)
- User database (Procomm Plus - Turbo C++ tour)
.ustar- Compressed file archive (POSIX tar)
.uu- Encoded file archive (ascii) (uudecode - uuencode)
.uud- Encoded file archive (ascii) (uuencode)
.uue- Encoded file archive (ascii) (uuencode)
.uw- Sound (Raw Unsigned PCM Word (16bit) data)
.uwf- Music file (UltraTracker WaveSample)
.uyvy- Interleaved YUV (graphics)

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.v- Bitmap graphics (subsampled raw YUV file)
- Consistency check support file (ReaGeniX code generator)
- Main input file for an image (Vivid 2.0)
.v8- Sound (Covox 8bit audio)
.val- Asset management document (Milliplex OmniValue)
- Validity checks and referential integrity (Paradox for Windows)
- Values list object file (dBASE Application Generator)
.van- Animation (VistaPro)
.vap- Sound (Annotated speech)
- Value Added Process (NetWare 2.xx)
.var- Data dictionary (COOL Business Team Enterprise Model)
- Variable file (IconAuthor)
.vba- VBase file
.vbox- Preview (Preview Systems ZipLock/Vbox)
.vbp- Visual Basic Project (Microsoft Visual Basic)
.vbr- Visual Basic Custom Control file (Visual Basic)
.vbs- Script file (Microsoft Visual Basic)
.vbw- Workspace file (Microsoft Visual Basic)
.vbx- Visual Basic eXtension (custom control)
.vbz- Visual Basic Setup Wizard Template (Setup Wizard)
.vc- Include file with color definitions (Vivid 2.0)
- Spreadsheet (VisiCalc)
.vca- Visual Clip Art
.vcf- Vevi Configuration File (WorldToolKit objects)
- vCard (electronic business card)
.vcr- VCR driver (Arvid)
.vcs- Calendar data (Netscape Calendar)
.vct- Class library (Microsoft FoxPro)
.vcw- Visual workbench information (Microsoft Visual C++)
.vcx- Class library (Microsoft FoxPro)
- Spreadsheet (VisiCalc Advanced)
.vda- Bitmap graphics (Truevision Targa format)
- Graphics (VDA-FS surface data)
.vdi- Bitmap graphics (Digital Research GEM VDI file)
.vdo- VDOLive Script
- Video image (Story Board)
.vdr- Drawing (ComputerEasy Draw)
.veh- Vector data (SPANS VEH/VEC format)
.vel- 3D drawing file (Ashlar)
.vet- System file (VET antivirus)
.vew- GroupWise for Windows
- View file (Clipper 5 - Lotus Approach)
.vfa- Database file (FontLab)
.vff- Bitmap graphics (DESR VFF Greyscale Image)
- Bitmap graphics (Sun TAAC Image File Format)
.vfl- Clip art file (PrintMaster Gold)
.vfm- Ventura Font Metrics file (Ventura Publisher)
- Voting Form (Voter)
.vfn- Voting Form for Customers (Voter)
.vga- Bitmap graphics (OS/2 bitmap)
- Vga display font
.vgd- Vga display driver (Generic CADD)
.vgr- Graphics (Ventura Publisher)
.vi- Bitmap graphics (Jovian Logic VI video capture board)
- Script (Watcom Vi editor)
- Virtual Instrument file (National Instruments LABView)
.vic- Graphics (VICAR - Video Image Communication and Retrieval)
.vicar- Graphics (VICAR - Video Image Communication and Retrieval)
.vid- Bitmap graphics (YUV12C M-Motion Frame Buffer file)
- Screen device driver (MSDOS - Word)
- Visual Image Directory (graphics)
.vif- Bitmap graphics (1bit CCITT Group 4) (Verity Image Format) (Topic text retrieval software)
- Bitmap graphics (Khoros Visualization Image File Format)
.viff- Bitmap graphics (Khoros Visualization Image File Format)
.vik- Graphics (Viking)
.vir- File identified as a virus-infected file (Norton AntiVirus)
- Virus or infected file
.vis- Graphics (Vista)
.vit- Bitmap graphics (8bit grayscale or 24bit color VITec file)
.viv- Streaming video file (VivoActive)
.vivo- Streaming video file (VivoActive)
.viz- dVS/dVISE file (Division)
.vlb- Corel Ventura Library
.vlm- Drafting program file (Vellum)
- Virtual Loadable Module (Netware)
.vm- Virtual Memory file (or localization file) (Geoworks)
.vmc- Virtual memory configuration (DOS/4GW PM 32X DOS Extender)
.vmd- On-line video file (Sierra)
- Visual Molecular Dynamics
.vmf- Audio file (FaxWorks)
- Font characteristics (Ventura Publisher)
.vml- Vector markup language (Microsoft Office 2000)
.vms- Text file containing VMS specific info
.vna- Video Capture Album
.vo- Include file with object definition (Vivid 2.0)
.vob- Encrypted video and audio files (DVD Digital Video Disk)
.voc- Sound (Creative Lab's Sound File) (PlayVoc)
.vof- Object folder (VZ Programmer)
.vort- Bitmap graphics (Very Ordinary RayTracer)
.vox- Formatted voice file (Natural Microsystems) (NMS)
- Sound (Dialogic adpcm file)
.vp- Publication (Ventura Publisher)
- Video posting (3D Studio)
.vpf- Vector Product Format
.vpg- Graphics (VPGraphics)
.vph- Virtual Pascal Help (VP/OS2)
.vpi- Virtual Pascal Unit (VP/OS2)
.vpr- Resource (Visual Prolog)
.vqa- Video files (Westwood Studios)
.vqe- Plugin locater file (SoundVQ)
.vqf- Music (Transform-domain Weighted Interleave Vector Quantization)
.vql- Plugin locater file (SoundVQ)
.vrf- Configuration file (Oracle 7)
.vrm- Overlay file (QuattroPro)
- Virtual Reality Modeling Language (WWW)
- Visual Rexx language source code file (Watcom VRexx)
.vrml- Virtual Reality Modeling Language (WWW)
.vrp- Project (WATCOM VXRexx)
.vrs- Video Resource (device driver) (WordPerfect)
.vrt- Virtual world (WWW)
.vs- Include file with surface definition (Vivid 2.0)
.vsd- Drawing (Visio)
.vsl- Download list (GetRight)
.vsm- Simulation model (VisSim)
.vsn- Files versions file (Windows ViruSafe)
.vsp- Data print file (Schedule Soft)
- Sprite (SPX)
.vss- Stencil file (Visio)
.vst- Bitmap graphics (Truevision Vista)
- Template (Visio)
.vsu- Custom user interface file (Visio)
.vsw- Workspace (Visio)
.vue- Animation (3D Studio)
- View (dBASE IV - FoxPro)
.vw- Text file (Volkswriter)
.vwp- Audio plug-in (Voxware MetaVoice Toolkit)
.vwr- File viewer file (PC Tools)
.vxd- Virtual device driver (Microsoft Windows)
.vzn- Image file (WinVzn)

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.w- Word chart file (APPLAUSE)
.w30- Printer font (AST TurboLaser) (Ventura Publisher)
.w31- Startup file (Windows 3.1)
.w44- Temporary file for Sort or Index (dBASE)
.w51- Document (WordPerfect 5.1)
.w60- Document (WordPerfect 6.0)
.w61- Document (WordPerfect 6.1)
.w95- Microsoft Windows95 related file
.wab- Windows Address Book (Microsoft Outlook)
.wad- War Allocation Daemon (Doom - Doom2)
.wal- Texture file (Quake 2)
.wap- Wap application project (Ericsson WapIDE)
.was- Script file (source code) (ProComm)
.wav- Sound (RIFF WAVE waveform audio format) (Media Player)
.wax- Compiled script (ProComm)
.wb1- Notebook (Quattro Pro)
.wb2- Spreadsheet (Quattro Pro)
.wb3- Spreadsheet (Quattro Pro)
.wbc- WebShot Photo Collection file
.wbf- Windows Batch File (Catch)
.wbk- Automatic backup file (Microsoft Word)
- Document/workbook (WordPerfect)
.wbl- Upload file (Argo WebLoad II)
.wbmp- Wireless bitmap image file (WAP)
.wbr- WordBar File (Crick Software)
.wbt- Batch file (WinBatch)
- Wordbar template (Crick Software)
.wbz- Bitmap graphics (Webshots wallpaper or screensaver)
.wcd- Macro token list (WordPerfect)
.wch- Macro facility file (WordPerfect)
.wcm- Data transmission file (Microsoft Works)
- Macro (WordPerfect)
.wcp- Product information description (WordPerfect)
.wd- Database (Info Select)
.wd2- Database (Info Select)
- Document (WordExpress)
.wdb- Database (Microsoft Works)
.wdf- Database file (WebArt)
.wdg- Remote daemon file (Warftpd)
.web- Web document (Corel Xara)
.weboogl- Web Object Oriented Graphics Library
.wfb- Bank file (Maui/Rio/Monterey) (Turtle Beack WaveFront)
.wfd- Audio waveform (WaveForm Manager Pro)
- Drum set (Maui/Rio/Monterey)(Turtle Beach WaveFront)
.wfl- Flowchart file (Winflow)
.wfm- Form object (dBASE Form Designer)
.wfn- Windows 3.0 font file (CorelDraw)
.wfp- Program file (Turtle Beach WaveFront)(Maui/Rio/Monterey)
.wft- Data file (Nicolet)
.wfx- Data file (Winfax)
.wg1- Worksheet (Lotus 1-2-3/G)
.wg2- Worksheet (Lotus 1-2-3 for OS/2)
.wgp- Game data (Wild Board Games)
.whip- Bitmap graphics (WHIP file)
.wi- Wavelet compressed bitmap (Corel)
.wic- Garbage, fake compressed data. Your files are in WINFILE.DLL
.wid- Width table (Ventura Publisher)
.wif- Wavelet image file (Corel)
.wil- Data (WinImage)
.wim- Wireless identity module (WAP)
.win- Window file (FoxPro - dBASE)
- Window preference file (Pro/Engineer)
.wins- Makefile for WINS platform (EPOC)
.wis- Install help file (InstallShield)
.wiz- Wizard (Microsoft Publisher - Microsoft Word)
.wk1- Spreadsheet (Lotus 1-2-3 version 2.x - Symphony 1.1+)
.wk3- Spreadsheet (Lotus 1-2-3 version 3.x)
.wk4- Spreadsheet (Lotus 1-2-3 version 3.4)
.wkb- Document (WordPerfect)
.wke- Spreadsheet (Lotus 1-2-3 educational version)
.wki- Spreadsheet format (Lotus 1-2-3 2.x)
.wkq- Spreadsheet (QuattroPro)
.wks- Document (Microsoft Works)
- Spreadsheet (Lotus 1-2-3 version 1A - Symphony 1.0 - Microsoft Works)
- Workspace (Xlisp)
.wkz- Spreadsheet (Wingz)
.wld- world file for CAD datasets (ArcView)
.wlf- Upload file (Argo WebLoad I)
.wlk- Graphics (Virtus Walkthrough)
.wll- Add-in (Microsoft Word)
.wlx- Plug-in (FileMaker Pro)
.wm3- Document (Working Model 3D)
.wma- Sound (Windows Media Audio file)
.wmc- Backup of startup files (MathCad)
- Macro file (WordPerfect)
- Text file (WordMARC)
.wmf- Vector graphics (Windows MetaFile format)
.wml- Wireless Markup Language document (WAP)
.wmlc- Wireless Markup Language bytecode document (WAP)
.wmls- Wireless Markup Language script (WAP)
.wmlsc- Wireless Markup Language bytecode script (WAP)
.wmp- Graphics (Windows Magic Icon Palette)
.wmv- Windows Media Video file
.wmz- Graphics (seems to contain both vector and bitmap images) (Microsoft Word 2000)
- Zipped skin file (Windows Media Player)
.wn- Text document (NeXT WriteNow)
.wnf- Outline font description (CorelDraw native format)
.woa- Swap file (Windows 3.x)
.wob- Object file (RIO Designer Pro)
.woc- Organization chart (Windows OrgChart)
.wow- Music (8 channels) (Grave Mod Player)
.wp- Text document (WordPerfect 4.2)
.wp4- text document (WordPerfect 4.x)
.wp5- Text document (WordPerfect 5.x)
.wp6- Text document (WordPerfect 6.x)
.wpd- Text document (WordPerfect 6.0 - PFS:WindowWorks)
- Windows printer driver
.wpf- Fax (WorldPort)
- Form (WordPerfect)
.wpg- Bitmap graphics (WordPerfect Graphics Format)
- Vector graphics (WordPerfect Graphics Format)
.wpj- Project (Watcom C/C++)
.wpk- Macros (WordPerfect)
.wpm- Macros (WordPerfect)
- Text document (WordPerfect for Mac)
.wps- Text document (Microsoft Works)
.wpt- Template (WordPerfect)
.wpw- Document (Novel PerfectWorks)
.wpzWinAmp extension installation file (SkinZip)
.wq!- Compressed spreadsheet (Quattro Pro)
.wq1- Spreadsheet (Quattro Pro DOS)
.wq2- Spreadsheet (Quattro Pro 5 DOS)
.wr1- Spreadsheet (Symphony 1.1 - 1.2 - 2)
.wrd- Template (Charisma)
- Text document (Psion Series 3)
.wri- Text document (Windows Write)
.wrk- Spreadsheet (Symphony 1.0)
.wrl- 3D virtual reality object (VRML worlds) (Cosmo Player)
.wrp- Compressed Amiga file archive (Warp)
.wrs- Windows Resource eg. printer driver (WordPerfect)
.wrz- VRML worlds (Cosmo Player)
.ws- APL Worksheet
- Text document (WordStar 5.0-6.0)
.ws1- Text document (WordStar for Windows 1)
.ws2- Text document (WordStar 2000 - WordStar for Windows 2)
.ws3- Text document (WordStar for Windows 3)
.ws4- Text document (WordStar for Windows 4)
.ws5- Text document (WordStar for Windows 5)
.ws6- Text document (WordStar for Windows 6)
.ws7- Text document (WordStar for Windows 7)
.wsc- Scene file (RIO Designer Pro)
- Scriptlet file (Windows Script Component)
.wsd- Document (WordStar)
.wsf- Windows Script File
.wsp- Workspace (Fortran PowerStation)
.wsq- Wavelet-packet Scalar Quantization Format
.wsrc- x-wais source
.wst- Text document (WordStar)
.wsz- Skin Zip (WinAmp)
.wtk- URL address of person to talk to (WinTalk)
.wtx- Text document
.wve- Sound (8kHz) (Psion Series 3 palmtop)
.wvl- Bitmap graphics (Wavelet Compressed Bitmap)
- Sound (Wave Library file)
.wwb- Button bar for document window (WordPerfect)
.wwk- Keyboard layout (WordPerfect)
.wxp- Document (EXP for Windows)

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.x- Archive (X1)
- Bitmap graphics (24bit AVS X image file)
- Lex language source code file
- Self-extracting archive (Alysis SuperDisk)
- X-file animation (Direct3D) (DeepV2)
.x01- Secondary index (Paradox)
.x02- Secondary index (Paradox)
.x03- Secondary index (Paradox)
.x04- Secondary index (Paradox)
.x05- Secondary index (Paradox)
.x06- Secondary index (Paradox)
.x07- Secondary index (Paradox)
.x08- Secondary index (Paradox)
.x09- Secondary index (Paradox)
.x10- Bitmap graphics (X Window dump)
- Dos help file (Xtree)
.x11- Bitmap graphics (X Window dump)
.x16- Macromedia Extra (16bit program extension)
.x20- Dos help file (Xtree)
.x30- Dos help file (Xtree)
.x32- Macromedia Extra (32bit program extension)
.x3d- x3d and xdart Formats
.x40- Dos help file (Xtree)
.x50- Dos help file (Xtree)
.x60- Dos help file (Xtree)
.x70- Dos help file (Xtree)
.x80- Dos help file (Xtree)
.x90- Dos help file (Xtree)
.xa0- Dos help file (Xtree)
.xar- Drawing (Corel Xara)
.xb0- Dos help file (Xtree)
.xbm- X Windows system bitmap (black and white)
.xbw- Crossword
.xc- Bitmap graphics (Constant image of X server color screen)
.xc0- Dos help file (Xtree)
.xck- Extended crack file (usually text)
.xcl- Script file (Xtree for Win)
.xd0- Dos help file (Xtree)
.xdf- Extended disk format image (OS/2 xdfcopy.exe)
.xdl- XML Schema file
.xdr- XML data reduced file
.xe0- Dos help file (Xtree)
.xfn- Printer font (Xerox 4045) (Ventura Publisher)
.xfr- Bitmap editor font file (Ventura Publisher)
.xft- 24 pin printer font (ChiWriter)
.xfx- Fax Document (Various)
.xgl- Graphics language file (MegaBitz)
.xgz- Vector drawing (MegaBitz)
.xhtml- eXtensible HyperText Markup Language
.xi- Instrument file (Fastracker, ScreamTracker)
.xif- Bitmap graphics (Pagis eXtended Image File Format)
.xim- Bitmap graphics (X11 Xim Toolkit file)
.xl- Spreadsheet (Excel)
.xla- Add-in macro sheet (Microsoft Excel)
- Xlib Archive (Xlib graphics library)
.xlb- Toolbar (Microsoft Excel)
.xlc- Chart (Microsoft Excel)
.xld- Dialog sheet (Microsoft Excel)
.xlk- Backup (Microsoft Excel)
.xll- Dynamic link library (XLL) (Microsoft Excel)
.xlm- Macrosheet (Microsoft Excel)
.xls- Spreadsheet (Microsoft Excel)
.xlt- Template (Microsoft Excel)
- Translation table (Lotus 1-2-3 - Symphony - Procomm Plus)
.xlv- VBA (Visual Basic for Applications) module (Microsoft Excel)
.xlw- Workspace (Microsoft Excel)
.xm- Music (eXtended Module) (FastTracker - Cubic Player)
.xmi- Music (Compressed eXtended Midi sequence)
.xml- XML document (Extensible Markup Language)
.xmz- XGL movie (MegaView)
.xnf- Standard Network File form
.xnk- Shortcut (Microsoft Exchange)
.xof- Graphics (RenderMorphics)
.xon- Datafile (Axon)
.xos- Bitmap graphics (Xaos Tools image file)
.xpix- Nonogram puzzle
.xpm- X11 Windows system XPixMap file (8-bit color graphics)
.xqt- Executable file (Waffle)
- Macro sheet (SuperCalc)
.xr1- Game data (Epic MegaGames Xargon)
.xref- Cross reference (AIX as)
.xrf- Cross-reference file
.xsc- XML schema
.xsd- XML schema description file
.xt- Music track (FastTracker)
.xtb- External translation table (LocoScript)
.xtp- Overlay (XTreeGold)
.xv- Bitmap graphics (Khoros Visualization Image File Format)
.xwd- X Window system window dump file (color bitmap graphics)
.xwf- Works file (Yamaha XG) (MIDI sequencing)
.xwk- Keyboard mapping (Crosstalk)
.xwp- Session (Crosstalk)
- Text document (Xerox Writer)
.xx- Encoded file archive (ascii) (xxdecode - xxencode)
.xxe- Encoded file archive (ascii) (xxencode)
.xy- Text document (XY Write)
.xy3- Text document (XYWrite III)
.xy4- Text document (XYWrite IV)
.xyp- Text document (XYWrite III Plus)
.xyw- Text document (XYWrite for Windows 4.0)
.xyz- Co-ordinate Animation format

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.y- Bitmap graphics (subsampled raw YUV file)
- Compressed Amiga file archive (Yabba)
- Grammar file (Yacc)
.y01- Secondary index (Paradox)
.y02- Secondary index (Paradox)
.y03- Secondary index (Paradox)
.y04- Secondary index (Paradox)
.y05- Secondary index (Paradox)
.y06- Secondary index (Paradox)
.y07- Secondary index (Paradox)
.y08- Secondary index (Paradox)
.y09- Secondary index (Paradox)
.yal- Clipart library (Arts & Letters)
.ybk- Yearbook (Microsoft Encarta)
.ybm- Bitmap graphics (Face file)
.yc- Archive (YACC)
.yif- Graphics (color with lookup table)
.ym- Atari ST Audio
.yuv- Bitmap graphics (CCIR 601 1:1:1 file or Abekas YUV file)
.yuv3- Bitmap graphics (CCIR 601 2:1:1 files)
.yz- Compressed file archive (YAC)

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.z- Compressed file archive.z (binary) (Unix SysV pack)
.z3- Infocom game module for Z-machine version 3
.z5- Infocom game module for Z-machine version 5
.z8- Infocom game module for Z-machine version 8
.z80- Snapshot (ZX Spectrum emulator by g.a.lunter)
.zad- Digitized voice file (ZFax)
.zap- Compressed file (FileWrangler)
- Software installation settings file (Microsoft Windows)
.zdg- Compressed ZiffNet text document (Zview)
.zeiss- Bitmap graphics (Zeiss CSLM file)
.zer- Data file (Zerberus)
.zfd- Zeroadic functions (ABC programming language)
.zfs- Assembler source code file (C,C++)
.zgm- Graphics (Zenographics)
.zinc- Bitmap graphics (Zinc Interface Library icon file)
.zip- Compressed file archive (InfoZIP - PKZip - WinZip)
.zom- Compressed Amiga file archive (Zoom)
.zoo- Compressed file archive (Zoo)
.zpd- Zeroadic predicates (ABC programming language)
.zrp- Rapid simulation package (Rapid)
.zsh- Unix shell script (zsh)
.zts- Script (Z-Term)
.zvd- Zyxel Voicefile (Z-Fax)
.zw- Chinese text
.zze- Encoded file archive (ascii)

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.~$~- Temporary file (1st Reader)
.~ap- Old AppExpert project database (Borland C++)
.~de- Project backup (Borland C++)
.~mn- Menu backup (Norton Commander)
.~pr- Project backup file (Terramodel)

Filex::Extensio :  ü 
! # $ & ) 0 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 @ S Z _ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z ~ (top)

.ü$ü- Temporary file (1st Reader)

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